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The International Federation for Information Processing Agora Initiative on Lifelong Learning Seoul seminar Addis Ababa seminar

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1 the International Federation for Information Processing Agora Initiative on Lifelong Learning Seoul seminar Addis Ababa seminar

2 is a non-governmental, not-for-profit umbrella organisation of national learned societies working in the field of Information Technology (IT) was established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO as a result of the first World Computer Congress held in Paris in 1959 ifip

3 Technical Committees organising Working Groups ifip TC1Foundations of Computer Science TC2Software: Theory and Practice TC3Education TC5Computer Applications in Technology TC6Communication Systems TC7System Modelling and Optimization TC8Information Systems TC9Relationship between Computers and Society TC10Computer Systems Technology TC11Security and Protection in Information Processing Systems TC12Artificial Intelligence TC13Human-Computer Interaction TC14Entertainment Computing

4 ifip Network of professionals

5 ifip Agora initiative Part of a process of revitalisation of the ifip strategy Dynamic methodology for initiating cooperation projects on Lifelong Learning Stakeholders: UNESCO, UNITAR, Digital Solidarity Fund, IFIP Technical committees, ………..

6 Why lifelong learning? Informatics society  information or knowledge society Transversal themes emerging not just technology based Examples:

7 Transversal themes C1 Promotion of ICT’s for development C2 ICT infrastructure C3 Access to information and knowledge (UNESCO) C4 Capacity building C5 Building confidence and security in the use of ICT C6 Enabling environment wsis

8 Transversal themes C7 Benefits in all aspects of life E-government E-business E-learning (UNESCO) E-employment E-environment E-agriculture E-science (UNESCO) wsis

9 Transversal themes C8 Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content (UNESCO) C9 Media (UNESCO) C10 Ethical dimensions of the information society (UNESCO) C11 Regional cooperation wsis

10 Transversal themes Connectivity and technology infrastructure (20%) Business environment (15%) Social and cultural environment (15%) Legal environment (10%) Government policy and vision (15%) Consumer and business adoption (25%) E-readiness

11 Transversal theme ICT development Changes in all aspects of life Changes in all aspects of work Learning 1980 2025 Life long Professionals

12 Research, development and application of ICT Professionalism and standards Academia-industry cooperation Education and training Developing countries Social consequences ifip ICT-professional as lifelong learner How to educate lifelong learners? Lifelong learning in the knowledge society How to benefit from lifelong learning trends? Practical research into lifelong learning at the workplace Lifelong learning topics

13 ifip How to become a Lifelong Learning Organisation Seoul 2.0

14 ifip

15 Seoul 2.0 Model for Learning Organisations Four step approach: 1.Pilot projects at work level 2.Checking of maturity at work level 3.Pilot projects at organisational level 4.Checking of maturity at organisational level

16 ifip How to create a Lifelong Learning Environment Addis Ababa 2.0

17 ifip Addis Ababa 2.0 Model for Lifelong Learning Environments How to realise: 1.Pilot projects at work level as Lifelong Learning Environments 2.Checking of maturity at work level 3.Pilot projects at organisational level 4.Checking of maturity at organisational level

18 Agora Initiative is a forum for: Sharing knowledge Networking of international stakeholders Developing synergy Outlining cooperative projects Defining a work process for continued planning and cooperation ifip

19 First Agora Initiative Conference Poitiers, France, 2006 ifip Agora initiative agenda Planning meeting, Paris, France, April 18 – 20, 2007 2nd AGORA conference, Seoul, Korea, June 4–6, 2007 IFIP Seminar, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, August 19–21, 2007 3d AGORA conference, Poitiers, France Oct. 22–27, 2007 IFIP World Computer Congress, Milano, Italy, 2008 World Conference Computers in Education, Brazil, 2009 IFIP 50th Anniversary 2010

20 Seminar Day 1August 19, 2007 9.30 Opening presentation 10.30 Coffee break 11.00Presentations of participant cases 12.30 Lunch break 14.00Presentation of Selected Models 15.30Tea break 16.00 Defining personal/group goals Group work 17.30 End of work Day 1 ifip Seminar programme in overview

