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Organizational Behavior Definition: the study of actions OF PEOPLE at work that affect performance in the workplace. Goal? To explain and predict behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizational Behavior Definition: the study of actions OF PEOPLE at work that affect performance in the workplace. Goal? To explain and predict behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizational Behavior Definition: the study of actions OF PEOPLE at work that affect performance in the workplace. Goal? To explain and predict behavior Behaviors/Outcomes of concern? Both cognitive and affective

2 I. Personality Combination of traits that classifies individuals. Stable? Affects behavior, perceptions, and attitudes. Dimensions include locus, optimism, risk, machiavellianism, Big 5, EI, MBTI, self- efficacy, self-esteem etc. Use to establish a good match between employee and job/organization.

3 I. a. Emotional Intelligence 1. Self-awareness: ability to recognize and understand your moods, emotions, and drives as well as their effect on others (self-confidence, realistic self-assessment, self-deprecating sense of humor) 2. Self-regulation: ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods; think before acting (trustworthiness, integrity, comfort with ambiguity, openness

4 I. a. Emotional Intelligence (cont’d.) 3. Motivation: passion to work for reasons beyond money or status (strong drive to achieve, optimism, commitment) 4. Empathy: ability to understand emotional makeup of others, treat people according to their emotional reaction (building and retaining talent, cross-cultural sensitivity, service to clients) 5. Social skill: managing relationships and networks, building rapport (effectiveness in leading change, persuasiveness, leading teams)

5 II. Perception Definition – Organizing and interpreting information to make sense or meaning of the environment. Perceptions are in part based on judgments. The perception process involves selecting, organizing, and interpreting environmental information.

6 II. a. Models of Attribution Your book – Attribution is the process of determining the reason for behavior. Kelley’s model is useful for explaining causes/reasons for other’s behavior or performance. Weiner’s model is useful for explaining causes/reasons for our own behavior or performance.

7 Kelley’s Attribution Model Distinctiveness – is performance highly distinctive relative to other tasks? Consensus – is performance highly similar (in consensus) to other people’s performance? Consistency – is performance highly consistent over time? The answers to these questions will lead to an internal or an external performance attribution.

8 Distinctiveness  high?  external attr. Distinctiveness  low?  internal attr. Consensus  high?  external attr. Consensus  low?  internal attr. Consistency  high?  internal attr. Consistency  low?  external attr.

9 Weiner’s Attribution Model Attributions can be considered on two dimensions: –Internal/external –Stable/unstable Four common attributions include ability, luck, task difficulty, and effort

10 Why are attributions important? The attributions you make have psychological and behavioral consequences Fundamental attribution error Self-serving bias Managers need to recognize that employees react to perceptions, not necessarily to reality. Need to manage perceptions (e.g. of fairness). Perceptions are in part based on attributions.

11 II. b. Biases in Perception Selectivity Frame of Reference Confirmatory bias Stereotypes Halo effect

12 II. c. Learning theory Social Learning Theory – people learn by observing others, e.g. modeling. –Attentional process –Retention process –Motor reproduction process –Reinforcement process

13 III. Attitudes Definition – Positive or negative evaluations of people, things, and situations. Mainly affective Why are they of interest? They predict behavior They are based on perceptions Management affects attitudes (e.g. Pygmalion). Attitudes of interest: Job satisfaction, organizational commitment

14 III. a. Cognitive Dissonance Definition – Inconsistency between attitudes and behavior. People are motivated to reduce cognitive dissonance. Can be corrected by altering behavior or attitude.

15 IV. Power 7 bases of Power: Coercive, Connection, Reward, Legitimate, Referent, Information, Expert. These are derived from the position as well as the person.

16 V. Politics NetworkingReciprocityCoalitions Learning the organizational culture

17 VI. Conflict Psychological contract – implicit expectations Functional and dysfunctional conflict Conflict management styles –Avoiding –Accommodating –Forcing –Negotiating –Collaborating Conflict Resolution and BCF statements

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