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Putting Your Best Foot Forward with Council Presented by: Anne Marie Madziak, SOLS OLA Super Conference February 3, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Putting Your Best Foot Forward with Council Presented by: Anne Marie Madziak, SOLS OLA Super Conference February 3, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Putting Your Best Foot Forward with Council Presented by: Anne Marie Madziak, SOLS OLA Super Conference February 3, 2011

2 In Haldimand County … …we encourage a culture of organizational cooperation. Libraries and municipalities are natural partners. We respect the Boards legal autonomy, but recognize that we serve the same community and have compatible objectives. Wherever possible – in formulating budgets, in developing policies, or in delivering programs – we work together to provide value-added service to our customers. Don Boyle, CAO, Haldimand County

3 The Central Challenge: Library boards are independent legal entities AND Library boards are totally dependent on the municipality for its finances

4 How do we navigate this paradox? By demonstrating return on investment By collaborating with municipal council to meet the needs of the community By persuading municipal council to collaborate with the library!

5 Six strategies for winning over municipal council and staff: 1.Communicate, communicate, communicate 2.Capitalize on conversation 3.Plug into municipal priorities 4.Champion good governance and responsible stewardship 5.Weave the library into the municipal structure 6.Anticipate and seize the changeable moments

6 1. Communicate, communicate, communicate Communicate with municipal council and staff year round, not just at budget time Share good news stories; help them see the value in library service Regular broadcast emails to municipal leaders Make the librarys annual report a report card to Council, addressing a strong return on investment and significant community benefit

7 Communicate (contd) Engage the library boards council representatives as advocates and key communicators Avoid surprising municipal council; keep them informed –Advance notice of media releases –Brief email communications/alerts as needed

8 2. Capitalize on conversation Engage members of council in conversation, one-on-one Know their interests; informal and formal priorities Utilize them as experts on the community Consult with council and municipal staff as part of the librarys planning process

9 Conversation (contd) Tell the librarys story; share plans and ideas Create opportunities for bridge building –Invite council to the library; serve a light lunch or dinner –Drop by town hall just to chat with municipal staff

10 3. Plug into municipal priorities Respect the priorities of municipal council Use their language and link library programs and services to what they care about Offer assistance with information gathering Attend all council meetings concerned with the budget Advocate the library be included in municipal planning as a community service

11 4. Champion good governance and responsible stewardship Know the Public Libraries Act and other relevant legislation Demonstrate accountability and transparency Educate when necessary, presuming that municipal council and staff share your concern for good governance Be strategic about when its necessary to assert the librarys autonomy Use strong language with caution; strive for a win-win

12 5. Weave the library into the municipal structure Harmonize your policies with those of the municipality as much as possible; deviate where necessary Know and be known; build credibility; be on good terms with key players and their assistants (gatekeepers) CEO should attend dept head meetings Have library staff serve on municipal committees – Health & Safety, Accessibility, special anniversary committees

13 Weave (contd) Join committees that councillors sit on Take part in municipal training events; suggest joint ones to meet common needs Collaborate with the Recreation and Culture departments in planning programs and events Utilize the municipalitys HR and Physical Plant expertise Work with the Treasurer and municipal staff to improve the flow of financial information

14 Weave (contd) Meet with the staff tasked with municipal planning; ask for insights on how the library can align; ask for demographic projections; put the library and the librarys plans on their radar Offer to host town hall meetings and community forums Participate in community events, especially municipally sponsored ones, eg. festivals, fall fair, Doors Open, etc. Socialize with municipal staff when invited

15 6. Anticipate and seize the changeable moments Make the most of Councils new term; welcome the newcomers Reach out anytime there is a turnover in municipal staff When new community initiatives arise, carve out a role for the library As soon as municipal planning endeavours are announced, ask to be involved

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