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Estrategias para el manejo de clase y la creación de ambientes de aprendizaje MCDISL UNIDAD III.

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Presentation on theme: "Estrategias para el manejo de clase y la creación de ambientes de aprendizaje MCDISL UNIDAD III."— Presentation transcript:

1 Estrategias para el manejo de clase y la creación de ambientes de aprendizaje

2 Feedback Acording to the previous session create an imaginary scenario in which you’ll use all the elements to have a classroom management and use of the language: Language and language functions Teacher’s role Didactic material’s role Classroom organization Classroom interaction and interactive procedures Write and narrate a short story of a class. Once you finish read it aloud.

3 UNIDAD III el aprendizaje por descubrimiento y por cooperación
3.1 Transformación del trabajo en el aula 3.2 Agrupación de los estudiantes 3.3 Técnicas para generar y evaluar la eficacia de la colaboración 3.4 Principios del aprendizaje por descubrimiento 3.5 Condiciones y estrategias para provocar el descubrimiento

4 Transforming the classroom work
What elements have become relevant to our student’s English class?, what do they want, expect, créate while working with us? Two paradigms: active learners vs. pasive learners. Can you identify the differences? Complete the sentence: Language learning is an activity wich requires that students _______ Why is necessary to transform the teaching practice if so? Are you on the need to transform your teaching practice?, why?

5 Classroom management tecniques
Auburn University suggest that in order to work with groups we should: Be proactive, express rules and expectations Practice by modeling the interaction to assure all students had understood what they’re going to do. Establish consequences Make a behavior contract Group self review, give one student the responsability for monitoring and following the team progress Use signals or symbols to guide the action Monitor and walk around the classroom

6 Teaching theories, models and methods- based on interaction
Active learning Co- op learning Collaboration learning PBS Problem based learning TBL Task based learning Sociocultural view Eclectic?

7 homework Research about the theories, methods and models based on interaction. Create a graphic organizer to show the results of your search

8 Sociocultural principles on language learning
Work on couples to underline the basic concepts of this theory.

9 Co- op learning Consecuences of interaction learn practice
Behaviors and models Values, attitudes, skills, and information To control allows impulse Cognitive and social development as well as social identity To lose egocentrism through To encourage Interdependent and cooperative relationships autonomy

10 A Little history of co op learning
Johnson and Johnson John Dewey Instructional project Francis Parker Children are natural colaborators and their biggest joy after discover the truth, is to share it with their classmates Other movements Lancaster school model Slavin started a systemic aplication of the principels Kurt Lewin and Morton Deutsch (1949) Cooperation and competition Thorndike (1938) 2 heads thinking

11 Co op by Johnson and jhonson
How to conform and evaluate groups to cooperative learning? What myths exist about cooperation? How to evaluate students? Johnson and Johnson say: 70%- 20% - 10% * positive interdependence Interaction one on one individual responsability Use of interpersonal skills 4 elements

12 How to work with co – op learning?
A) be specific about instructional goals, academic needs, and cooperation skills. B) Take decisions about: Size of the groups Role of students within the group Promote interdependency Explain the task /Project/work Structure the positive interdependency to aims C) Model to mediate

13 Co-op learning strategies
The jigsaw (Aronson and colab.) Student team learning (Slavin and colab.) STAD.- student teams achievement división TGT.- teams games tournament TAI.- team assisted individuation CIRC.- cooperative integrated reading and composition

14 Learning together (Johnson and Johnson, colab.)
Group research (Sharan, colab.) Co-op co-op (Kagan) Scripted cooperation (O’Donell and Dranserau) Group techniques (Brilhart Galanes and Adams) Brainstroming Groups of focusing NOTES !

15 Principles of the Discovery learning
Jerome Bruner

16 Let’s watch some videos please take notes and ask q’s
Scaffolding language development At the studio with Jerome Bruner Duolingo Doulingo intro

17 Independent work –team work
Analyze duolingo and found references of Vygotsky and Bruner

18 What other technologies are social? Can you use them on class?
Speak your mind !

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