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KentuckyCAN! & College Access in Kentucky 2007 Fall KASFAA Conference Louisville, KY October 25, 2007.

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1 KentuckyCAN! & College Access in Kentucky 2007 Fall KASFAA Conference Louisville, KY October 25, 2007

2 Dr. A. Cabrera, Pathways to a Four Year Degree. 2001. Trustee-National College Access Network “ A bachelor ’ s degree is no longer considered a potential stepping-stone to a better life. It is fully acknowledged as the gatekeeper to a myriad of social and individual benefits. ”

3 Why Create KentuckyCAN!? An Update As of September 30, 2007 Dr. Joe L. McCormick Executive Director KentuckyCAN, Inc.

4 How KentuckyCAN! Began People representing college access programs throughout the state met periodically to discuss the need and/or the possibilities of a state college access network….. The Prichard Committee in partnership with the Council on Postsecondary Education received funds from the Lumina Foundation to promote college access programs in the state and to create a statewide college access network As a result of the high level of interest in college access in Kentucky, we have……

5 Formally issued Kentucky College Access Network, Inc. articles of incorporation….May 2007 Identified a board of directors…May 2007 Entered a partnership with CPE and the Prichard Committee to launch a college access campaign as a part of the ACE/Lumina KnowHowToGo Campaign…June 2007 Appointed an Executive Director of KentuckyCAN, Inc…June 2007 Filed for tax exempt status with the IRS…August 2007 Began work with CPE & Prichard Committee to carry out terms of the Lumina “KnowHowtoGo” grant…August 2007 Launched the KentuckyCAN! List Serve to connect college access providers statewide….August 2007 How KentuckyCAN! Began

6 KentuckyCAN! Board of Directors Gary CoxAIKCU Gera DrakeKAEOPP/Morehead Bryan ErslanKASFAA/Berea Dreama GentryBerea College GEAR UP Michael GrittonKentuckianaWorks Joe L. McCormickExecutive Director, KentuckyCAN John Prather, Jr.Somerset, KY Robert SextonPrichard Committee

7 Goals of Kentucky CAN! To provide existing college access services the opportunity and vehicle to coordinate and support one another’s efforts To identify gaps in college access services statewide To support creation of new programs, especially targeted to low-income, underrepresented and first-generation students To speak with one loud voice raising awareness of the need and value of postsecondary education To impact in a positive way the “college-going” rate in Kentucky, particularly among minority populations and adult learners

8 Potential KentuckyCAN! Services give existing college access programs the opportunity and the means to share and coordinate efforts support the creation of new college access programs to fill college access gaps share best practices in college access programs state-wide speak loudly and often on an ongoing basis with one-voice raising awareness of the need for and value of postsecondary education encourage and expand a public and private partnership investing in the creation of a better-educated workforce for the state build relationships with other professional organizations in the college access arena to leverage resources and improve services work with adult learner populations and adults that have had a college experience but need the motivation to continue to finish a degree plan

9 KentuckyCAN! Now a Work In Progress  Work on funding criteria for local community service organizations to promote college access  Maintain an ongoing “College Access Campaign” for Kentucky  Web/Software/Tracking Resources for all college access providers  Host an Annual Conference promoting College Access in Kentucky

10 Statewide Networks Currently Operating In: Alaska Illinois Indiana Maryland Maine Minnesota New Mexico Ohio Oklahoma Tennessee Virginia Wyoming

11 College Access in Kentucky Today “And Why We Need a College Access Network in Kentuck”

12 Families in Poverty (1999)

13 Tom Mortenson, Postsecondary Opportunity, July 2006 Chance for College by Age 19 by State (2004) Kentucky 33.4%

14 KY = 21.1%

15 Kentucky College Access Profile Chance for College by 19 = 33.4% which ranks in the bottom 10 in the country As of 2004, only 21% of Kentucky’s population age 25 and over had a bachelor’s degree which means Kentucky ranks 48th in degree attainment. –Only 10.7% of age 25 and older African-Americans have a bachelor’s degree (US Census, 2000) –Only 13% of age 25 and older Hispanics have a bachelor’s degree (US Census, 2000) College Participation Rate for Low Income Families 21% Education Attainment By State, NCES, 2004

16 Out of every 100 Kentucky ninth graders….

17 ….70 graduate from high school….

