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Gifted Education and Talent Support in Austria Recent Trends Dr. Claudia Resch, ÖZBFSzeged, 25.10.2012 Gifted Education and Talent Support in Austria Recent.

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Presentation on theme: "Gifted Education and Talent Support in Austria Recent Trends Dr. Claudia Resch, ÖZBFSzeged, 25.10.2012 Gifted Education and Talent Support in Austria Recent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gifted Education and Talent Support in Austria Recent Trends Dr. Claudia Resch, ÖZBFSzeged, 25.10.2012 Gifted Education and Talent Support in Austria Recent Trends Dr. Claudia Resch, ÖZBFSzeged, 25.10.2012

2 Task Force Gifted Education and Research (since 2009) –Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture –Ministry of Science and Research –Austrian Research and Support Centre for the Gifted and Talented Whitepaper Promoting Talent and Excellence (2011)

3 Whitepaper Promoting Talent and Excellence Addressed „action fields“: –Creating and optimising networks –Qualification –Research –Early childhood education: family, kindergartens, etc. –Schools –Higher education section –Local communities –Out-of-school learning institutions –Business and companies

4 Creating and optimising networks - Talent Day 2012 TalentDay dedicated to European year topic of 2012 “Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations”. School competition in the nine Austrian provinces –Topic: „Clever together – Dialogue of the generations” ÖZBF: expert symposium on „Developing potentials intergenerationally“

5 Qualification – International Panel of Experts for Gifted Education (iPEGE) Interdisciplinary panel of experts in gifted education Three brochures: -Brochure 1: definition; standards for teachers working with gifted and talented students (also available in English) -Brochure 2: description of courses in gifted education (30 ECTS points and above) -Brochure 3: detailed description of course modules

6 Qualification – International Panel of Experts for Gifted Education (iPEGE) Brochure 4 (in prep.): gifted education in the various disciplines –Symposium at the conference in Munster in Sept. 2012 –Symposium at the ÖZBF in Febr. 2013: members of iPEGE and experts in the disciplines

7 Qualification – Further teacher training Contact person for gifted education at every teacher training university Joint curriculum of Austrian teacher training universities in further teacher training

8 Early Childhood Education Course „Identifying and promoting gifted children in kindergarten“ –6 ECTS points –blended learning –Promoting self-efficacy of kindergarten teachers

9 Schools New initiative by the Ministry of Education (SQA): –to promote school quality and school development –Standardisation of school development process: development plans –at least two development plans per school –one development plan: gifted education

10 Schools Pilot Project „School development through gifted education“ Three-year development process Quality criteria for school development through gifted education Manual Evaluation of other schools focusing on gifted education

11 Schools: development of diagnostical tool for teachers (mBET) tool for teachers to diagnose gifts/talents in the classroom –for children aged 6-12 –Multidimensional approach (e.g. intellectual, kinesthetic, creativity, motivation, relationships, school achievement, personality etc.) –Questionnaires for teacher, parents and child –Basis für the development of provision measures (round table between teacher and parents) –Validation with IQ test

12 Schools Seal of quality for vocational schools, for initiatives in gifted education

13 Higher Education Survey on gifted education at universities: How are gifted students promoted at Austrian universities? Acceleration Enrichment Stipends, scholarships, awards Promotion of doctoral candidates Etc. –Best-Practice models –Basis for recommendations

14 Higher Education Talent Austria Stipend –Award for master theses –Scholarships for doctoral students General research in gifted education Research on brain drain, brain circulation and brain migration to and from CEE countries

15 Imagefilm by the ÖZBF „Promoting gifts and talents creates opportunities“ Imagefilm by the ÖZBF „Promoting gifts and talents creates opportunities“ to raise awareness for the small and sometimes not so clearly recognizable talents

16 Thank you very much for your attention!

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