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CHAPTER 2 Materials Insulator Conductor Semiconductor Semiconductor: Group 4 eg. Silicon and Germanium Intrinsic Extrinsic N-type P-type Group 5Group 3PN.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 2 Materials Insulator Conductor Semiconductor Semiconductor: Group 4 eg. Silicon and Germanium Intrinsic Extrinsic N-type P-type Group 5Group 3PN."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 2 Materials Insulator Conductor Semiconductor Semiconductor: Group 4 eg. Silicon and Germanium Intrinsic Extrinsic N-type P-type Group 5Group 3PN junction Thermal equilibrium, depletion region At 300K V T = 0.026 V Reverse BiasedForward Biased Model 1 V  = 0 Model 2 V  Model 3 V  and r f AC Analysis Must perform DC Analysis first to get DC diode current, I D Calculate r d = V T / I D Other types of diode photodiode Solar cells LED Zener Diode Bandgap Energy

2 CHAPTER 3 Zener Diode Voltage Regulator The load resistor sees a constant voltage regardless of the current I Zmax Rectifier Half Wave Full Wave Center- tapped Bridge V o = V s - V  V o = V s - 2V  V o = V s - V  PIV = V speak - V  PIV = 2V speak - V  PIV = V speak Duty Cycle Clipper Clipper in Series Standard Clipper Similar to half wave – knowing which cycle the diode will turn on Clamper The two steps: Find clip value and set the conditions The two steps: Find the value that the capacitor is charged to and KVL to find equation of V o Multiple Diode Circuit

3 CHAPTER 4 Bipolar Junction Transistor npnCutoffpnpMode of operationActive Saturation What happened to each junctions? Formulas DC Analysis KVL at BE Loop Derive input load line, I B versus V BE KVL at CE Loop Derive output load line, I C versus V CE

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