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SMALL BODIES AS INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS MACE III, Frasso Sabino, 2004. - Some experiences from the Visnjan Observatory.

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Presentation on theme: "SMALL BODIES AS INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS MACE III, Frasso Sabino, 2004. - Some experiences from the Visnjan Observatory."— Presentation transcript:


2 SMALL BODIES AS INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS MACE III, Frasso Sabino, 2004. - Some experiences from the Visnjan Observatory - Korado Korlevic,

3 The general idea is… … to bring science and technology to the pupils population and awake up the dormant 5% of gifted pupils. * Formal education system task

4 The task that the formal system usually fail … … in that case the population is subjected to the INFORMAL EDUCATION: * NGO’s * Churches * Pseudoscience movements * Radio/TV/Newspapers * ……………….

5 PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED IN THE EDUCATION OF GIFTED PUPILS AND STUDENTS * Motivation …….. * Inspiration ……... * Creativity ……… * Group/Team work Usually by defoult: NON DOCUMENTED MISSING BLOCKED DISABLED

6 Motivation BASIC: oxygen drink food need for sleep and rest shelter sex safe from harm …….. GROWTH: need for “love” relationships belonging to a group self-respect achievement reputation status prestige need to satisfy curiosity explore discover ……

7 Achievement, curiosity, explore, discover “Where no man has gone before” For the gifted population the hierarchy of motivation is radically different! Some growth needs are so important, that overcome some basic needs. The syndrom is known as the “Addiction of discovery”

8 Small Bodies of the Solar System “Where no man has gone before”

9 Visnjan Observatory MPC code 120 As one of the NGO’s main activity: education

10 Our goal …. * To give support and motivate pupils, that have the predisposition to become experts in science and technology.

11 Meteors, Comets, Asteroids “Where no man has gone before” Dedicated observation of Small bodies of the Solar System fully cover the need of exploration: * Meteors observations * Fireballs * Comets * Asteroids - International Meteor Organisation - WGN - ……………….. - MPC - MPEC, NEO Confirmation Page - ………….

12 Visnjan Educational Project - History Science Fairs <-1989. 1989. Yugoslav summer schools 1991. Visnjan School of Astronomy 1992. Visnjan Educational Projects 1995. WLab Projects 2000. Summer School of Science 2001. Youth Science Camp 2004. Science and Educational Centre Visnjan

13 ITE 1990 International Tunguska Expedition - Visnjan - Tomsk - Bologna

14 1991.-1993. Lost of the main telescope

15 1993. GRUNF NR 407 telescope

16 1995. first MPC line

17 Discoveries 1748 – asteroids designations 2 - comets 1 - mira star

18 NEOs

19 Light pollution, disappearance of the night 2001.



22 “Small bodies” - meteorites An introduction to discussion from the kindergarten age.

23 Winners in the national encounters in: Yugoslavia Croatia Slovenia Serbia &M.N. Hungary Turkey PZM - science fairs

24 Youth Science Camps For elementary schools

25 Visnjan School of Astronomy From 1988

26 Visnjan School of Astronomy 1993. Software group …..

27 Visnjan School of Astronomy Excursions ….

28 VSA- 2003 NEO group

29 Natural sciences workshops: astronomy biology mathematics physics chemistry S 3 Summer Schools of Science - from 2001

30 Students @ Visnjan Preparing the future managers in science - technology and education

31 Science projects 2004 – Electrometer - meteors Students @ Visnjan


33 The formal system reacts 2002  Scientific Research and Practice for Talented High School Students Network of Excellence

34 Dr. Dejan Vinkovic School of Natural Sciences Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, Electrophonic sounds from meteors: # expedition to Mongolia # the Global Electrophonic Fireball Surveyexpedition to Mongoliathe Global Electrophonic Fireball Survey # LELUYA project - 2D radiative transfer in circumstellar dust LELUYA2D radiative transfer in circumstellar dust

35 Harvard University Dr. Slaven Garaj

36 Dr. Marina Rejkuba ESO – VLT, Sierra Paramal

37 Dr. Marina Brozovic Fermi Lab. days - Duke University - Fermi Laboratory - CALTECH - 2003

38 Mario Juric Princeton University, Department of Astrophysical Sciences last published work

39 Ana Bedalov At work, 2.5 m, Tautenburg MPC code 033

40 EDUCATION EFORTS PAYS: 1.) We help pupils/students to acquire skills, knowledge, contacts that make their lives more interesting and enjoyable. 2.) The society gain an new expert. 3.) Due to the symbiotic relations pupil - teacher in sharing enthusiasm, we gain in quality of life. 4.) More work done in the Minor Bodies field.

41 Thank you for your attention! Korado Korlevic, MACE III, Frasso Sabino, 2004.

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