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Case Study LO: Understand the scenario of the 2011 case study and the software required. Learning outcome: Give correct response to exam-type questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Study LO: Understand the scenario of the 2011 case study and the software required. Learning outcome: Give correct response to exam-type questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Study LO: Understand the scenario of the 2011 case study and the software required. Learning outcome: Give correct response to exam-type questions Key words: Liquid Silver, On-line purchasing, Validation, Encoding, Computer workstations, Health and safety

2 Liquid Silver A Rock band which is becoming more popular. They have a growing fan club. Despite the fact that their music is really lousy!

3 They have a small office which runs the admin for their fan club The office has a number of networked PCs.

4 Question … What types of topology could the company use to link the computers? StarRingLine/Bus What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

5 Liquid Silver have a website... What is the purpose of maintaining the website? Provide background information about the band Fans can request email updates Provide facility to join the fan club on-line (or by posting a hand-written form) Purchase merchandise

6 Question List reasons why fans may wish to purchase items over the internet rather than calling and using a credit card? Easy to search Can see items Better security No waiting if busy

7 Advantages of an online store Open 24/7 Don’t have to leave home Saves money travelling Easier to search for specific items Less staff needed to take orders Open to a wider customer base (e.g. people out of town.)

8 Question Liquid silver are planning a 2012 tour. DTP is used to create publicity. What features of DTP make this the best type of software? Frames Stylesheets Templates Formatting (advanced) Graphics (e.g. wrapping)

9 Using text wrap This is an example of text wrapping- describe the process of taking an image of a book from the website and wrapping text in a DTP application. 1 Open the website, navigate to the correct page 2 Copy (or save) the image 3 Switch to the DTP application, go to the correct place 4 Paste (or insert) the image 5 Set to ‘wrap’ under the image properties 6 Click away from the image, enter the text

10 Key features of Databases  Sort by value (queries)  Search for records (queries)  Share between different users  Reports (Output different layout) General Office admin tools: Databases

11 Members_File (Database) Mem No.SurnameForenameContact Number PostcodeGender 01267JamesonKatherine0191201798ND3 6YAF 10023WhattakerBarney0677108715NS9 4BAM 00876LuiJames0292652715BC3 7SBM The field Mem No. is the key field, what is a key field and why is it used? It is a unique reference to a single record. It is used to refer to the record in another file/table (foreign key)

12 Members_File (Database) Mem No.SurnameForenameContact Number PostcodeGender 01267JamesonKatherine0191201798ND3 6YAF 10023WhattakerBarney0677108715NS9 4BAM 00876LuiJames0292652715BC3 7SBM What is validation, and why is it used? Validation is a software check to ensure that the data entered is reasonable

13 Members_File (Database) Mem No.SurnameForenameContact Number PostcodeGender 01267JamesonKatherine0191201798ND3 6YAF 10023WhattakerBarney0677108715NS9 4BAM 00876LuiJames0292652715BC3 7SBM Name the types of validation which can be applied to the field Gender Presence Length Type

14 Members_File (Database) Mem No.SurnameForenameContact Number PostcodeGender 01267JamesonKatherine0191201798ND3 6YAF 10023WhattakerBarney0677108715NS9 4BAM 00876LuiJames0292652715BC3 7SBM Describe the steps needed to apply validation to the Gender field so that only the values F or M will be accepted. 1. Enter the Members_File and enter design view 2. Click on the Gender Field 3. Enter the validation rule: “M” or “F” 4. Optionally, enter the validation text: “Please enter M or F” 5. Save the changes

15 Key features of spreadsheets  Formulas used to make calculations  Appearance (formatting) using features like cell fill and conditional formatting  Graphs and charts to display data. General Office admin tools: Spreadsheets

16 Stock_Detail file (Spreadsheet) ABCDE 1 ItemCost PriceSelling PriceOpening StockClosing Stock 2T Shirt£15.00£18.00250102 3Bag£20.00£24.00300134 4Wallet£12.00£14.4012040 If the Selling Price is worked out as a formula based on the Purchase price, what formula would you expect to see in cell C2? =B2*1.2=B2+(B2/5)=(B2/5)+B2 Answer: Any of the following:

17 Stock_Detail file (Spreadsheet) What formula would you expect to see in cell F2? =D2-E2 ABCDEFGH 1 ItemCost Price Selling Price Opening Stock Closing Stock Amount Sold Reorder (<100) Takings 2 T Shirt£15.00£18.00250102148N£2664 3 Bag£20.00£24.00300134166N£3984 4 Wallet£12.00£14.401204080Y£1152

18 Stock_Detail file (Spreadsheet) What function would you expect to see in cell G3? =IF ABCDEFGH 1 ItemCost Price Selling Price Opening Stock Closing Stock Amount Sold Reorder (<100) Takings 2 T Shirt£15.00£18.00250102148N£2664 3 Bag£20.00£24.00300134166N£3984 4 Wallet£12.00£14.401204080Y£1152 (F3<100,“Y”,”N”)

19 Network Manager Responsible for... Maintenance (for when things go wrong) Security (e.g. AV and Firewall) Logins Backups Installing software

20 Network Manager Responsible for... aintenance (for when things go wrong) ecurity (e.g. AV and Firewall) ogins ackups nstalling software Go through that again please Kyezha... L I M B S

21 What is a workstation?

22 Three main problems... Using a computer for hours on end can cause RSI (Repetative Strain Injury) Eye Strain Circulation / back problems

23 Three main solutions Take regular breaks Including walking around, looking away. Buy the correct equipment Chair with backrest, ergonomicaly-designed keyboard Adjust and arrange Monitor at eye level, chair position

24 An ideal workstation...

25 Three main solutions Take regular breaks Including walking around, looking away. Buy the correct equipment Chair with backrest, ergonomicaly-designed keyboard Adjust and arrange Monitor at eye level, chair position

26 Get to work!

27 Click here to purchase items Click here for latest tour dates Click here to purchase concert tickets

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