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Physics Electro- Magnetism Optics Machines Vibrations and Waves One Dimensional Motion Two Dimensional Motion Quantum Mechanics Physics Graphic Organizer.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics Electro- Magnetism Optics Machines Vibrations and Waves One Dimensional Motion Two Dimensional Motion Quantum Mechanics Physics Graphic Organizer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics Electro- Magnetism Optics Machines Vibrations and Waves One Dimensional Motion Two Dimensional Motion Quantum Mechanics Physics Graphic Organizer For Chemistry Questions Lexington, Nebraska Public Schools 308-324-4681

2 Machines  Pulley  Gear  Wheel and Axle  Ramp  Lever

3 Pulley AA B CBC

4 Pulley A What are the three sub- atomic particles? Proton, Neutron, Electron

5 Pulley B What is the center of the atom? Nucleus

6 Pulley C Who discovered the electron? JJ Thomson

7 Gear A B C

8 Gear A Write your question Write your answer

9 Gear B Write your question Write your answer

10 Gear C Write your question Write your answer

11 Wheel and Axle A B C

12 Wheel And Axle A Write your question Write your answer

13 Wheel and Axle B What is the question What is the answer

14 Wheel and Axle C What is the question What is the answer

15 Ramp A B C

16 Ramp A What is the question What is the answer

17 Ramp B What is the question What is the answer

18 Ramp C What is the question What is the answer

19 Lever A B C

20 Lever A What is the question What is the answer

21 Lever B What is the question What is the answer

22 Lever C What is the question What is the answer

23 Optics  Reflection  Refraction  Lens  Mirror  Focal Point

24 Reflection AA B CBC

25 Reflection A What is the question? What is the answer?

26 Reflection B What is the question What is the answer

27 Reflection C What is the question What is the answer

28 Refraction AA B CBC

29 Refraction A What is the question? What is the answer?

30 Refraction B What is the question What is the answer

31 Refraction C What is the question What is the answer

32 Lens AA B CBC

33 Lens A What is the question? What is the answer?

34 Lens B What is the question What is the answer

35 Lens C What is the question What is the answer

36 Mirror AA B CBC

37 Mirror A What is the question? What is the answer?

38 Mirror B What is the question What is the answer

39 Mirror C What is the question What is the answer

40 Focal Point AA B CBC

41 Focal Point A What is the question? What is the answer?

42 Focal Point B What is the question What is the answer

43 Focal Point C What is the question What is the answer

44 Quantum Mechanics  Quarks  String Theory  Strong Force  Weak Force  Gluon

45 Quarks AA B CBC

46 Quarks A What is the question? What is the answer?

47 Quarks B What is the question What is the answer

48 Quarks C What is the question What is the answer

49 String Theory AA B CBC

50 String Theory A What is the question? What is the answer?

51 String Theory B What is the question What is the answer

52 String Theory C What is the question What is the answer

53 Strong Force AA B CBC

54 Strong Force A What is the question? What is the answer?

55 Strong Force B What is the question What is the answer

56 Strong Force C What is the question What is the answer

57 Weak Force AA B CBC

58 Weak Force A What is the question? What is the answer?

59 Weak Force B What is the question What is the answer

60 Weak Force C What is the question What is the answer

61 Gluon AA B CBC

62 Gluon A What is the question? What is the answer?

63 Gluon B What is the question What is the answer

64 Gluon C What is the question What is the answer

65 One Dimensional Motion  Velocity  Acceleration  Force  Friction  Free Fall

66 Velocity AA B CBC

67 Velocity A What is the question? What is the answer?

68 Velocity B What is the question What is the answer

69 Velocity C What is the question What is the answer

70 Acceleration AA B CBC

71 Acceleration A What is the question? What is the answer?

72 Acceleration B What is the question What is the answer

73 Acceleration C What is the question What is the answer

74 Force AA B CBC

75 Force A What is the question? What is the answer?

76 Force B What is the question What is the answer

77 Force C What is the question What is the answer

78 Friction AA B CBC

79 Friction A What is the question? What is the answer?

80 Friction B What is the question What is the answer

81 Friction C What is the question What is the answer

82 Free Fall AA B CBC

83 Free Fall A What is the question? What is the answer?

84 Free Fall B What is the question What is the answer

85 Free Fall C What is the question What is the answer

86 Two Dimensional Motion  Torque  Centripetal Force  Projectile  Vector  Pythagorean Theorem

87 Torque AA B CBC

88 Torque A What is the question? What is the answer?

89 Torque B What is the question What is the answer

90 Torque C What is the question What is the answer

91 Centripetal Force AA B CBC

92 Centripetal Force A What is the question? What is the answer?

93 Centripetal Force B What is the question What is the answer

94 Centripetal Force C What is the question What is the answer

95 Projectile AA B CBC

96 Projectile A What is the question? What is the answer?

97 Projectile B What is the question What is the answer

98 Projectile C What is the question What is the answer

99 Vector AA B CBC

100 Vector A What is the question? What is the answer?

101 Vector B What is the question What is the answer

102 Vector C What is the question What is the answer

103 Pythagorean Theorem AA B CBC

104 Pythagorean Theorem A What is the question? What is the answer?

105 Pythagorean Theorem B What is the question What is the answer

106 Pythagorean Theorem C What is the question What is the answer

107 Electromagnetism  Series Circuit  Parallel Circuit  Coil  Resistor  Ohm  Voltage  Current

108 Series Circuit AA B CBC

109 Series Circuit A What is the question? What is the answer?

110 Series Circuit B What is the question What is the answer

111 Series Circuit C What is the question What is the answer

112 Parallel Circuit AA B CBC

113 Parallel Circuit A What is the question? What is the answer?

114 Parallel Circuit B What is the question What is the answer

115 Parallel Circuit C What is the question What is the answer

116 Coil AA B CBC

117 Coil A What is the question? What is the answer?

118 Coil B What is the question What is the answer

119 Coil C What is the question What is the answer

120 Resistor AA B CBC

121 Resistor A What is the question? What is the answer?

122 Resistor B What is the question What is the answer

123 Resistor C What is the question What is the answer

124 Ohm AA B CBC

125 Ohm A What is the question? What is the answer?

126 Ohm B What is the question What is the answer

127 Ohm C What is the question What is the answer

128 Voltage AA B CBC

129 Voltage A What is the question? What is the answer?

130 Voltage B What is the question What is the answer

131 Voltage C What is the question What is the answer

132 Current AA B CBC

133 Current A What is the question? What is the answer?

134 Current B What is the question What is the answer

135 Current C What is the question What is the answer

136 Vibrations & Waves  Crest  Trough  Amplitude  Frequency  Wavelength  Period

137 Crest AA B CBC

138 Crest A What is the question? What is the answer?

139 Crest B What is the question What is the answer

140 Crest C What is the question What is the answer

141 Trough AA B CBC

142 Trough A What is the question? What is the answer?

143 Trough B What is the question What is the answer

144 Trough C What is the question What is the answer

145 Amplitude AA B CBC

146 Amplitude A What is the question? What is the answer?

147 Amplitude B What is the question What is the answer

148 Amplitude C What is the question What is the answer

149 Frequency AA B CBC

150 Frequency A What is the question? What is the answer?

151 Frequency B What is the question What is the answer

152 Frequency C What is the question What is the answer

153 Wavelength AA B CBC

154 Wavelength A What is the question? What is the answer?

155 Wavelength B What is the question What is the answer

156 Wavelength C What is the question What is the answer

157 Period AA B CBC

158 Period A What is the question? What is the answer?

159 Period B What is the question What is the answer

160 Period C What is the question What is the answer

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