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Bell ringer Summarize the “Battle of Ideas” that impacted the UK economy beginning after WWII. Government Intervention Who? Principles? Strengths/benefits?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell ringer Summarize the “Battle of Ideas” that impacted the UK economy beginning after WWII. Government Intervention Who? Principles? Strengths/benefits?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell ringer Summarize the “Battle of Ideas” that impacted the UK economy beginning after WWII. Government Intervention Who? Principles? Strengths/benefits? Problems? Supporters? Party? Capitalism Who? Principles? Strengths/benefits? Problems? Supporters? Party? The state assumes direct ownership of key industries and an expansion of social services

2 UK Parties Conservative – represents the upper class
Tories Margaret Thatcher Liberal – for free trade, democratization Labour – represents working class Started as alliance of trade unions & socialist groups

3 Today we will … Making of Modern Britain slide/notes Pair/Share
Objectives Agenda Trace political and economic change in Britain from the end of WWII to present day. Collective Consensus Thatcher’s Neoliberal Revolution Blair’s New Labour & the Third Way 2010 Coalition Governemtn Making of Modern Britain slide/notes Pair/Share Coalition 2010 articles Closure

4 United Kingdom I. Making of the Modern British State II. Political Economy and Development

5 Sources of Legitimacy Role of the monarchy Tradition
Hereditary ruling family had right to rule (divine right) Head of the Anglican Church Tradition Widely agreed-on rules of conduct (vs. formal checks and balances) set the limits of governmental power

6 The British “Constitution”
What gives a government the authority to rule? Common Law vs. Statutory Law Statutory Law (Acts of Parliament) Magna Carta – 1215 Basis of a limited gov. that restricts the power of monarch English Bill of Rights – 1689 Rights of Parliament (not individual citizens!) Common Law: Use of precedents to guide legal decisions Eventually form a comprehensive set of principles for governance

7 Unitary Government Unitary
No constitutional separation of power between the central and regional governments Devolution: decentralization of national/central power to local units of government, decentralization of power from the central to local units. Examples Scottish Parliament National Assembly for Wales Northern Ireland Assembly Mayor of London Describe a major difference between federal and unitary systems. Identify one country among the six AP Comparative Government and Politics countries that has a federal system. Identify one country among the six that has a unitary system.

8 PAIR/SHARE Compare the first page of your reading notes (chart) with your partner. Help each other fill in missing info. Brainstorm “Major Policy Considerations” section. Think about what we saw in the video – what were some of the issues? What else do you know about the UK?

9 British Political Culture
Liberal Democracy Regular elections Open Civil Society The civic culture Legitimacy Duty of upper classes to take responsibility for welfare of lower classes (Empire & Welfare State) Tolerance of diversity Nationalism – pride in being English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish British Civility Heckling and PM Question Time Noblesse Oblige

10 (C2) Collectivism Beveridge Report -->Welfare State
“In a crisis, be revolutionary” Fight the 5 Giant Evils of Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor & Idleness Collective Consensus: Significant majority agreed that the state should take responsibility for economic governance & provide for the social welfare in the broadest terms Nationalization of industries: Electricity, Gas, Railways, Coal Steel, Aerospace, Shipbuilding Communication

11 Welfare State A state with a set of public policies designed to provide for citizens’ needs through direct or indirect provision of pensions, healthcare, unemployment insurance, and assistance to the poor Welfare states have governmental policies that provide citizens with a social safety net Other examples of social welfare policy National Health Service - free, universal health care Poverty relief Maternity/paternity benefits, family leave Subsidized housing Education - extended or enhanced Free job training Disability insurance Subsidized university tuition

12 (D3) Thatcher’s Neo-Liberalism
Economic liberalization “Policies of conviction” Privatized national industries Rolled back the welfare state – “the squeeze” Cut taxes & reduced some social services Overall not a huge decrease in spending but less regulation on business


14 Was Thatcher’s Revolution a Success?
Supporters say she saved the British economy by bringing both inflation & unemployment under control and by creating a more dynamic private sector. Detractors say she created new problems & exacerbated existing ones by widening the gap between rich and poor and by allowing public services to deteriorate.

15 Check for understanding
Describe neo - liberalism. What makes it liberal? What makes it “neo” or new? It promotes free competition by creating a business-friendly environment to attract foreign investment and spur innovation It was a legacy from Thatcher and a key feature of New Labour’s government Strict control of inflation and tough limits on public expenditure promotes both employment and investment opportunities.

16 Tony Blair’s New Labour
1997 – Tony Blair promised to create a “new Labour” party & a “third way” Centrist Alternative Blair continued privatization but w/greater emphasis on regulation & fairness Old Labour Party Conservative Party

17 Was Blair’s New Labour a Success?
Blair’s supporters say he created the Third Way – combining the best aspects of the socialist goals commitment to equality with a market economy. Blair’s detractors say he sold out the left & created “Thatcher lite.” Government spending as a percentage of GNP shrank Welfare that gives recipients skills to find jobs rather than just benefits Tuition increase London drivers pay tolls to reduce traffic congestion Continuity in foreign policy

18 Check for understanding
Explain how Blair’s ideas were a “third way”.

19 2010 - Coalition Government
“Third way” was in trouble A “hung parliament” resulted in a Coalition Government Labour was defeated but Conservatives could not get a majority Conservatives Free markets Low taxes Privatization Liberal Democrats Liberals & Social Democrats merged Small gov/ decentralization Hung Parliament: No party has a majority in the Commons. Happened in 2010. PM: David Cameron DPM: Nick Clegg

20 In December 2011, in a speech to the Demos think tank and the Open Society Foundation Clegg put forward his definition of the three main political traditions in Britain, saying: "Socialists support the idea of the good society, typically judged in terms of equality of income. In order to bring about this end they use the state quite aggressively in terms of labour market regulation, centralised public services and through tax and benefits. Conservatives support the idea of a big society, with responsibility shared throughout society—people are responsible both for themselves and each other. The emphasis is naturally on non-state institutions such as marriage, the family, churches and voluntary organisations. The liberal ideal is of the open society, where power is vested in people, not in the state or other institutions. This means that individuals need the capabilities and opportunities to chart their own course through life, and to hold institutions to account. So while the good society needs a strong state, and the big society needs strong social institutions, the open society needs strong citizens."

21 PAIR/SHARE Partner 1: Partner 2:
Skim “Coalition Plans” article. Partner 2: Skim “Divided they fall” article. Together - make a prediction about the future of the coalition. Will it succeed or fail? What policy issues do you think threaten the coalition the most?

22 National Heath Service (NHS)
Provides comprehensive and universal medical care Nationalized (state directed) health care system Disagreements btwn. Conservatives & Liberal Dems about how to reform NHS Meanwhile … the age structure in Britain is getting older. How does an aging population further impact the NHS?

23 An aging population leads to …
Increased demand Increased costs Need more providers Less tax revenue coming in to pay for health care Increased tax burden on working age population

24 Closure Identify the two parties that formed the coalition government in Great Britain following the 2010 parliamentary elections. Explain one reason why they formed a coalition. Describe a domestic policy issue that has threatened the coalition. HW: II A-D & III A-B (new questions) Quiz on I & II next block

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