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TCS Events, the Data Dictionary, and Alarms (oh my) Michele, Chris, and Doug Version 1B.

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1 TCS Events, the Data Dictionary, and Alarms (oh my) Michele, Chris, and Doug Version 1B

2 25 April 2014 Overview This is not a presentation on architecture or design of an alarm handling system. This presentation discusses the state of our system today with respect to Events, and how the ECS is being cleaned up and uses the data dictionary for alarms. ECS can be used as a model for where we can see ourselves going in the future in terms of alarm handling. TCS Events – Overview and purpose Data Dictionary – Overview and purpose Alarm Handler – How can we get here with what we already have at our disposal? Software Group Presentation2

3 25 April 2014 High-level Review of Events Events are indicators which can be used as alerts in real- time or as tracers for post-mortem analysis of telescope actions. In real-time, events are designed to aid the Telescope Operator (via the LSSGUI and the message boxes on all the TCS GUIs) and … … the Observing Astronomer (via the synchronous return information to the instrument software imposed telescope commands) regarding a situation. This is only true if the event is packaged in the command return object. For post-mortem analysis, events represent clues as to the state of the system at a particular instant. Software Group Presentation3

4 25 April 2014 Event Feedback in TCS GUIs Software Group Presentation4

5 25 April 2014 Event Feedback in Text File Software Group Presentation5

6 25 April 2014 High-level Review of Events Every TCS subsystem defines their own events. Events can be pre-defined in XML or instantiated at run-time as needed. Existing events can be modified at run-time (i.e., update LogString and associated parameters). All client commands should have “bookend” events: started accompanied by complete/warning/failed. (e.g., psf.command.setZernikes.started) Single-shot events are issued for some circumstance of particular interest. (e.g., pcs.command.setNSEphemerisTarget.extrapolation) Software Group Presentation6

7 25 April 2014 Event Definition Example in XML Software Group Presentation7

8 25 April 2014 Event Definition Example in Code Invocation of call: Supporting method: The “LogString” is built on-the-fly with all the necessary parameters, and the default priority is OK (5). There is no easy way to know the names and how many events the GCS will generate. Software Group Presentation8

9 25 April 2014 Event Logging Software Group Presentation9

10 25 April 2014 Event Characteristics Essentially isolated messages Not coupled except by convention (e.g.,started/complete) Do not maintain any state (i.e., do not “latch”) Issued typically to indicate an unexpected or negative transaction (i.e., there is no “I am happy again” counter-event) Software Group Presentation10

11 25 April 2014 Event Issues Not fully implemented across all TCS subsystems Inconsistent in implementation (XML vs instantiation in code) Inconsistent across subsystems in terms of priority settings and associated meaning PriorityColorMeaning 1rederror 2yellowwarning 3greenOk? 4cyanOk? 5whiteOk? Software Group Presentation11

12 25 April 2014 Event Clean Up Implement in all subsystems Does it matter if some are in XML and others are generated on the fly? Priorities 3 - 5 need to be better defined for use (5=started/complete, 4=informational, 3=OK, or ???) Priority/Color will need to be reconciled with Data Dictionary Severity scheme (discussed later) Clarify the wording as any particular event may be packaged up as a response to an observer command. Software Group Presentation12

13 25 April 2014 Event Information Reference document: 481s505 Presentation: Software Group Presentation13

14 Data Dictionary The data dictionary is a collection of variables representing the state of the TCS at a particular moment in time. The TCS GUIs mine the data dictionary for the values represented on the GUI. Variable datatypes are: bit, bool, char, uchar, short, ushort, int, unit, long, ulong, float, double, and string. Every TCS subsystem defines their own variables. Only the TCS subsystem that owns a variable can write to that variable. Any TCS subsystem can read any variable. 25 April 2014 Software Group Presentation14

15 25 April 2014 DD realization in DDViewer Software Group Presentation15

16 DD Definition in XML 25 April 2014 Software Group Presentation16

17 DD Accessing Variables There are two ways to access DD variables: Gtype objects and SetValueInterface objects. I will only discuss the Gtype objects here. Below is an example of getting a DD value, getting the values associated with the lower and upper limits, and setting a DD value. 25 April 2014 Software Group Presentation17

18 DD Characteristics Each DD variable is an independent entity – there is no concept of a set of information (e.g., coordinates RA and Dec) though arrays are supported For entries which are updated at a high rate as in this example, the Dec value may not be from the same timestamp as the RA value There is no timestamp associated with each entry, but some subsystems have “grouped” data and there is a timestamp for the group Under the assumption the subsystems keep their DD values up-to-date, then the variables always reflect current state. 25 April 2014 Software Group Presentation18

19 DD Clean up Not all DD items have associated limits defined in the XML. Whether or not the limits of a variable are defined in the XML, not all subsystems use the mechanism for obtaining these values and then using this information for limit checking in the subsystem code. Should the above items be addressed with the understanding the subsystem may need greater flexibility for limit checking than what can be achieved with these static values? 25 April 2014 Software Group Presentation19

