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If you are a doctor In the midnight, the pregnant women awakens to find that they have to sleep in a pool of blood.

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Presentation on theme: "If you are a doctor In the midnight, the pregnant women awakens to find that they have to sleep in a pool of blood."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you are a doctor In the midnight, the pregnant women awakens to find that they have to sleep in a pool of blood

2 You How to diagnosis? How to management?

3 Antepartum Hemorrhage
Obstetrics & Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University Xu Huan

4 Rationale (why we care…)
4-5% of pregnancies complicated by 3rd trimester bleeding Immediate evaluation needed Significant threat to mother & fetus (consider physiologic increase in uterine blood flow) Consider causes of maternal & fetal death Priorities in management (triage!)

5 Objectives We will be able to:
Describe the approach to the patient with third-trimester bleeding Compare symptoms, physical findings, and diagnostic methods that differentiate bleeding etiologies Describe management and delivery options for 3rd trimester bleeding etiologies Describe potential maternal and fetal morbidity & mortality Describe management of postpartum hemorrhage Apply knowledge in the discussion of clinical case scenarios

6 Vaginal Bleeding: Differential diagnosis
Common: Abruption, previa, preterm labor, labor Less common: Uterine rupture, fetal vessel rupture, lacerations/lesions, cervical ectropion, polyps, vasa previa, bleeding disorders Unknown NOT vaginal bleeding!!! (happens more than you think!)

7 Other Etiologies Cervicitis infection Cervical erosion Trauma
Cervical cancer Foreign body Bloody show/labor

8 Perinatal mortality and morbidity
Previa Decreased mortality from 30% to 1% over last 60 years Now emergent cesarean delivery often possible Risk of preterm delivery Abruption Perinatal mortality rate 35% Accounts for 15% of 3rd trimester stillbirths Most common cause of DIC in pregnancy Massive hemorrhage --> risk of acute renal failure, Sheehan’s, etc.

9 Placenta previa

10 Definition After 28 pregnant weeks placental implantation over the cervical os or in the lower uterine segment It constitutes an obstruction of descent of the presenting part Main cause of obstetrical hemorrhage(20%) Incidence 0.24%-1.57% (our country).

11 Risk factors Prior cesarean delivery/myomectomy
Prior previa (4-8% recurrence risk) Previous abortion Increased parity Multiple pregnancy Advanced maternal age Abnormal presentation Smoking

12 Etiology Causes Endometrial abnormality
Scared or poorly vascularized endometrium in the corpus. Curettage, Delivery, CS and infection of endometrium Placental abnormality Large placenta (multiple pregnancy), succenturiate lobe Delayed development of trophoblast

13 Marginal placenta previa
Classification Complete placenta previa Partrial placenta previa Marginal placenta previa

14 Classification


16 Symptoms(1) Painless vaginal bleeding (70%) Spontaneous,After coitus
The most characteristic symptom late pregnancy (after the 28th week) and delivery Characteristics: sudden, painless and profuse Contractions No symptoms Routine ultrasound finding The mean gestational age of first bleed: 30 wks 1/3 before 30 weeks

17 Symptoms(2) Anemia or shock repeated bleeding→ anemia
heavy bleeding→ shock Abnormal fetal position a high presenting part breech presentation (often)

18 Physical Findings Bleeding on speculum exam Cervical dilation
Abnormal position/lie Non-reassuring fetal status If significant bleeding: Tachycardia Postural hypertension Shock

19 Diagnosis(1) History Painless hemorrhage At late pregnancy or delivery
History of curettage or CS

20 Diagnosis(2) Signs Abdominal findings
Uterus is soft, relaxed and nontender. Contraction may be palpated. A high presenting part can’t be pressed into the pelvic inlet. (Breech presentation) Fetal heart tones maybe disappear (shock or abruption)

21 Diagnosis(3) Speculum examination
Rule out local causes of bleeding, such as cervical erosion or polyp or cancer. Limited vaginal examination (seldom used) Palpation of the vaginal fornices to learn if there is an intervening bogginess between the fornix and presenting part. Rectal examination is useless and dangerous

22 Limited vaginal examination

23 Diagnosis(4) Ultrasound abdominal 95% accurate to detect
transvaginal (TVUS) will detect almost all consider what placental location a TVUS may find that was missed on abdominal MRI Check the placenta and membrane after delivery remember: no digital exams unless previa RULED OUT!


