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 Main Line Munchie’s seeks to provide a quick, easily accessible, and affordable food service to the Main Line’s population of college-aged individuals.

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2  Main Line Munchie’s seeks to provide a quick, easily accessible, and affordable food service to the Main Line’s population of college-aged individuals.

3  Food Trucks are “Trending” › Rutgers, Drexel, Penn…why not Main Line? › 100 colleges have university-run food trucks  Lifestyle of College Students › Low-price, quick, affordable options › Late night crowd  Main Competitors › Campus Corner › Winger’s / Nova Grill › On-Campus Dining

4  Core Competencies › Location and Accessibility › Speed › Low Cost  Core Processes › Service Logistics and Delivery › Market Research and Analysis

5  College students and Main Line Residents ages 18-25  Mobile Solution along Lancaster Ave  4 Colleges/Universities › Bryn Mawr College › Haverford College › Rosemont College › Villanova University  Average Tuition: $53,000  Local Average Income: $144,500

6  Most similar to a service process › Customization › Consistent quality › Customer driven  High customer involvement › Hoagie contest  Flexible but routine processes  Flexible workforce

7  Focus on: › Convenience › Speed › Price  Customer satisfaction primary goal  Defined guidelines in place

8 Analyze Correct Analyze Correct Inputs Outputs

9  Honor Foods – Philadelphia, PA › 275 brand name suppliers of frozen/dairy products; McCain, Hormel, Perdue, etc. › Ranked #1 amongst customers in area  Penn Jersey Paper Company – Philadelphia, PA › Paper products and commercial grade equipment › Diverse product line › Proximity to location

10  Periodic Review System › Most efficient in terms of stock › Large quantity order discounts › Ex:

11  Customer demand › Seasonal (open for 32 weeks a year) › Highest demand: Thursday-Saturday › Lowest demand: Sunday-Tuesday › 1683 customers to break even  Range: 50 customers (Mon)- 450 customers (Fri- Sat)  Average product profit: $2.57 › 2,188 products a week, 312 products a day › Each customer will buy 1.3 products


13  We plan to manage any potential queues, or lines, that form by having some product ready to meet demand › Maintain fast service › Menu items can be customized to individual taste › We also plan to have efficient staff

14  One out of every four nights out, students choose to buy late night food  36.71% are only willing to walk 0-5 minutes to get food  88.61% are only willing to walk 0-10 minutes to get food  49.37% of customers do not want to wait longer than 10 minutes for their food

15  We bring fast, cheap food to you ! Menu ItemPriceCostProfit Level 1 Hoagie (1/2 lb)$5.50$2.34$3.16 Level 2 Hoagie (3/4 lb) $6.50$3.51$2.99 Level 3 Hoagie (1 lb) $7.50$4.68$2.82 Sides$3.50$1.17$2.33 Egg and Cheese$3.50$1.24$2.26 Bacon, Egg and Cheese$4.50$1.89$2.61 Drinks/Sodas$2.00$0.21$1.79

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