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Group 4 ‘Shiny happy evaluators’ ALES AN JAN OLGA URSKA ZBYNEK ☺ ☺ ☺ ☻ ☺ ☺

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1 Group 4 ‘Shiny happy evaluators’ ALES AN JAN OLGA URSKA ZBYNEK ☺ ☺ ☺ ☻ ☺ ☺

2 Case 1: Social safety net program Benefits distribution –Officials –Neighborhood committee Timeframe> Between 1998-2008 (evaluation 2004) From 1 urban area to 40 by mid term – 80 urban areas at the end >>> national policy Independent from other allowances’ programs (e.g. other public services – education, health)

3 INPUTSACTIVITIESOUTPUTSOUTCOMESIMPACT Money Data Hardware sys. HR: staff + NC + trainers We have enough financial resources Data are relevant and reliable Sys. of distribution established Fair and transparent NC Training of staff + NC Development of data process tools Identification of eligible participants All staff working in the system receive training + understand the process Identified eligible participants Trained staff + NC Functional database Distribution of benefits All eligible participants receive benefits Poverty reduction in urban area Benefits are used wisely Group 4 – An, Aleš, Jan, Olga, Urška, Zbynek

4 We’re almost half way…

5 Descriptive question 1. How were the beneficiaries selected? –1.B. What were the criteria for selection ? Measure or indicators: Comparison with evaluation of similar project; Triangulation Data Sources: Rules and procedures on who qualifies, - internal manual Design:One shot, Case study Sample:One time Data collection Instrument: Semi structured interviews, desk study Data Analysis:Qualitative

6 Descriptive part of Evaluation Report Chapter 1: Role of the Stakeholders –Neighborhood committee Training of committee’s members Terms of Reference –Selection of beneficiaries Determination of threshold –Officials Training for officials Amount of officials needed

7 Descriptive statistics

8 Normative question 2. Was the program effective in distributing benefits to eligible beneficiaries? –2.B. Have errors in distribution occurred? (in other words: were eligible applicants excluded and some beneficiaries wrongly included?) Measure or indicators:Threshold criterion; (or error : wrong inclusion or exclusion) Data Sources:Sample of appraisal documents, semi-structured interview Design:Causal tracing strategies Sample:Random sample Data collection Instrument:Semi structured interviews, secondary data analysis Data Analysis:Quantitative and Qualitative, descriptive statistics

9 Applications in zone 1

10 Cause & Effect question 4. To what extent did the program influence the economic activities of the eligible group? 4. A What was the effect of benefits distribution on unemployment rate among the eligible group? Measure or indicators:Unemployment rate (in areas with and without intervention) Data Sources:Database of the regional authorities Design:Interrupted Time series with comparison group Sample:Census Data collection Instrument: Secondary data analysis, Expert judgment Data Analysis: Quantitative, descriptive, interpretation of association

11 Unemployment rate (%)

12 Correlation analysis of side effects BenefitsUnemployment Migration rateBirth rate Support1 Unemployment0,8661 Migration rate0,9450,9821 Birth rate0,7560,9820,9281

13 Were beneficiaries happier after the program? Suicide rate  boring database analysis Amount of smiles/parties  hidden camera THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION !

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