25 Diagnosis(5) Before 20 weeks’ gestation,4-6% have some degree of placenta previa on ultrasonic examination 90% of these resolving by the third trimester Only 10% of complete placenta

26 Differential Diagnosis
Placental abruption vagina bleeding with pain, tenderness of uterus. vasa previa In cases of velamentous cord insertion fetal vessels cover cervical os Abnormality of cervix cervical erosion or polyp or cancer

27 Velamentous placenta vasa previa

28 vasa previa

29 Effects obstetrical hemorrhage Placenta accreta, increta, and percreta
Anemia and infection Premature labor or fetal death or fetal distress

30 A B Abnormally adherent placentation. A. Placenta accreta. B. Placenta increta. C. Placenta percreta C

31 Management(1) Less than 36 wks gestation - expectant management if stable, reassuring Rest: keep the bed No vaginal exams (not negotiable) Steroids for lung maturation (<32 wks) Controlling the contraction: MgSO4 Treatment of anemia Preventing infection 70% will have recurrent vaginal bleeding before 36 completed weeks requiring emergent cesarean

32 Management(2) Initial evaluation/diagnosis
Observe/admit to Labor & Delivery Intravenous access, routine (maybe serial) labs Continuous electronic fetal monitoring Continuous at least initally May re-evaluate later if stable, no further bleeding Delivery???

33 Management Termination of pregnancy CS
total placenta previa (36th week), Partial placenta previa (37th week) and heavy bleeding with shock Preventing postpartum hemorrhage: pitocin and PG Hysterectomy: Placenta accreta or uncontroled bleeding

34 Cesarean hysterectomy specimens with placenta percreta.
A. Total placenta previa with percreta involving the lower uterine segment and cervical canal. Black arrows show the invading line of the placenta through the myometrium Cesarean hysterectomy specimens with placenta percreta.

35 B. Lateral fundal percreta caused hemoperitoneum in late pregnancy.
Cesarean hysterectomy specimens with placenta percreta. (Lateral fundal percreta caused hemoperitoneum in late pregnancy )

36 Management 36+ weeks gestation
Cesarean delivery if positive fetal lung maturity by amniocentesis Delivery vs expectant management if fetal lung immaturity Schedule cesarean delivery at 37 weeks Discussion/counseling regarding cesarean hysterectomy Note: given stable maternal and reassuring fetal status, none of these management guidelines are absolute (this is why Obstetrics is so much fun!)

37 Other Considerations Placenta accreta, increta, percreta
Cesarean delivery may be necessary History of uterine surgery increases risk Must consider these diagnoses if previa present Could require further evaluation, imaging (MRI considered now) NOT the delivery you want to do at 2 am

38 Management Vaginal delivery Marginal placenta previa (>2cm)
Vaginal bleeding is limited

39 Placental abruption

40 Definition abruptio placentae or placental abruption: placental separation from its implantation site before delivery (the normally implanted placenta ) Incidence complicates % of all pregnancies recurrence risk 10% after 1st episode 25% after 2nd episode

41 Risk factors & Associations
Cocaine maternal hypertension abdominal trauma smoking prior abruption preeclampsia multiple gestation prolonged PROM uterine decompression short umbilical cord chorioamnionitis multiparity


43 Pathology Placental separation is initiated by hemorrhage into the decidua basalis with formation of a decidual hematoma Concealed hemorrhage Revealed hemorrhage

44 revealed hemorrhage concealed hemorrhage mixed hemorrhage

45 Total placental abruption with concealed hemorrhage and fetal death


47 Maternal-fetal risk perinatal mortality: 35% DIC hypovolemic shock
acute renal failure Sheehan’s syndrome


49 Symptoms Vaginal bleeding Abdominal or back pain Uterine contractions
Uterine tenderness

50 Physical Findings Vaginal bleeding Uterine contractions Hypertonus
Tetanic contractions Non-reassuring fetal status or demise Can be concealed hemorrhage


52 Laboratory Findings Anemia DIC
may be out of proportion to observed blood loss DIC Can occur in up to 10% (30% if “severe”) First, increase in fibrin split products Followed by decrease in fibrinogen

53 Diagnosis Clinical scenario Physical exam Ultrasound
Not digital pelvic exams until rule out previa Careful speculum exam Ultrasound Can evaluate previa Not accurate to diagnose abruption

54 Management Physical exam Continuous electronic fetal monitoring
Ultrasound Assess viability, gestational age, previa, fetal position/lie Expectant management vaginal vs cesarean delivery Available anesthesia, OR team for cesarean delivery

55 Partial placental abruption with adhered clot

56 Couvelaire Uterus

57 A bimanual compression
腹壁子宫按摩法 腹部-阴道双手压迫子宫法

58 Packing the uterine cavity

59 B-lynch/Bind suture 正面观 背面观 Flash


61 Cho/patch suture

62 Ligation of the utering arteries


64 Management Careful maternal hemodynamic monitoring Fetal monitoring
Serial evaluation of the hematocrit, coagulation profile,delivery Blood products for replacement A large-bore intravenous line

65 Thank you!

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