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Industrial Ontologies Group Industrial Ontologies Group brief introduction Vagan Terziyan “Device”

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1 Industrial Ontologies Group Industrial Ontologies Group brief introduction Vagan Terziyan “Device”

2 Researchers  Vagan Terziyan (Head)  Olena Kaykova  Oleksiy Khriyenko  Sergiy Nikitin  Michal Nagy Industrial Ontologies Group Contact Person: Timo Tiihonen  e-mails: +358 14 260 2741  phone: +358 14 260 2741 Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics University of Jyväskylä URL:  Michal Szydlowski  Artem Katasonov  Joonas Kesäniemi  Nikos Mouchtaris  Arnim Bleier

3 “Industrial Ontologies” Group: Our History ontologies1978-1984 – We took part in development of the first in USSR Industrial Natural Language Processing System “DESTA”, which included semantic analysis and ontologies; Enabled Semantic AnnotationDiscovery Integration Semantic Web Services1985-1989 - We took part in development of the first in USSR Industrial Automated Natural Language Programming System “ALISA”, which Enabled Semantic Annotation, Discovery and Integration of software components (prototype of today's Semantic Web Services concept);

4 “Industrial Ontologies” Group: Our History Semantic Web1990-1993 – under name of Metaintelligence Lab. we were piloting concept of a Metasemantic Network (triplet-based (meta-)knowledge representation model) – prototype of today’s RDF- based knowledge representation in Semantic Web; 1994-2000 – various projects with industrial partners, e.g. MetaAtom – “Semantic Diagnostics of Ukrainian Nuclear Power Stations based on Metaknowledge”; MetaHuman – industrial medical diagnostics expert system based on Metaknowledge”; Jeweler – metamodelling and control of industrial processes, etc.; got several research grants from Finnish Academy;

5 “Industrial Ontologies” Group: Our History 2000-2001 – we have created branches in Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (heart of Semantic Web activities in Europe) where now working 5 our former team members, in Jyvaskyla University (several tens of researchers) and established research groups in Kharkov (Ukraine) on Data Mining, Educational Ontologies, Telemedicine, etc. Semantic Web2001-2003 – we took part in MultiMeetMobile Tekes Project, in InBCT Tekes Project in Tempus EU Compact Project in (or in cooperation with) University of Jyvaskyla where we further promote Semantic Web concepts.

6 “Industrial Ontologies” Group: Our History Semantic Web2004-2007 – we worked on SmartResource Tekes Project (in cooperation with TeliaSonera, Metso Automation, TietoEnator, ABB, Science Park, University of Jyvaskyla) which is fully based on our views and approaches for implementation of Semantic Web technology. We are also performing the IdeaMentoring- I and IdeaMentoring- II projects funded by NOKIA to provide solutions for implementing Semantic Web Technology to mobile applications and services.

7 “Industrial Ontologies” Group: Our History 2007-… – we are working on UBIWARE Tekes Project (in cooperation with ABB, Fingrid, Metso Automation, Metso Shared Services, Nokia, Hansa Ecuras Oy., Inno-W, University of Jyvaskyla) which further develops our concepts and platforms based on Semantic and Agent technologies integration. Working on ICT SHOK, FP7 and EU Tempus applications

8 Technology Profile of the Group Semantic Web, Semantic Technologies and Ontology Engineering Agents, Agent Technologies and Multiagent Systems Distributed Systems Artificial Intelligence Integration, Interoperability, Middleware Service-Oriented Architectures Web X.0 Knowledge Management Software Engineering Ubiquitous Computing Embedded Systems P2P Networking

9 Application Domain Profile of the Group Industrial Automation Power Industry Process Industry Education Management Electronic Commerce Future Internet Devices and Interoperability Flexible Services Collaborative Traffic Healthcare, eHealth, Wellness