20 DD Setting Variables Reference document: 481s504 Presentation: 25 April 2014 Software Group Presentation20

21 Leveraging What We Have After some discussions (Doug, Chris, and Michele) and because of state information, the data dictionary best lends itself to the idea of an annunciator panel (at the least) or an alarm handler (at the best). 25 April 2014 Software Group Presentation21

22 25 April 2014 Using the ECS as a prototype Leveraging the data dictionary for alarms: Allows for a better and more robust implementation of the breadcrumb and rollup currently done by the ECSGUI Provides a model (ECS subsystem) for the remaining TCS subsystems  The above steps allow us to produce an annunciator panel for the TCS. We can go further and … Export the data dictionary items (as is done for FACSUM via the DDS) to an external system Software Group Presentation22

23 25 April 2014 ECS as an Example ECS is comprised of a number of subcomponents, which are comprised of subcomponents … This subsystem is naturally represented in a hierarchical manner. Software Group Presentation23

24 ECS as an Example 25 April 2014 The mirror ventilation itself is comprised of a number of subcomponents which are depicted here to the lowest level “device”. Each device has an associated severity flag depending upon its PLC state. The next higher-level group also has an associated severity flag equal to the worst or highest level of severity among its constituents. This rollup continues until the top of the hierarchy is reached. The current severity flag values are: error = 1, warning = 2, ok = 3, info = 4, debug = 5, and unknown = 6. This scheme is easily exploited by the ECSGUI to color its navigation buttons and “eyebrow” in order to create the breadcrumb trail.  We should reconcile the DD severity flag levels (and colors used by the GUIs) with the event priorities as both facilities will be used. Software Group Presentation24

25 ECS as an Example ecs.severity = 1 = 2 = 2  = 2  = 2  = 3  = 3 ecs.dampers.severity = 1 ecs.dampers.dp0405 = 1 ecs.dampers.dp0406 = 3 ecs.dampers.dp0407 = 2 ecs.dampers.dp0408 = 3 25 April 2014 Software Group Presentation25

26 Considerations The ECS example only addressed states of error, warning, and OK as it was based upon hardware. What about analog values and their associated lower and upper limits? Should the third-party package determine when limits have been violated? What if the limits are not firm, but rather they are based upon some real-time computation? In order to keep the specific TCS GUI and the alarm handler synchronized (which is a must), as well as retain flexibility when the lower and upper limits must be computed in real-time based upon some system variable, the subsystem should determine when a limit has been violated. This means providing the third- party package only with severity flags. All the real intelligence is retained in the subsystem (at least for the TCS). 25 April 2014 Software Group Presentation26

27 ECS as an Example Special states suggested by users: Hardware deliberately put into a non-working state so techs want to know about it at the “low-level” but do not want the condition to propagate to the high-level (may be temporary) Hardware deliberately put into a non-standard state (manual vs automatic) permanently There may be other special cases 25 April 2014 Software Group Presentation27

28 Severity Flags If all TCS subsystems implement this scheme, we will not only have a robust annunciator panel, but also a path to exploit existing alarm hander software packages. Admittedly, there is at least code needed to convert our data dictionary information into the format preferred by the third-party package. 25 April 2014 Software Group Presentation28

29 25 April 2014 Characteristics of Alarm Handlers Bring the issue to the attention of Mountain personnel Allows for the acknowledgement of alarm (basically someone has taken ownership of the alarm – fuzzy to me, enforcement?) Provides guidance for actions to pursue via pop-up or URL Provides for processes to be triggered when a particular transaction occurs (open a subsystem GUI?) Accommodates suppression via filters (alarms held off in the handler until the entity is in the alarm state for a specified duration, etc.) Provides for logging of alarms and display of the log history (for TCS this is covered by the event log) Presents the alarms in a graphical, hierarchical view (logical grouping) for easy digestion Software Group Presentation29

30 EPICS The EPICS alarm handler can deal with literally thousands of alarms at a granular level. Since we will have already created a detailed set of severity flags in the TCS subsystems in support of the TCS GUIs, we have the flexibility to control how “deep” we want any portion of the alarm hander to be. There are effectively four levels of alarm: invalid, major, minor, and no_alarm (though I also see error as the worst level). Sound can be associated with the raising of an alarm – looks like only one sound accommodated (default: beep) 25 April 2014 Software Group Presentation30

31 EPICS - Filtering Filtering or use of masks controls when an alarm is displayed if a device is in alarm for more than N seconds if a device enters into an alarm state from a no_alarm state more than M times in N seconds if an alarm is even displayed on the handler (though it may still be logged) if an alarm must be acknowledged by the Telescope Operator if an alarm is logged 25 April 2014 Software Group Presentation31

32 Near term Clarify the meaning of the event priorities Establish firm set of severity flags Reconcile severity flag levels with event priorities Complete implementation of severity flags in ECS Clean-up the ECSGUI to use the severity flags Re-think the ECSGUI message box which has always been more of an Alarm box – address the Event LogStrings? Determine the best manner to map data dictionary items into the ASCII database needed for EPICS – and do it! 25 April 2014 Software Group Presentation32

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