21 Seminar Day 2August 20, 2007 9.00 Identified personal/group goals Group presentations 10.30Coffee break 11.00Presentation Developmental approach Maturity levels 12.30Lunch break 14.00Development of group/personal Action Plans Small groups 15.30 Tea break 16.00Presentation African Regional Action Plan 16.30Fitting of Action Plans into ARAPKE framework Small groups 17.30 End of work Day 2 ifip Seminar programme in overview

22 Seminar Day 3August 21, 2007 9.00Presentation of Action Plans Group presentations 10.30 Coffee break 11.00Organising knowledge sharing Plenary discussion 12.30 Lunch break 14.00Finalisation of group/personal presentations Group work 15.30 Tea break 16.00 Presentations of seminar results Group/personal presentations IFIP/WITFOR experts give feedback 17.30 End of seminar ifip Seminar programme in overview

23 Results Action plans within ARAPKE framework, adapted to local context Defined personal/group goals Organised knowledge sharing Networking with IFIP/WITFOR experts Enhanced Addis Ababa 2.0 Model ifip Seminar results

24 How to create a lifelong learning environment From lifelong learning challenge to action plan Step A. Identify your Lifelong Learning challenge Step B. Research your Lifelong Learning challenge Analysis report Step C. Research the working method that you will use Step D. Research competencies and knowledge already available Step E. Make a concrete design of the learning environment Step F. Design a plan for realisation of your prototype Action Plan ifip Seminar working method

25 Working level: working method of modern professionals Personal level: Lifelong Learning/knowledge work competencies Project level: the Lifelong Learning Environment Organisation level: key success factors Society level: enabling or hindering factors ifip Seminar analysis models

26 ifip Lifelong Learning

27 Expert group of educators and specialists of ICT in Education from six continents Working together in Stellenbosch, South Africa IFIP 8th World Conference on Computers in Education (“40 years of Computers in Education, What Works?”) IFIP Committee on Education (IFIP TC3) ifip IFIP Stellenbosch Declaration (2005)

28 Lifelong learning is essential component of the Knowledge Society Education must take this into account Every learner is a lifelong learner: need to adapt to the knowledge-based society active participation in all spheres of social, cultural and economic life taking more control of his/her future Content and the methods of initial education must take into account preparation for lifelong learning Schools and Educators have a new role and mission ICT is a key tool for developing lifelong learning ifip IFIP Stellenbosch Declaration (2005)

29 Recommendations on Lifelong Learning: Education systems must integrate the mission of lifelong learning into policy and practice Development of lifelong learning needs an integration of education into the real world - ICT can help here New and emerging key skills to be identified and promoted Impacts on curricula, learning content and methodologies, as well as on Education systems Accessible, affordable, inclusive, and secure ICT needed Lifelong learning to be encouraged in all countries, as a tool for reducing the Digital Divide ifip IFIP Stellenbosch Declaration (2005)

30 Teachers New specific competencies for dealing with: new knowledge new ways for accessing knowledge new types of co-operation and collaboration a society in which knowledge plays a crucial role Lifelong Learning. working in a collaborative way (locally, regionally, nationally and also globally ifip IFIP Stellenbosch Declaration (2005)

31 Recommendations on Teachers Key agents in preparation for the knowledge society Number of well-trained teachers should be increased Teachers must be enabled to work with human beings and to work in the context of the society Teachers must be able to integrate ICT Innovative teachers should be empowered Communities of practice for innovation dissemination Teachers involved in a lifelong learning context This context should include ICT knowledge/expertise International networks of teachers to be developed ifip IFIP Stellenbosch Declaration (2005)

32 How to create a lifelong learning environment From lifelong learning challenge to action plan Step A. Identify your Lifelong Learning challenge Step B. Research your Lifelong Learning challenge Analysis report Step C. Research the working method that you will use Step D. Research competencies and knowledge already available Step E. Make a concrete design of the learning environment Step F. Design a plan for realisation of your prototype Action Plan ifip Seminar working method

33 the International Federation for Information Processing

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