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1. 2 Windows Live Hotmail  offers access via special Outlook Connector software o provides a two-way sync for  mail  calendar  contacts o access.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 Windows Live Hotmail  offers access via special Outlook Connector software o provides a two-way sync for  mail  calendar  contacts o access."— Presentation transcript:

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3 Windows Live Hotmail  offers access via special Outlook Connector software o provides a two-way sync for  mail  calendar  contacts o access via POP3 for free accounts and paid accounts in most countries 3

4 Outlook Connector – 32-bit or 64-bit  Only install 64-bit version when using the 64-bit version of Outlook 2010 4

5 Click the File tab to create an additional account Multiple Accounts in Outlook – 5

6 Add additional e-mail account 6

7 7 Type your name Type your e-mail address Type your password

8 connection to server established Search for server settings Establish network connection Log on to server and send a test e-mail message 8

9 Manually Configure a POP3 Account 9

10 10

11 11

12 More Settings 12

13 More Settings 13

14 14

15 15

16 Configure Gmail Account  logon to your Gmail account o Click the Settings button at the top right side of your screen. o Click Mail Settings 16 Settings button

17 Gmail Options – Mail Settings 17 Option button

18 Gmail Settings – Forwarding and POP3/IMAP 18

19 Add additional e-mail account 19

20 Jill Romanoski 20

21 Manually Configure a POP3 Account 21

22 Manually Configure Server 1 22

23 More Settings 23

24 More Settings 24

25 25 Both e-mail accounts added to Favorites pane

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28 Enjoy the conference! Have a nice day!

29 What is an RSS Feed?  Provide frequently updated content published by a website. They are commonly used for news and blog websites, but are also used for distributing other types of digital content, including pictures, audio, or video. blog  Feeds can also be used to deliver audio content (usually in MP3 format) which you can listen to on your computer or portable device. This is referred to as podcasting. 29

30 What is an RSS Feed?  A feed can have the same content as a webpage, but it's often formatted differently. When you subscribe, Internet Explorer automatically checks the website and downloads new content so you can see what is new since you last visited the feed. 30

31 What Does RSS mean?  The acronym RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and is used to describe the technology used in creating feeds. 31

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38 Meeting Suggestions 38

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