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The Seven Technological Ages of Man

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1 The Seven Technological Ages of Man
OVERVIEW The Seven Technological Ages of Man

2 Technological Ages of Man
Man, The Hunter, Masters Fire The Farmer, The Smith, The Wheel The First Machine Age Intimations of Automation The Expansion of Steam The Freedom of Internal Combustion Electron Controlled

3 Man, The Hunter, Masters Fire
THE FIRST AGE Man, The Hunter, Masters Fire

4 Man, Hunter, Masters Fire
Material Ages Early Tools Fire Stone Age Tools

5 Material Ages

6 Early Tools Pre - Homo erectus / Sapiens Ramepithecus
14,000,000 ybp - No Tools Related to great apes Australopithecenes 2,500,000 ybp - Walked upright Taung Man, Oldurai Gorge, Tanzania Dr. Louis Leakey (1925)

7 Basalt Side-Chopper

8 Fire Making Fire Using Fire Homo-erectus (600,000 BC)
Charcoal layers in caves, China Man’s greatest accomplishment ? Tasmanian & Andamanese tribes Using Fire Meteors, volcanoes, spontaneous combustion, etc. Early tribal societies tended a fire

9 Fire (continued) Uses of Fire Warmth, cooking, protection, curing
Focus of tribal life Hollowing out logs Firing pots, bricks, tiles Extraction of copper & iron Working of tools, weapons, ornaments Bases of metallurgical eras Making of glass

10 Fire (continued) Making Fire Impacting flint and iron or iron pyrites
Occurred by chance ? Needs addition of fuel Generation of heat from friction Hard stick (fire drill) Softwood block (hearth) Intellectual - addition of weight, string, bow

11 Fire Drills First elementary machines ? Multi-components
Translation to rotation Mechanical advantage with flywheel Bow later turned lathes in Iron age Bow later used as a weapon in late Stone age (Tunisia) First engineers ?

12 Fire Drills (continued)

13 Stone Age Tools Properties First Industry ?
Density, hardness, durability Self-sharpening in some instances Difficult to manufacture First Industry ? Tools-to-make-tools (5,000,000 ybp) Hammer stones & anvil stones (Tanzania)

14 Stone Age Tools (continued)
Chronology Pebble tools (2,600,000 ybp) Bi-faced hand axes (500,000 ybp) Pebbles and quarried natural rock Blade tools (< 35,000 BC) Flakes of flint, chert, or obsidian Variants are gravers, shaves, planes, drills Grinding & polishing (< 12,000 BC) Region dependent (basalt & epidiorite) Peaked before Bronze age

15 Stone Age Tools (continued)
Production Processes Basic core and flake tools Pressure flaking Percussion flaking Highly skilled trade (industry ?) Grinding and polishing Wetted sandstone or similar Sand was used as abrasive powder Final burnishing with a skin/hide

16 The Farmer, The Smith, The Wheel
THE SECOND AGE The Farmer, The Smith, The Wheel

17 Farmer, Smith, Wheel Social influences of copper and iron
The Common ground The wheel Glass Gearing Early machines in Egypt Greece & Rome The Dark ages

18 Introduction Nomadic hunter to agricultural villager
End of last ice age brought life (10,000 BC) Wild wheat and goat grass Wheat, barley, & millet was harvested Villages grew to cities reed & mud, unbaked clay, baked brick Animals were domesticated Copper, tin, & bronze (Mesopotamia)

19 Social Influences of Copper & Iron
Cause Copper and Bronze were expensive Skill Craftsman Metals were used for ornaments Society was a hierarchy Ironmaking & forging was complex Iron was inexpensive Effect Metal tools expensive Farmers used wood, stone, & bone tools Elitist Society Small agricultural surpluses Democratic metal IRON AGE

20 The Common Ground Metallurgy became the common ground
Society needed food Farming community needed tools Metal workers became skilled craftsmen Mining of Ores (Copper, Tin, Iron) Construction of Furnaces & Crucibles Bellows (3,000 BC) from skins/hides Transportation (wheel !) industry grew

21 Plough Not possible in Copper age Improvement of hoe for tilling
Caschrom - lightweight man-plough Animal-drawn plough (3,000 BC)

22 Egyptian Hand Digging Instrument (1500 BC)

23 Tools From Early Metallurgy
Plough Copper Nails & Rivets (Egypt, 2500 BC) Iron nails used in ships Woodscrews (Roman, 400 AD) Shears (Egypt, 4500 BC)

24 The Wheel Used for transporting heavy loads Evolved from potters wheel
First was stone ? Solid wood Spoked Axle - Egyptian war chariot

