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Module 6: Manage and Configure Messaging. Configuring Internet Mail Using Small Business Server (SBS) 2008 Console Configuring E-mail Protection Configuring.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 6: Manage and Configure Messaging. Configuring Internet Mail Using Small Business Server (SBS) 2008 Console Configuring E-mail Protection Configuring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 6: Manage and Configure Messaging

2 Configuring Internet Mail Using Small Business Server (SBS) 2008 Console Configuring E-mail Protection Configuring Connectors and Clients Monitoring Messaging Managing OWA Using the SBS Console

3 Lesson 1: Configuring Internet Mail Using Small Business Server 2008 Console Configure e-mail protocols using the Windows Small Business Server 2008 console Configure the appropriate DNS routing records Configure e-mail forwarding to specific recipients

4 Exchange Server 2007 Features Outlook Web Access Exchange ActiveSync MAPI POP3 IMAP Exchange Server 2007 features enabled by default in SBS

5 Push Protocol Push protocol Text-based protocol Uses TCP port 25 Uses MX records Can use relay server or smart hosts RFC 821 What is SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)?

6 Configure SMTP Using the Internet Address Mail Wizard Configures SMTP Configures Smart Host Internet Address Wizard (IAMW)

7 Pull Protocols What is IMAP (Internet Message Protocol)? Pull protocol Application layer protocols IMAP uses TCP port 143 (RFC 1064) POP3 uses TCP port 110 (RFC 193) Clients use SMTP to send messages What is POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3)?

8 Configuring the POP3 Connector

9 Verifying DNS Records A records MX records PTR records The Internet Address Mail Wizard (IAMW) configures: Ping utility How can you verify name resolution? nslookup Telnet SMTPdiag How can you verify SMTP? Ping… anybody home?

10 Demonstration: Internet Mail Wizard In this demonstration you will learn how to:  Configure Exchange Server 2007 e-mail using the Internet Mail Wizard.  Configure a smart host.  Configure outbound mail.  Set up the POP3 connector.  Add multiple POP3 mailboxes to one Exchange Server mailbox.

11 Lesson 2: Configuring E-mail Protection Configure e-mail protection using the Exchange Server Configure e-mail protection using Forefront™ Security Server for Exchange

12 Working with Exchange Server 2007 Uses Spam Confidence Level (SCL) Exchange content filtering Uses Global Address List (GAL) Exchange recipient filtering Uses individual e-mail address or sender domain Exchange sender filtering Uses Sender Reputation Level (SRL) Exchange sender reputation

13 Forefront ™ Security for Exchange Server (FSE) Specific name, type, size Attachment filtering Before message entry In transit User mailboxes Anti-virus scans Configure scan jobs Configure filtering options Configure notifications Use FSE templates to:

14 Demonstration: Exchange System Manager 2007 In this demonstration you will learn how to configure Exchange Server settings for e-mail protection.

15 Lesson 3: Configuring Connectors and Clients Configure additional send and receive connectors in Exchange Server 2007 using the Exchange Management console Configure mobile devices Describe troubleshooting messaging issues

16 Exchange Server Clients Microsoft® Office Outlook® Windows® Mail or Microsoft Outlook Express Microsoft Outlook Web Access Standard Internet e-mail clients Non-Windows platforms including UNIX and Apple Macintosh clients Major types of Exchange Server client software

17 Exchange Connectors Previous versions of Exchange Server Other messaging systems Exchange connectors are gateways between the Exchange Server environment and: Integrate foreign address lists into the GAL Enable message exchange Provide access to shared messaging folders Connectors interact directly with other systems

18 Exchange Connectors Represent an inbound connection point for SMTP Defines how inbound SMTP communications are handled Can be configured to limit the number of active connections, maximum message size, and maximum recipients per message Receive connectors Relay outbound communications Send connectors

19 Mobile Devices Mobile device integration settings configured by default On the SBS Server Launch ActiveSync Configure server using registered address: Username Password On the mobile client

20 Demonstration: Connectors and Clients In this demonstration you will learn how to configure send and receive connectors and manage mobile clients.

