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What determines the cost of food ? Food in Europe Comenius group no. 3 – Grzegorz Rybak, Paulina Swietochowska, Danijela Grubisic, Martina Abbondio, Eda.

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Presentation on theme: "What determines the cost of food ? Food in Europe Comenius group no. 3 – Grzegorz Rybak, Paulina Swietochowska, Danijela Grubisic, Martina Abbondio, Eda."— Presentation transcript:

1 What determines the cost of food ? Food in Europe Comenius group no. 3 – Grzegorz Rybak, Paulina Swietochowska, Danijela Grubisic, Martina Abbondio, Eda Sancer, Davide Checcucci, Filip Jurek

2 What does “cost” mean ?  Cost is an amount of money that we have to pay to get something.  Cost means value of some products or service.

3 How is the cost of Production Determined ? Mostly, the production cost is connected with technology of machines. If machine is not effective price grows.

4 What determines the cost of food?  Producer  Seller  Government  Technology, development

5 Producer  The cost of transportation,  The cost of production,  Feeding of animals in the farms,  The quality of food


7 Seller  The cost of transportation,  Rarity of product around the world,  The quality of food,  The popularity of the product in each country

8 What Determines the Price of a Food Items at the Grocery Store ?  The amount of money it takes to manufacture the package.  How much demand there is for that product?  How much supply the distributor can provide?  The employers wages.

9 Government  Taxes  Inflation  Import/export

10 Technology,development  Technological development  The increase in the cost of goods needed to produce especially energy and fertilizer  Agro fuels


12 Links _of_a_food_item_at_the_grocery_store zz3EI8oMGsH determines-food-prices/article_1348dbe8-cd2f-11e1- b02b-0019bb2963f4.html factors-determine-food-prices-grocery-stores

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