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1 Ministry of Transport and Communications Innovations in knowledge intensive services KIS

2 Ministry of Transport and Communications Who are we? BASSCOM ( - the industry association of the software development business in Bulgaria – unites leading software companies with the mission to promote competitive advantages in software development and encourage acquisition of best practices to raise company What is our Mission? Growing the software industry to become an engine of growth for the Bulgarian economy Why are we together? To build on professionalism and a better functioning economy From the very beginning BASSCOM members understood the key importance of knowledge!

3 Ministry of Transport and Communications ESI Center Bulgaria Founders European Software Institute, Bilbao, Spain ICT Development Agency, MTC BASSCOM – Bulgarian Association of Software Companies Partners UNDP – United Nations Development Program Ministry of Transport and Communications

4 Ministry of Transport and Communications ESI Center Bulgaria Target Groups IT companies and specialists; IT-intensive companies and organisations from other sectors – banks, telecommunication companies, insurance companies, administrations etc; State organisations and departments (e-government); Citizens – e-awareness, e-government, IT penetration Strategy Reach self-sustainability within 5 years after set-up; Achieve local and regional presence; Professional service provider in modern methodologies and technologies; Close ESI – ESI Center liason

5 Ministry of Transport and Communications The European Software Institute (ESI), Spain – The European Software Institute (ESI) is founded in 1993 by leading European companies and with the support of the European Commission and the Basque Government. ESI Global Alliance – March 2004 ESICenter Tec de Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mexico: Central and North America market. ESICenter UNISINOS, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: South American market. ESICenter SSEAC, Shanghai, China: Chinese market. ESICenter Australia, Melbourne, Australia: Australia, New Zealand and South East Asian market.

6 Ministry of Transport and Communications How can we increase the creativity and innovation capacity in knowledge intensive services Sustainable processes improvement Knowledge management in the ”production process” Manage the strategic importance of your initiatives

7 Ministry of Transport and Communications CMMI © Standardizes routine practices empower resources for creativity and innovations “Many top-level managers see Process Improvement as an activity invented by quality fanatics with the idea of reaching some level of “Process Utopia.” What they fail to see is that it enables the organisation to prosper by combining effective processes with skilled, motivated and creative people focusing on adding value to the business in areas where changes can yield the greatest long-term benefits.” David Reo ESI Trainers of the European Software Institute, authorised by the Software Engineering Institute, support software intensive organizations in: training of core staff – decision-makers, engineers, QA personnel consultancy on understanding and practical implementation of CMMI planning and executing CMMI® based appraisals

8 Ministry of Transport and Communications

9 Ministry of Transport and Communications REUSE increases effectiveness of shorten production period for software development ESI's approach to software reuse integrates managerial and technical aspects of reuse implementation as a way to capitalize on the company's own knowledge and experience to build new systems. Software REUSE systematically avoids the duplication of work and increases the predictability in the software process resulting in an opening of new business opportunities and a reduction of costs and time-to market. ESI consults software development companies in REUSE analysis, investment, and process assessment.

10 Ministry of Transport and Communications The Balanced IT Scorecard (BITS) developed at the ESI is an effective communication mechanism for formulating, transmitting and agreeing on the strategy of an organisation, facilitating the alignment of improvement initiatives with the overall strategic business plan and the elaboration of a comprehensive and balanced strategic measurement system. BITS helps to: Improve the organisation's ability to serve all customer segments Proactively manage the knowledge development agenda Enhance relationships with the key stakeholders ESI supports knowledge-intensive organisations to st@rt, drive and monitor their strategic performance management. Balance IT Scorecard BITS TM “translates” corporate strategy into actions

11 Ministry of Transport and Communications Thank you

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