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Communication and Synchronization of concurrent tasks

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1 Communication and Synchronization of concurrent tasks
Unit VI Communication and Synchronization of concurrent tasks


3 Communication: Synchronisation
the passing of information from one task to another Synchronisation the satisfaction of constraints on the interleaving of the actions of tasks

4 Communication requires synchronisation;
Synchronisation can be considered as content less communication. Communication is also considered as Cooperation

5 Dependency Relationships
A → B A ←B A↔ B A NULL B

6 posix_queue object is used to communicate between processes.
An interface to the POSIX message queue, a linked list of strings. Contains the names of the files that the worker processes are to search to find the code.

7 Example of unidirectional dependency
Threads can also communicate with other threads within the address space of their process by using global variables and data structures. If two threads wanted to pass data between them, thread A would write the name of the file to a global variable, and thread B would simply read that variable.


9 Example of bidirectional dependency
Two First - In, First - Out (FIFO) pipes. A pipe is a data structure that forms a communication channel between two processes.


11 Cooperation dependency
Task A requires a resource that Task B owns and Task B must release the resource before Task A can use it Example: write access to the posix_queue

12 Counting Tasks Dependencies
Consider three threads A, B, and C Let n is the number of threads and k is the number of threads involved in the dependency. Possible threads involved in dependency= C( n , k ) =

13 Each combination can be considered as a simple graph.
An adjacency matrix is used to represent dependency relationships for two – thread combinations. An adjacency matrix is a graph G = ( V , E ) in which V is the set of vertices or nodes of the graph and E is the set of edges such that: A ( i , j ) = 1 if ( i , j ) is an element of E = 0 otherwise A ( i , j ) < > A( j , i )

14 Consider tasks A,B, and C

15 C- Communication Co- Cooperation

16 Unified Modeling Language (UML) dependency

17 Interprocess Communication
A process sends data to another process or makes another process aware of an event by means of operating system APIs,

18 Persistence of IPC The persistence of an object refers to the existence of an object during or beyond the execution of the program, process, or thread that created it.

19 Storage class specifies how long an object exists during the execution of a program. Automatic static dynamic.

20 IPC entities reside in the filesystem, in kernel space, or in user space
Persistence is concerned with the existence of the object

21 An IPC object with filesystem persistence exists until the object is deleted explicitly. If the kernel is rebooted, the object will keep its value. Kernel persistence defines IPC objects that remain in existence until the kernel is rebooted or the object is deleted explicitly. An IPC object with process persistence exists until the process that created the object closes it.


23 Environment Variables & Command - Line Arguments
Environment variables store system - dependent information such as paths to directories that contain commands, libraries, functions, and procedures used by a process.

24 int posix_spawn(pid_t. restrict pid, const char
int posix_spawn(pid_t *restrict pid, const char *restrict path, const posix_spawn_file_action *file_actions, const posix_spawnattr_t *restrict attrp, char *const argv [restrict ], char *const envp [restrict ]);

25 Files simplest and most flexible means of transferring or sharing data.

26 Steps in the file - transferring process:
The name of the file has to be communicated. You must verify the existence of the file. Be sure that the correct permissions are granted to access to the file. Open the file. Synchronize access to the file. While reading/writing to the file, check to see if the stream is good and that it ’ s not at the end of the file. Close the file.

27 Shared Memory Using POSIX Shared Memory The shared memory maps:
a file internal memory to the shared memory region

28 #include <sys/mman.h >
void *mmap(void *addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd,off_t offset); int mumap(void *addr, size_t len);


30 fd =open(file_name ,O_RDWR);
ptr =casting <type >(mmap(NULL,sizeof(type), PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0));

31 #include <sys/mman.h >
int shm_open(const char *name, int oflag, mode_t mode); int shm_unlink(const char *name); oflag is a bit mask created by ORing together one of these flags: O_RDONLY or O_RDWR

32 fd =sh_open(memory _name ,O_RDWR,MODE);
ptr =casting <type >(mmap(NULL,sizeof(type ), PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0)); use semaphores between processes: sem_wait(sem); ...*ptr; sem_post(sem);


34 Pipes communication channels used to transfer data between processes.
Anonymous Named (also called FIFO)




38 Named Pipes (FIFO) created with mkfifo():
#include <sys/types.h > #include <sys/stat.h > int mkfifo(const char *pathname, mode_t mode); int unlink(const char *pathname);

39 Program that creates a named pipe
using namespace std; #include <iostream > #include <fstream > #include <sys/wait.h > #include <sys/types.h > #include <sys/stat.h >

40 int main(int argc,char. argv [],char
int main(int argc,char *argv [],char *envp []) { fstream pipe; if(mkfifo(“Channel-one ”,S_IRUSR |S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP)==-1) cerr <<“could not make fifo ” <<<endl; }“Channel-one ”,ios::out); if(Pipe.bad()) cerr <<“could not open fifo ” <<<endl; else pipe <<“ “ <<<endl; return(0);

41 while(. pipe. eof() &&p ipe
while(!pipe.eof() &&p ipe.good()) { getline(pipe,Input); cout <<Input <<endl; } pipe.close(); unlink(“Channel-one ”);

42 FIFO basic components Input/output port
Insertion and extraction operation Creation/initialization operation Buffer creation, insertion, extraction, destruction

43 Message Queue is a linked list of strings or messages.
Each message in the queue has these attributes: A priority The length of the message The message or data

44 #include <mqueue.h >
mqd_t mq_open(const char *name, int oflag, mode_t mode, struct mq_attr *attr); int mq_close(mqd_t mqdes); int mq_unlink(const char *name);

45 Interthread Communications
Communication between threads is used to: Share data Send a message

46 Types of ITC Global data, variables, and data structures
Declared outside of the main function or have global scope. Any modifications to the data are instantly accessible to all peer threads.