25 Transporting Heavy Loads

26 Stretcher

27 Sledge

28 Ur (3,500 BC)

29 Mercurago

30 Mercurago

31 Egyptian (1500 BC)

32 Assyrian (700 BC)

33 Greek (400 BC)

34 Etruscan (400 BC)

35 Roman (300 BC)

36 Etruscan (300 BC)

37 Plaustrum (200 BC)

38 Roman (100 AD)

39 Leonardo

40 Pneumatic Studded (1907)

41 Gearing Purposes Friction - no teeth (Aristotle, 384 BC) Materials
Wood - large units transmitting power bronze or brass - timekeeping, astronomy Lanthorne & trundle Helical gears (Robert Hooke, 1666 AD)

42 Early Machines in Egypt
Hero of Alexandria (BC/AD) Lever (3000 BC) Wheel & Axle (3000 BC) Wedge (3000 BC) Pulley (700 BC) - Not used in pyramids Screw

43 Chinese Cast iron (350 BC) Double-acting box bellows Steel (100 BC)
13 centuries before the west Double-acting box bellows Steel (100 BC) Papermaking (100 AD) Gunpowder Little technology transfer to west despite “Silk Road”

44 Greece Heavily dependent on slaves Great builders Architecture
Scientists instead of technologists Mathematics, Astronomy, Philosophy Not great inventors Archimedes Horizontal waterwheel (Norse mill) 0.5 horsepower

45 Architecture - Parthenon

46 Horizontal Waterwheel

47 Roman Heavily dependent on slaves
Vertical waterwheel (Vitruvius, 180 AD) 3.0 horsepower Bridges & roads Aqueducts Water usage 270 liters per person per day Lead pipes Fall of Roman empire

48 Vertical Waterwheel

49 Roads & Bridges

50 Aqueducts

51 Dark Ages Fall of Roman empire (450 AD)
Contact between Rome and Britain ended Roman roads, bridges & aqueducts died Societies depended less on slaves England (250 people per watermill) Early applications Corn milling, beer making, forge hammers and bellows Later applications water lifting & irrigation, saw mills, lathe drives, wire drawing

52 Dark Ages (continued) Wind Power (1100 AD) Agriculture
Post Mill (Normandy, 1180 AD) Tower Mill (1300 AD) Netherlands (1500 AD) Agriculture Horse collar Nailed iron horseshoes heavy wheeled plough and harrow

53 Dark Ages (continued) Textiles Universities founded (Italy, 1200 AD)
Rope driven spinning wheel Weaving technologies (1300 AD) Universities founded (Italy, 1200 AD) Start of a period of higher learning Beginning of engineering discipline ?

54 THE THIRD AGE The First Machine Age

55 The First Machine Age Timekeeping Optics Crank Print

56 Timekeeping

57 Chronology Gnomon (Egypt, 1500 BC) Obelisk Sundial Waterclock
Sandglass Mechanical / Pendulum Electronic

58 Gnomon

59 Sundial / Obelisk Problems with Gnomon Thin short rod
Did not work at different latitudes length and direction of shadow varied Exact position of sun’s center Placed perpendicular to ground needs to be perpendicular with axis of rotation

60 Waterclocks & Sandglasses
Reset periodically Environment dependence Variations with age Inaccurate

61 Vitruvius (150 BC)

62 Schott

63 Cingalese

64 Sand-glass

65 Mechanical Clock Regulating device Distribution mechanism
Creates oscillations Needs energy to stop from running down weight or spring (watch) Distribution mechanism Supplies energy in correct amount and at correct time Holds energy and allows energy to escape at the correct time - escapement Indexing & Gearing Translates time to space

66 Hero of Alexandria

67 Verge & Foliot

68 Anchor Escapement

69 Standard Weight Clock

70 Alarm Clock

71 Pendulum Clock Isochronous motion Galileo (1583) Vincenzo (1649)
Huygens (1675) & Robert Hooke Regulating hair spring

72 Pendulum Clock

73 Huygens (1675) Regulating spiral

74 Giovani di Dondi (1364)

75 Electronic / Atomic pico-second Electronic Atomic
quartz crystal produces a constant current when excited compressed to produce constant frequency Atomic Excitations of electrons in Caesium molecule

76 Caesium Atomic clock

77 Optics Telescope Microscope Surveyors quadrant (1631)
Johannes Lippershey (Middleburg, 1608) By accident - no knowledge of optics Manufactured & sold in London (1609) Microscope Inventor unknown Zacharius Jansen, Galileo (1614) Surveyors quadrant (1631) Earliest - Joseph Lusuerg (Rome, 1674)

