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Social. QOTD Aaron Stepanek How affected are you by peer pressure in college compared to high school? A. More B. The Same C. Less.

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Presentation on theme: "Social. QOTD Aaron Stepanek How affected are you by peer pressure in college compared to high school? A. More B. The Same C. Less."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social


3 Aaron Stepanek How affected are you by peer pressure in college compared to high school? A. More B. The Same C. Less

4 Marie Jones How important do you think other's opinions of you are? A) Very important B) Kind of important C) I don't care what people think of me

5 Vincent Otterbein Do you find that the "Spotlight Effect" impacts you in everyday life? A. Often B. Sometimes C. Never

6 Connor Smith Do you feel your CMC (Computer-mediated Communication) gives an accurate impression of yourself to others? A) Yes Strongly B) Yes, Somewhat C) No, poorly D) Not at all E) I dont use CMC

7 Susan Filice Do you think you've experienced groupthink before? A) No I'm too smart for that B) Maybe once or twice C) Yes, definitely, it happens all the time D) It probably happens to me but I dont realize it

8 Rachel Reiter In what way do you try to conform to society and fit in most? A) clothing B) actions C) activities D) social groups E) manner of speaking

9 Samantha Andersen Do you feel like you compare yourself to others frequently? A) yes, all the time B) sometimes C) not really D) never

10 Reinhold Barchet Do you believe you are a better driver than the average driver? a) Yes b) No

11 Robbin Jonsson Have you ever been judged because of the the way you look? (race, the way you dress, etc) A) Yes, almost every day B) Happens every now and then C) No

12 … Have you ever judged others because of the the way they look? (race, the way they dress, etc) A) Yes, almost every day B) Happens every now and then C) No

13 Christine Lambert Have you ever taken an Implicit Association Test? Do you agree with the results? A) Have taken one and agree with the results B) Have taken one and do not agree with the results C) Have not taken one

14 Alexandra Brown Do you think you have become more accepting of others that are different than you since coming to college or less accepting of others? A) More accepting B) Less accepting

15 Nicola Cave Most of my friends are... a) the same ethnicity as me b) a different ethnicity than me c) a mixture

16 Palpasa Ghimire Do you genuinley help people ? A. Yes, I love helping people B. No, I hate helping C. Only when I get reward for it D. Sometimes

17 Megan Rosa If you saw a stranger on the street being assaulted, what would you do? A. Call the police B. Step in and try to stop it C. Get another person to help you stop it D. Walk the other way

18 The Big Questions / Issues What is novel / counterintuitive about social?  Spotlight effect?  Situation vs. Disposition attributions?  Cognitive dissonance (not really social!)?  Baumeister’s ego depletion studies: mostly bogus! Major recurring theme: you and your castle  We have to protect ourselves in a harsh world!

19 Things we probably already knew Self control is good (not social either) We care what other’s think, manage our impressions, compare ourselves to others  Downward social comparison makes you feel better People can be conformists People can be evil, good, and in between People stereotype, have prejudices

20 Spotlight Effect I think this is a huge effect – and hugely important for your own personal well-being Don’t worry about what others think of you – they’re too busy worrying about themselves!  Golden rule! Relax, be happy, etc.  OTOH, if you’re weird, people will talk about you and generally not want to socialize with you.

21 Attributions of behavior How do we explain our own and other behavior? 2 factors: “personality” / disposition vs. situation FAE: others -> disposition, self -> situation What is the truth!? Are we more determined by internal vs. external factors?? - Situations can make us do crazy things - But different people behave differently in same situation..

22 Cognitive Dissonance Not really social. How do we explain discrepancies in behavior relative to attitudes?  Change behavior, attitudes, or beliefs about discrepancy.

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