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  Complete  Not dictionary/glossary definitions  Due on Unit Test/Quiz Day  Neatness Terms List Expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "  Complete  Not dictionary/glossary definitions  Due on Unit Test/Quiz Day  Neatness Terms List Expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1   Complete  Not dictionary/glossary definitions  Due on Unit Test/Quiz Day  Neatness Terms List Expectations

2   Who was involved?  Where did the event take place?  When did the event take place?  What happened?  Why is it significant? Terms List Expectations Exploration

3   Good example or poor example?  What do you think the teacher’s comments were for this entry? Terms List Expectations

4   Good example or poor example?  What do you think the teacher’s comments were for this entry? Terms List Expectations

5   Good example or poor example?  What are the differences between the first example and this example? Terms List Expectations

6   Good example or poor example?  What are the differences between the first example and this example? Terms List Expectations

7   Dutch, English, French, Spanish, Scandinavian explorers(who)  Participated in a race to claim land in America (what)  Explorers from Europe traveled to America (where)  1400-1600’s (when)  Competition between nations – global leadership (why) Desire for wealth (why) Spread of Christianity (why)  Established colonies in America – beginnings of our country (why significant) Exploration


9   Dutch  English  French  Spanish  Scandinavian Early European Exploration


11  Why Explore? Causes  Competition between nations  Desire for wealth  Spread of Christianity Effects  Destruction of Native American empires  French and Indian War  Disease  Columbian Exchange  Good brought from Europe; goods brought back from the Americas  Colonies in America established  Slavery in America (grows)

12  Map Day See Colonial America packet: p. 2

13 British Exploration (why) and Colonization (where)

14  SSearch for wealth (wealth=power) MMercantilism EEarning wealth through trade (GB huge population with few resources, America few people with great resources) CCollect resources/raw materials send them to GB for manufacturing turn them into finished goods and resell them to colonies PPolitical Strength BBecoming/maintaining world power status RReligious freedom PPilgrims/Puritans Why the British explored…

15  BBrand new world… NNo “colonial” traditions LLimited/no guidance NNo government/authority physically present BBegan their own traditions… WWhat’s in a name? ( What’s your name?) FFly a Flag Life in the colonies?

16 1.Read, highlight, annotate What’s Your Name? (packet) 2.Try some Groaning Cake? – why did they have it? 3.Fly a Flag – Read the class copy of Fly a Flag; design and make your own colonial flag On the reverse side of your flag – describe each elements’ significance/importance (paragraph)

17  WWhat/who was there as the colonists landed? HHouses? Businesses? Roads? PPeople? DDid these Native Americans live life the way colonists had been accustomed to (life in GB)? WWere there ways of life that could be shared though? Exchange of ideas – farming, agriculture, travel Was life in the colonies all baby names and designer flags?

18   How did colonists get houses? Businesses?  Had to bring people with these skills to the colonies (carpenter, blacksmith, mason, miner, lumberjack, businessmen, wealthy)  Each boat that set sail for the colonies brought with them a new set of skills that Colonial America needed to grow Was life in the colonies all baby names and designer flags?

19  WWho (what country) founded the original thirteen colonies? WWhat are the three regions that make up the original thirteen colonies? WWhat were the strengths/weaknesses of each of the colonial regions? WWhat did each of the regional colonies provide for Mother England? British Colonies

20   Southern Colonies  Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia British Colonies

21  LLong growing season FFertile, vacant land SSun AAccess to ports/water FFreedom of religion (Maryland) What did the South offer to Great Britain? What does this mean for Great Britain in the big picture?

22  FFirst (successful) British settlement JJamestown, Virginia (1606) ““deadly” experience (initially) SSent money, no experience and limited skill CCan you survive w/o shelter, food, water and defense? FFinally, colonists recognize the formula for success = diverse population (skills) Southern Colonies

23   Among the diverse population of the southern colonies were…  Farmers  Bankers  Catholics  Maryland – first American colony established for “religious freedom”  Toleration Act of 1649  Indentured servants  Slaves Southern Colonies

24  PPlantations (really big farms) TTobacco, indigo, rice, cotton, pigs, corn RRequired labor: indentured servants (not slaves) CContracted to work 4-7 years FFree to use their skills following this service DDemand for labor increased (as the demand for cash crops – cotton, tobacco - increased): slave trade developed BBy 1750 slaves were the main source of labor on southern plantations Economy of southern colonies

25   Was everyone in the south a wealthy plantation owner?  Did everyone have slaves? Economy of southern colonies


27   Southern Colonies  Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia  New England Colonies  New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island British Exploration

28  PPorts for trading companies TTimber WWhale oil FFisheries RReligious freedom (reformation) What did the New England colonies offer Great Britain? What does this mean for Great Britain in the big picture?

29   What is the climate/environment like in New England?  Little demand for farm labor/slaves  Subsistence/community farming  Creating demand for skilled professionals New England Economy

30   Trade  Raw materials  Whale oil, fish, timber/lumber  Natural resources (shipped to GB); manufactured (in GB) and sold back to the colonies  Mercantilism New England Economy

31   Diversity among colonists  Trades/skills  Merchants, fishermen, ship builders, lumberjacks, blacksmiths, printers, weavers  Wealth  Education/languages  Religion New England Community

32   Mayflower - 1620  Mayflower Compact  Legal contract that all agreed to have fair law as to protect the general good (of the community)  Attempt at self-government (first in colonies) New England Community

33   Why was there no government for the colonies? What government had they been used to?  Where was the King?  First to establish local government that included…  Court system  Representative government (elections) New England Community

34   Religion and government closely tied together  What makes that different from today’s US society?  Separation of Church and State  Government leaders were also church leaders  Where do you think the government leaders found their voters/followers? New England Community

35   Religious escape (1620-1640)  Puritans  Wanting to purify the Church of England  Boston, Massachusetts  Pilgrims  Wanting to separate from the Church of England  Plymouth, Massachusetts Great Migration

36  New England Community

37   If we are going to survive as a community, we must…  Be family oriented  Have women and children involved  Maintain faith in religion  Provide education  Why is this a need? Read what? New England Community

38   John Harvard – 1636  Boston, Massachusetts  William and Mary College – 1693  Virginia Education

39  New England embraced the opportunity to learn from Native Americans Will you teach us how to grow crops? Absolutely, in exchange for resources and finished goods.

40   Exchange of information, techniques, tools (Native Americans/Colonists)  Celebration of successful harvest  Survival of the new colony Thanksgiving


42   Southern Colonies  Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia  New England Colonies  New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island  Middle Colonies  New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware British Exploration

43   Blend of New England and Southern colonies  Staple crops  Wheat, barley, oats (grains), iron, wood  Trade  Indentured servants/slaves What did the Middle colonies offer to Great Britain? What does this mean for Great Britain in the big picture?

44   Equality of men and women  Nonviolence  Religious tolerance Middle Colonies Community Quakers

45   William Penn  Establish a safe home for Quakers  Equality of men and women  Nonviolence  Religious tolerance Penn’s Woods: Pennsylvania

46   1681 granted a charter by King Charles II  Penn limited his own power  Created an elected assembly (representative self- government)  Capital: Philadelphia- City of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia Freedom – Elton John)  Largest colonial city - 1760 Penn’s Woods: Pennsylvania


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