18 ….39 enter college….

19 ….26 are still enrolled in the sophomore year….

20 …and 17 graduate from college.

21 Why Not More than 17 Graduating from College? The 4 As *Aspiration *Availability *Academic Preparation *Affordability

22  Weak support for higher education  Low socioeconomic status  Negative attitudes & beliefs  Lack of parental involvement  Lack of information about price and benefits of college  High student/counselor ratios  Low expectations from teachers Source: The Ohio Board of Regents, T. Rudd, Sept. 2002 Barrier 1—Lack of Aspiration

23 Barrier 2 – Inferior Academic Preparation Preparation via academic curriculum is particularly important to the college enrollment decisions of low-income students. Students from economically disadvantaged families are more likely to be enrolled in non-academic curricular tracks or academic tracks that are not rigorous. College enrollment rates and persistence to graduation are higher among students who participate in college prep compared to students enrolled in a vocational program. Students enrolled in affluent school communities are more likely to participate in a rigorous curricular program.

24  Desired college program not available  Lack of info about distance learning opportunities  Lack of technical skills to participate in distance learning  Programs not offered at times that meet individual needs  Scarcity of AP classes in under-resourced high schools Source: The Ohio Board of Regents, T. Rudd, Sept. 2002 Barrier 3 – Availability

25  Lack of info about financial aid  Lack of info about price of college  Declining value of Federal Pell Grants  Increased reliance on student loans  Low socioeconomic status Source: The Ohio Board of Regents, T. Rudd, Sept. 2002 Barrier 4 - Affordability

26 Five National Trends in Higher Education Increases in tuition have made college less affordable for most Americans. Federal and state funding of student financial aid has not kept pace with increases in tuition. More families at all income levels are borrowing more than ever before to pay for college. Increases in tuition have come at times of greatest economic hardship. State financial support for public higher education has not increased at a rate to keep up with increases in tuition. Losing Ground: A National Status Report on the Affordability of American Higher Education

27 Higher Education in Kentucky Measuring Up 2006

28 “Kentucky has made no notable progress in providing affordable higher education” Net college costs for low & middle income students to attend public two & four-year colleges represent approximately 40% of annual family income. Compared to other top performing states, Kentucky makes a very low investment in need- based financial aid, even though its investment has increased in recent years. Higher Education in Kentucky Measuring Up 2006 The National Center for Public Policy And Higher Education, 2006 Report

29 CAP/KTG FY 2006 Projected Disbursements and Unmet Need Source: KHEAA 2006

30 KEES Awards and Tuition Increases Source: KHEAA 2007

31 College graduates earn roughly $1 million more over their lifetimes than high school grads. Unemployment rates are 30% lower compared to high school grads. College graduates provide at least $300,000 more over a lifetime in federal taxes. College graduates are healthier, more likely to vote, more likely to perform public service, and less likely to commit serious crime. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2001) Economic Benefits of Higher Education

32 Higher Education Benefits Both Individuals and Society. Investments Today Result in Great Benefits Tomorrow. $6,358 State/Local $7,604 State/Local $4,809 State/Local $4,051 State/Local $3,075 State/Local $2,923 State/Local $2,531 State/Local $1,812 State/Local From a recently released national College Board report. Societal Benefits of Higher Education

33 Kentucky Student Aid Issues for Future Consideration How can merit-based and need-based student financial aid programs be fully funded in relation to tuition increases and unmet need? Are net Kentucky Lottery proceeds alone sufficient to fund KEES and need-based grants in future years? How do we effectively manage the growing student loan debt among Kentucky students? How do we improve the existing state student aid programs to positively impact the college-going rate in Kentucky? Are there new student aid programs to consider that would have a positive impact on the college-going rate in Kentucky?

34 Higher Education in Kentucky Out of 100 nineth graders in Kentucky today, –70 will graduate from high school –39 will enter college –26 will still be in college their sophomore year –17 will graduate within six years of their high school graduation –We loose 83 students along the way!!!

35 Join KentuckyCAN! Today See me for a membership application

36 Individual Learning Plan ILP Kentucky Department of Education

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