10 Sample of IOG activities MIT Department TITU Agora Center Adaptive Services Grid Integrated Project supported by the European Commission  Anton Naumenko  Sergiy Nikitin Proactive Self-Maintained Resources in Semantic Web SmartResource: TEKES TEKES project: ”Industrial Applications of Semantic Web” ” Industrial Applications of Semantic Web” International IFIP Conference on PhD theses  Oleksiy Khriyenko  Anton Naumenko  Dmytro Zhovtobrukh  Natalya Kohvakko  Artem Katasonov Courses:  Semantic Web and Ontology Engineering  Design of Agent-Based Systems InBCT InBCT project: Semantic Search Facilitator ”Semantic Google”  " IdeaMentoring: Refining research ideas to the new business opportunities" Nokia Nokia projects:  " IdeaMentoring II "

11 GUN Concept GUN – Global Understanding eNvironment GUN = Global Environment + Global Understanding = Proactive Self-Managed Semantic Web of Everything

12 Global Understanding Environment (GUN) Human-to-Human Human-to-Machine Machine-to-Human Machine-to-Machine Agent-to-Agent GUN can be considered as a kind of Ubiquitous Eco-System for Ubiquitous Society, which will be such proactive, self- managed evolutionary Semantic Web of Things, People and Abstractions where all kinds of entities can understand, interact, serve, develop and learn from each other. Software-to-Human Software-to-Machine Software-to-Software Human-to-Software … Our invention

13 SmartResource project SmartResource: “Proactive Self-Maintained Resources in Semantic Web” Tekes project (2004-2006): One of the most essential results of the SmartResource project was creation of the “Smart Resource Technology” for designing complex software systems. The technology allows considering each traditional system component as a “smart resource”, i.e. proactive, agent-driven, self-managing. Such approach has shown certain advantages comparably to other software technologies, e.g. OOSE, SOA, Component-Based SE, Agent-Driven SE, Semantic SE, etc.

14 What is UBIWARE (in short)  UBIWARE is a new software technology and a tool to support:  design and installation of…,  autonomic operation of… and  Interoperability among…  … complex, heterogeneous, open, dynamic and self- configurable distributed industrial systems;…  … and to provide following services for system components:  adaptation;  automation;  centralized or P2P organization;  coordination, collaboration, interoperability and negotiation;  self-awareness, communication and observation;  data and process integration;  (semantic) discovery, sharing and reuse. URL:

15 UBIWARE Project Due to heterogeneity of provided services and supported components, UBIWARE is based on integration of several technologies:Semantic Web, Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Agent Technologies, Ubiquitous Computing, SOA (Service- Oriented Architecture), Web X.0, P2Pand related concepts.Due to heterogeneity of provided services and supported components, UBIWARE is based on integration of several technologies: Semantic Web, Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Agent Technologies, Ubiquitous Computing, SOA (Service- Oriented Architecture), Web X.0, P2P and related concepts. The research and design on UBIWARE is started by within UBIWARE project: “Smart Semantic Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing” (June 2007 – May 2010) funded by Tekes and industrial companies.The research and design on UBIWARE is started by Industrial Ontologies Group within UBIWARE project: “Smart Semantic Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing” (June 2007 – May 2010) funded by Tekes and industrial companies. Industrial Ontologies Group Project web page:Project web page:

16 International Collaborators Massachusetts Institute of Technology, CS and AI laboratory, USA (semantic language for MAS, policy-based reasoning); Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Data Center, USA (semantics in RFID-based systems); University of California, Berkeley, USA (declarative networking, user modeling); University of Southern California, USA (multi-agent systems, distributed constraints optimization, robots coordination in P2P environments); Lulea Technical University, Sweden (smart services, embedded systems, telecommunications); VU Amsterdam, Netherlands (agents and Semantic Web); University of Athens, Greece (Service-Oriented Architectures); DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway (sensor networks middleware, Internet of things); University of Coimbra, Portugal (Semantic Web processes and services); Ostrava Technical University, Czech Republic (logic in MAS); ITIN, Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, France (educational system reforms); Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine (machine learning, semantic portals, quality assurance in education, university management).

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