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Theories of Meaning Referential Theory of Meaning Verification Theory.

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Presentation on theme: "Theories of Meaning Referential Theory of Meaning Verification Theory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theories of Meaning Referential Theory of Meaning Verification Theory.
Use Theory of Meaning Speech-act Theory of Meaning Hermeneutic Theory of Meaning Post-Modern Approach

2 Theories of Meaning (Contd.)
Freudian Theory of Meaning Emotive Theory of Meaning Prescriptive Theory of Meaning. Spota Theory of Meaning Literal vrs Metaphoric Meaning Meta-message

3 Referential Theory We mean what we say. Word designates objects.
Facts are relation between objects. Sentences capture the relations of objects A true statement corresponds to facts.

4 Verification Theory Logical Positivists Account: Verification Theory of Meaning. There are two types of sentences: Formal and Empirical. Formal sentences have meaning because of the definitions of the terms. The meaning of Empirical sentences lie in their verification.

5 Verification Theory (con…)
Verification-in principle, in practice. Meaning lies in its truth-condition. Falsifiability Criterion of Meaning.

6 Use Theory Meaning of a word lies in its Use
Conventions and traditions play an important role (e.g. pankaja, akalmand) Not every word stands for objects. World of fiction, ethics, dance, music, aesthetics etc. do not have referents.

7 Speech-Act Theory Speaking is a performance
In speaking we do certain things, e.g., promise, request, question, assertion etc. Locutions, Illocutions and Perlocutions

8 Hermeneutic Theory Meaning lies in Interpretation.
Speech is a part of Discourse. What comes first and what comes later would matter. Customs/traditions help us in Interpretation. There can be radical Interpretation

9 Post-Modern Approach The Author Is Dead Everything is a “Text”.
Interpretation/Re-interpretation is inevitable. You never read the same text twice the same way.

10 Freudian Theory Human Mind is Complex.
You may not know your own intention. Sub-conscious intention can interfere. Strong Unfulfilled desires are repressed. Deconstruction.

11 Emotive Theory Emotion attached to the sentence is the meaning.
“Children are lovely” means that you have favorable emotion towards children. You have favorable attitude towards them. “Truth is beauty” expresses certain attitude towards reality.

12 Emotive Theory (Contd..)
Emotions could be negative or positive. A gift is meaningful if you love it. You would like to avoid an occasion where you feel uncomfortable. You are sentimentally attached to the belongings of your parents.

13 Prescriptive Theory When we claim that health is good, we recommend that good health be achieved. When we say that smoking bad, we mean that we condemn smoking.

14 Spota Theory Words and sentences have their power.
Meaning is this power. Word meaning/Sentence meaning. Meaning is a whole. E.g. Touch me not is a medicinal plant grown in my garden.

15 Literal vrs Metaphoric Meaning
A Metaphor cuts across the categories Some ideas can be expressed only through metaphors Turia state in Upanisad is compared to deep sleep state. Sub-atomic structure to solar system. Human nature to traits of animals and birds. Meta-Message.

16 Open-Ended Meta-Message
Communication is necessarily incomplete. What is unsaid is left open. There is silence before the speech and the speech is terminated in silence. Past overshadows the present and expectation interferes with the perception of the present. People know how to read between the lines. Un-intended signals.

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