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E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill Department of Computer Science Washington University, St. Louis

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Presentation on theme: "E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill Department of Computer Science Washington University, St. Louis"— Presentation transcript:

1 E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill Department of Computer Science Washington University, St. Louis Introduction to Concurrent and Networked Objects

2 Why Study Concurrency and Patterns? Concurrent/networked systems increasingly important –Significant focus on (multicore) hardware, location independence, scalability, performance, timing etc. Concurrent/networked Systems are highly challenging to design and implement well –Accidental complexities must be constrained Limitations with tools, techniques and processes Reinvention and rediscovery (NIH, “C++ considered harmful”) –Inherent complexities must be accommodated Network partitions, partial failures, deadlock, race conditions –Patterns and pattern languages help to codify what works Generative techniques adaptable to new contexts

3 Categories of Patterns Service Access and Configuration –Appropriate programming interfaces/abstractions Concurrency –Exploiting physical and logical parallelism Synchronization –Managing safety and liveness in concurrent systems Event Handling –Inescapable in networked systems

4 Aggregating Paradigms Single Paradigms –Procedural –Object-Oriented –Generics –Aspect-Oriented –Idioms, Design and Strategic Patterns A “Multi-Paradigm” Paradigm –i.e., a Multi-Paradigm –i.e., Generative Programming static OS threads, queues, timers OS services OS scheduling strategies portability composition end-to-end aspects

5 Procedural Systems Programming Common-off-the-shelf (COTS) Operating Systems –E.g., Linux, Windows, VxWorks, LynxOS, … Standardized APIs –Threads, sockets, … –POSIX, etc. Portability layer is useful In C/C++, pre-compilers can do a lot for you From ACE_INLINE ACE_thread_t ACE_OS::thr_self (void) { // ACE_OS_TRACE ("ACE_OS::thr_self"); #if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS) # if defined (ACE_HAS_PTHREADS) // Note, don't use "::" here since the // following call is often a macro. ACE_OSCALL_RETURN (pthread_self (), int, -1); # elif defined (ACE_HAS_STHREADS) ACE_OSCALL_RETURN (::thr_self (), int, -1); # elif defined (ACE_HAS_WTHREADS) return ::GetCurrentThreadId (); # elif defined (ACE_PSOS) // there does not appear to be a way to get // a task's name other than at creation return 0; # elif defined (VXWORKS) return ::taskName (::taskIdSelf ()); # endif /* ACE_HAS_STHREADS */ #else return 1; // Might as well make it the first thread ;-) #endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */ }

6 Procedural Programming, Continued Inherent complexity –Part of the problem itself –Won’t go away –E.g., network latency Accidental Complexity –Artifact of the solution –Can reduce with better tools and techniques How many times would you want to (re-)write this code? See also size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ACE_thread_t t_id; ACE_hthread_t t_handle; int result = ACE_OS:: thr_create (func, arg, flags, &t_id, &t_handle, priority, stack == 0 ? 0 : stack[i], stack_size == 0 ? 0 : stack_size[i], thread_adapter); if (result == 0) { if (thread_ids != 0) thread_ids[i] = t_id; if (thread_handles != 0) thread_handles[i] = t_handle; } else // Bail out if error occurs. break; } return i;

7 Object-Oriented Programming Reduction in Accidental Complexity –Less tedious and error- prone to develop, port, maintain, extend Inheritance Polymorphism –Allows substitution Encapsulation –Hides details –Controlled violations may help E.g., socket handle ACE_IPC_SAP ACE_SOCKACE_SPIPE ACE_SOCK_StreamACE_SOCK_Dgram

8 Object-Oriented Programming, Continued The OO paradigm helps But, leaves key questions open –When should we create objects? –What are their relationships? –How do they interact? We still need tactical guidance class Synchronized_Processor { public: int critical_section (); private: Processor p_; Mutex m_; } int Synchronized_Processor:: critical_section () { m_.lock (); int result = p_.do_processing (); m_.unlock (); return result; }

9 Design Patterns Each pattern has a name –Part of a higher-level design vocabulary It applies to a context It documents a solution It captures experience We also need key idioms –E.g., guard, copy-on-write, etc. Container Iterator * make_iterator()=0; Array Iterator * make_iterator(); Linked_List Iterator * make_iterator(); Application of the GoF Factory Method Pattern template class Guard { public: Guard (T & t); ~Guard (); private: T & t_; };

10 Towards Strategic Patterns Procedures + OO + Patterns –We’ve made progress on accidental complexity –But still have more to do And, solutions must respect inherent complexity –Resource access –Communication –Asynchrony Need strategic guidance to demystify the art Sockets? Pipes? Event Multiplexing? Reuse? Portability?

11 Strategic Patterns –Service Access & Configuration –Synchronization –Concurrency –Events Small pattern-languages –E.g., ACT, Active Object –E.g., Acceptor, Connector, Reactor reactor thread director Active Objects posts to queues

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