78 Crank Conversion of rotary & reciprocating motions
Cam - Hero of Alexandria Crank & connecting rod (1430)

79 Crank & Connecting Rod

80 Print Greatest invention of Middle ages
Johannes Gutenberg (Germany, 1440) Invention of paper reached Germany in about 1320 Cutting of punches from brass, punch copper plate, pour molten iron Development of inks First book (Caxton, 1474) By 1500, 1050 presses in Europe

81 Screw Press

82 Intimations of Automation
THE FOURTH AGE Intimations of Automation

83 Intimations of Automation
Coinage - first mass production ? Factory system Interchangeability of components A computer too early

84 Coinage As early as 600 BC Coin Blanks (1000)
Sheet of metal, hammered, then cut Bramante (Florence, 1500) Utilized screw press Rolling mills Boulton (Soho, 1797) Utilized power from steam engine

85 Factory System Began with print shops and mints
Textile industry (late 1700’s) Flying shuttle (Kay, 1755) Water frame (Arkwright, 1790) Spinning Jenny (Hargreave, 1760) Mule (Crompton, 1788) Power Loom (Robert, 1825) Primarily operated by steam

86 Factory System (continued)
Industrial cities Coal and oil in addition to steam No need to locate industry by a river Britain Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Leeds, Nottingham, Birmingham Metal-working industries Machines create more machines lathes, boring, milling, shaping, slotting, planing, grinding, & gear-cutting

87 James Watt’s Micrometer (1772)

88 Henry Maudslay’s Screw Cutting Lathe (1797)

89 Interchangeability of Components
Beginning of mass production Locks Joseph Bramah (1790) Required accuracy in production Barrel of lock fits casing of another Smooth bore flintlock muskets Eli Whitney (1798) Supplied US govt. with 15,000 Required 8 years

90 A Computer Too Early Charles Babbage Difference Engine (1833)
Professor of Mathematics, Cambridge Difference Engine (1833) Special purpose calculating machine Analytical Engine (>1834) Universal calculator Engine ? Power by steam (no foresight) Purely mechanical with highly precise gearing and machining

91 Difference Engine (1833)

92 THE FIFTH AGE The Expansion of Steam

93 Pre-Steam Francesca della Porta (1606) Otto von Guericke (1654)
Suction caused by condensing steam Ability to draw up water Otto von Guericke (1654) Two teams of 8 horses can’t pull apart copper sphere made of two halves Blaise Pascal (1648) Weight of column of air is less at elevation Robert Boyle (1660) Gas laws

94 Steam Engine Hero of Alexandria Newcomen (1712) Watt
21 inch dia. piston (12 strokes per min) 10 gallons of water 51 yards per stroke Low efficiency Watt Condense steam & create vacuum Separate condenser (1769) Double-acting engine (1782) Rotative Engine (1781)

95 Newcomen (1712)

96 Development of Steam Trevithick (1799) Fulton (1807)
High pressure steam Fulton (1807) Clermont on Hudson river Sirius crossed Atlantic (1830) Intercontinental Railway

97 The Freedom of Internal Combustion
THE SIXTH AGE The Freedom of Internal Combustion

98 Chronology Huygens utilized gunpowder in piston and cylinder
Etienne Lenoir (1859) Coal gas as fuel with ignition Nikolaus Otto (1877) Four-stroke cycle Gottlieb Daimler (1885) Petrol as fuel

99 Benz Tricycle (1855)

100 Chronology (continued)
Paris-Rouen race (1894) Rudolf Diesel (1892) Wright Brothers (1903) Ford Model “A” (1903)

101 THE SEVENTH AGE Electrons Controlled

102 Chronology Gas Lines (Late 1700s) Hydraulic Mains
Philippe Lebon (1799) Gas From Heating Wood Frederick Windsor (1807) Gas From Coal Lit Pall Mall in London (1807) 26 mile long main (1816) Hydraulic Mains Joseph Bramah Hydraulic Press (1795) Hydraulic Mains (1812)

103 Chronology (continued)
Electricity William Gilbert (1600) Alessandro Volta (1800s) Zinc and Silver discs- Voltaic Pile First True Battery - Static Source of Power Michael Faraday (1831) First Electric Generator Moved Magnet near a Wire Wheatstone & Cooke (1845) Substituted Electromagnets First Dynamo

104 Chronology (continued)
Telephone - Bell (1876) Incandescent Light Bulb (1879) Thomas Edison - USA J.W. Swan - England Electronics J.A. Fleming - Diode (1904) ASCC/IBM - First computer ? (1944) Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator Mechanical Switching ENIAC - First Electronic Computer (1946) Electronic Num. Integrator and Calculator

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