21 Lesson 4: Monitoring Messaging Identify tracking messages Describe mailbox statistics Describe Exchange Server performance monitor

22 Mail Flow Tools NDRs Queue backups Slow deliveries Mail flow troubleshooter Examine message tracking logs Message tracking Determine queue where message failed Queue viewer Examine routing table logs Routing log viewer

23 Monitoring SMTP Message Flow Issue is isolated to an individual? Issue is with an internal network connectivity? Issue is isolated to an Exchange Server role? Internal mail flow Inbound mail/outbound mail? SMTP Receive connector configured properly? SMTP Send connector configured properly? External mail flow

24 Exchange Best Practice Analyzer Tool (ExBPA) Health Check Permission Check Connectivity Test Baseline Exchange 2007 Readiness Check Exchange Best Practice Analyzer Active Directory Registry IIS metabase Perfmon WMI Flat files Simple protocol testing ExBPA checks

25 Tools for Monitoring Client Connectivity Exchanger Server user monitor Telnet RPC ping DNSdiag Monitoring tools Network connectivity issues Client configuration issues Name resolution issues Identify

26 Track and Avoid Potential Problems Enable or disable message tracking Configure the message tracking logs locations Configure the size of each message tracking log file Configure size of Message Tracking Log Directory Set maximum age for message tracking logs Configure message tracking logs Search by sender Search by recipient How to search message tracking logs

27 Demonstration: Exchange Mail Flow Troubleshooting Tools In this demonstration you will learn how to use the Exchange Best Practice Analyzer and additional tools to monitor and troubleshoot mail flow

28 Performance Troubleshooting Basics MSExchangeIS\RPC latency is higher than 50 ms MSExchangeIS\RPC operation is higher than 0.20 operations per second Determining if the server has a RPC performance problem Incoming mail rate RPC rate per user over 0.2 ops/sec Identify high load Disk bottleneck Processor bottleneck Server misconfiguration Hardware problem Identify resource bottlenecks

29 Lesson 5: Managing OWA Using the SBS Console Configure OWA in Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008

30 Managing OWA Using the SBS Console Check e-mail, calendar, contacts, and other Outlook folders. Send e-mail messages and meeting requests. Move e-mail messages from their inbox to other folders. Attach files, audio clips, and video clips to a message. Receive notification when a new e-mail message arrives. Receive meeting reminders. Outlook Web Access enables users to:

31 Configuring Outlook Web Access in the SBS Console Outlook Web Access properties Enable or disable OWA Modify user Permissions Access Advanced Settings Enable port 443 for Internet traffic connections

32 Lab: Manage and Configure Messaging Exercise 1: Configuring the POP3 Connector Exercise 2: Configuring Exchange Server Anti-spam Filters Exercise 3: Configure Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server Logon information Virtual machineSBS 2008 Server User nameGregory Password Pa$$w0rd Estimated time: 60 minutes

33 Lab Scenario In this exercise you will configure several A.Datum Corporation employees' mailboxes to retrieve POP3 mail from an external server and redirect into their respective Exchange Server mailboxes on the Small Business Server 2008. (You would only configure this if the client does not want to use the Exchange Server email server and would like to keep their existing POP3 accounts.)

34 Lab Review When using a POP3 connector, can you use OWA to check mail? How can you prevent receiving messages sent to well known e-mail addresses (e.g. that do not exist on the domain? How many scan engines can be configured in Forefront Security for Exchange? How are e-mail attachments filtered in Forefront Security for Exchange?

35 Module Summary This module covered the most commonly used tasks for managing and configuring messaging using either the Windows Small Business Server 2008 Console, when available, or the Exchange 2007 Management Console. You learned about connection clients, Exchange connectors and mail protocols SMTP, POP3, IMAP and Exchange Active Sync, and setting up mobile devices. This module covered Exchange spam and virus filtering, troubleshooting and analyzing Exchange Server 2007.

36 Module Review and Takeaways Review Questions Common Issues and Troubleshooting Tips Real-world Issues and Scenarios Best Practices Tools

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