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Jeopardy Postwar Issues Cultural Conflicts Harlem Renaissance Business Boom 1920s Presidents Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Postwar Issues Cultural Conflicts Harlem Renaissance Business Boom 1920s Presidents Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Postwar Issues Cultural Conflicts Harlem Renaissance Business Boom 1920s Presidents Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500

2 $100 Question Postwar Issues Define Red Scare Main Menu

3 $200 Question Postwar Issues What was the Quota System? Main Menu

4 $300 Question Postwar Issues What two trends developed after WWI that reflected America’s restrictive ways of thinking? Main Menu

5 $400 Question from Postwar Issues Describe the Palmer / Hoover Raids. How did they go against the 1 st amendment? Main Menu

6 $500 Question from Postwar Issues What is Communism? How is it different from Democracy? Main Menu

7 $100 Question from Cultural Conflicts Who was the most notorious Prohibition era gangster? Main Menu

8 $200 Question from Cultural Conflicts American Fundamentalists were people who… Main Menu

9 $300 Question from Cultural Conflicts What did the Scopes Trial involve? Main Menu

10 $400 Question from Cultural Conflicts Which amendment initiated Prohibition and which amendment repealed it? Main Menu

11 $500 Question from Cultural Conflicts Name and describe two main differences between 19 th century and 20 th century women Main Menu

12 $100 Question from Harlem Renaissance Describe the Harlem Renaissance Main Menu

13 $200 Question from Harlem Renaissance Where is Harlem? What did it become known as in the 1920s? Main Menu

14 $300 Question from Harlem Renaissance What was the Great Migration? What were people in search of? Main Menu

15 $400 Question from Harlem Renaissance Name and describe 2 goals of African Americans during the 1920s Main Menu

16 $500 Question from Harlem Renaissance Who was Marcus Garvey and how did he contribute to the Harlem Renaissance? Main Menu

17 $100 Question from Business Boom The backbone of the American economy during the 1920s was… Main Menu

18 $200 Question from Business Boom What two people helped to promote the first commercial airplanes via their transatlantic flights? Main Menu

19 $300 Question from Business Boom Name two electrical conveniences during the 1920s. What effect did they have on housewives? Main Menu

20 $400 Question from Business Boom What was the installment plan and how did it lead to careless spending? Main Menu

21 $500 Question from Business Boom Name and describe two “red flags” that foreshadowed hard times in the 1920s Main Menu

22 $100 Question from 1920s Presidents What was Harding and Coolidge’s stance on business? Main Menu

23 $200 Question from 1920s Presidents List two things that Calvin Coolidge did to help business Main Menu

24 $300 Question from 1920s Presidents Describe both a positive and negative concerning Warren Harding Main Menu

25 $400 Question from 1920s Presidents Calvin Coolidge failed to predict the economic hardship to come. Why? Main Menu

26 $500 Question from 1920s Presidents Describe the Teapot Dome Scandal. During whose presidency did this happen ? Main Menu

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