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This is Rotary (An Orientation for New Members) Rotary Club of Southside Corpus Christi District 5930 ~ 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "This is Rotary (An Orientation for New Members) Rotary Club of Southside Corpus Christi District 5930 ~ 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is Rotary (An Orientation for New Members) Rotary Club of Southside Corpus Christi District 5930 ~ 2014-2015

2 Rotary is an International “Grassroots” Service Organization ROTARIAN ROTARY CLUB ROTARY DISTRICT ROTARY ZONE ROTARY INTERNATIONAL

3 In the beginning…  The first Rotary club was organized in Chicago in 1905, by Paul P. Harris.  The club, with four members, met in rotation at the offices of the members - thus the name Rotary.

4 Flushing With Pride 1907 the first public service project Construction of public “comfort stations” in Chicago

5 Current Club Officers & Board of Directors President:John Owen President-elect:Michelle Maresh-Fuehrer Vice President:David Walker Past President:Suzanne Guggenheim SecretaryKyle Fuehrer Treasurer: Rod Vaughn Executive SecretaryErasmo Nava Sergeant At Arms Fred Hayden Board of Directors: Nancy Foster (2015) Debbie High (2015) Joe High (2016) Julius Cavazos (2017) Scott Sutherland (2017) Plus the Chairpersons for each of the Avenues of Service & Committees Officers are elected to take office on 1 July of each year. Board of Directors hold their position fo r three years.

6 Object of Rotary  First. The development of acquaintances as an opportunity for service;

7 Object of Rotary  Second. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his or her occupation as an opportunity to serve society; Southside CC Rotarian & BSA Scout Master (Retired) For 40 years, recently retired Boy Scout Master Elain Barnes helped more than 84 scouts in our community work their way up to becoming Eagle Scouts. July 2014

8 Object of Rotary  Third. The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to his or her personal, business and community life

9 Object of Rotary  Fourth. The advancement of international understanding, good will, and peace through a world of fellowship of business and professional people united in the ideal of service.

10 The Rotary Club of Southside CC Club Service  Flags for Patriotic Holidays - BSA Troop 232  RAMPS – Building of Residential Wheelchair Ramps  Food Bank & Scouting for Food  Supply Our Schools  Girl Scouts  Unsung Heroes Awards  Administrative Professional Day Luncheon  Student Achievers  Scholarships “Service Above Self”

11 Southside CC Vocational Service The Rotary Club of Southside CC Vocational Service  President Elects attend the multi-district Lone Star President Elect Training Seminar  Members attend District Conference, Assembly, Foundation, Membership, & Public Image/Rotary Awareness Seminars  Vocational Visits to members places of business such as MedSafety Central, TAMUCC College of Business, & Nueces County Jail “Service Above Self”

12 Southside CC The Rotary Club of Southside CC Community Service  Flags for Patriotic Holidays with BSA T-232  RAMPS (minimum 6 per year)  Food Bank & Scouting for Food  Supply Our Schools (Rose Shaw Elementary)  Christmas Toy Drive (Rose Shaw Elementary)  Scholarships  Flags for Eagle Scouts – BSA T-232  Adopt a Family at Christmas  Area Adoption Awareness Picnic  Salvation Army Bell Ringing “Service Above Self”

13 International Service The Rotary Club of Southside CC International Service  Peace & conflict prevention/resolution  Disease prevention & treatment  Water & Sanitation  Maternal and child health  Basic education & literacy  Economic & community development “Service Above Self”

14 Southside CC The Rotary Club of Southside CC Youth Service  HS Student Achiever Awards  RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards)  District wide Adoption Awareness Picnic  Four-Way Test Speech Competition  Rotary Foundation Global Grant Recipient (2013- 2014) Megan Crawford-Grime (UK)  District 5930 International Scholarship to Costa Rica (2014)  TAMUCC Rotaract Club  HS Interact  EarlyActFirstKnight “Service Above Self”

15 You’re Welcome  Volunteer your skills  Improve your Community  Build your Network

16 THE FOUR-WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? 5. Is it FUN?

17 Your Obligations in Rotary Attendance  Attendance at the weekly meetings is a benefit of Rotary.  A minimum of 50% of club meetings & / OR  ENGAGE in 12 hours in each half of the year:  Club Projects  Other events & activities

18 Your Financial Obligations DESCRIPTIONAMOUNT Admission Fee (1x)$100 Dues (June/Dec)$100 every 6 months District Fee$2 MEALS$16/ $11/ $3 EREY (Foundation) *27 cents a day Paul Harris Fellow *$2.74 a day * Optional, but highly recommended ”

19 Five Reasons to give to the Rotary International Foundation  5. Fighting hunger  4. Reducing child mortality  3. Promoting peace & conflict resolution  2. Basic education and literacy  1. Eradicating Polio

20 “ Service Above Self ”

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