47 Parameters Parameters passed to threads during creation. The generic pointer can be converted any data type.

48 File handles Files shared between threads. These threads share the same read-write pointer and offset of the file.

49 Synchronizing Concurrency
sharable software resources are: Applications Programs Utilities

50 Types of Synchronization
Data Necessary to prevent race conditions. It allows concurrent threads/processes to access a block of memory safely. Hardware Necessary when several hardware devices are needed to perform a task or group of tasks. It requires communication between tasks and tight control over real-time performance and priority settings. Task Necessary to prevent race conditions. It enforces preconditions and postconditions of logical processes.


52 Critical sections is an area or block of code that accesses a shared resource . must be controlled as it is being shared by multiple concurrent tasks.


54 Conditions while sharing a resource
If a task is in its critical section, other tasks sharing the resource cannot be executing in their critical section. They are blocked. This is called mutual exclusion . If no tasks are in their critical section, then any blocked tasks can now enter their critical section. This is called progress . There should be a bounded wait as to the number of times that a task is allowed to reenter its critical sections. A task that keeps entering its critical sections may prevent other tasks from attempting to enter theirs. A task cannot reenter its critical sections if other tasks are waiting in a queue.

55 PRAM Model Parallel Random - Access Machine
model in which there are N processors labeled P1, P2, P3, PN that share one global memory.

56 exclusive read and write algorithms
To access the shared global memory concurrent read and write algorithms exclusive read and write algorithms

57 Concurrent and Exclusive Memory Access
Exclusive Read and Exclusive Write (EREW) Concurrent Read and Exclusive Write (CREW) Exclusive Read and Concurrent Write (ERCW) Concurrent Read and Concurrent Write (CRCW)





62 Relationships between Cooperating Tasks
Start - to - start (SS) Task B cannot start until task A starts. Finish - to - start (FS) Task A cannot finish until Task B starts. Start - to - finish (SF) Task A cannot start until Task B finishes Finish - to - finish (FF) Task A cannot finish until Task B finishes.





67 Synchronization Mechanisms
Semaphores and mutexes Read - write locks Condition variables

68 Semaphore A synchronization mechanism that is used to manage synchronization relationships and implement access policies. A special kind of variable that can be accessed only by very specific operations.

69 Basic Semaphore Operations
P() operation --- decrements the semaphore P(Mutex) if(Mutex >0){ Mutex--; } else { Block on Mutex; V()operation --- increments the semaphore V(Mutex) if(Blocked on Mutex N processes){ pass on Mutex; else{ Mutex++; lock() wait() own() unlock() post() unown()

70 Types of semaphores A binary semaphore has the value 0 or 1. The semaphore is available when its value is 1 and not available when it is 0. A counting semaphore has some non - negative integer value. Its initial value represents the number of resources available.

71 Posix Semaphores defines a named binary semaphore. The name corresponds to a pathname in the filesystem.

72 Basic Semaphore operations
Initialization – Allocates memory required to hold the semaphore and give memory initial values. Determines whether the semaphore is private, sharable, owned, or unowned.

73 Request ownership – Makes a request to own the semaphore.
If the semaphore is owned by a thread, then the thread blocks.

74 Release ownership --- Releases the semaphore so it is accessible to blocked threads.

75 Try ownership --- Tests the ownership of the semaphore.
If the semaphore is owned, the requester does not block but continues executing. Can wait for a period of time before continuing.

76 A process using a semaphore on an output file.


78 Mutex Semaphores Mutex means mutual exclusion .
A mutex is a type semaphore, pthread_mutex_t It must always be unlocked by the thread that has locked it. With a semaphore, a post (or unlock) can be performed by a thread other than the thread that performed the wait (or unlock).



81 Condition Variables A mutex allows tasks to synchronize by controlling access to the shared data. A condition variable allows tasks to synchronize on the value of the data pthread_cond_t Condition variables are semaphores that signal when an event has occurred.

82 Types of operations of conditional variables
Initialize Destroy Wait Timed wait Signal Broadcast

83 Thread Strategy Approaches
The approach determines how the threaded application delegates its works to the tasks and how communication is performed. A strategy supplies a structure and approach to threading and helps in determining the access policies.

84 Threads are given work according to a specific strategy or approach.
If the application models some procedure or entity, then the approach selected should reflect that model.

85 The common models Delegation (boss - worker) Peer - to - peer Pipeline
Producer - consumer

86 Delegation Model Boss thread: Worker threads: Create all the threads
Place work in the queue Awaken worker threads when work is available Worker threads: Check the request in the queue Perform the assigned task Suspend itself if no work is available

87 Peer - to - Peer Model All the threads have an equal working status.
There is a single thread that initially creates all the threads needed to perform all the tasks But that thread is still considered a worker thread.

88 Producer - Consumer Model
There is a producer thread that produces data to be consumed by the consumer thread . The data is stored in a block of memory shared between the producer and consumer threads.

89 Pipeline Model It is an assembly - line approach in which a stream of items is processed in stages. At each stage, work is performed on a unit of input by a thread. Once data has been processed at a certain stage, it is ready to process the next data in the stream. Each thread is responsible for producing its interim results or output and making them available to the next stage in the pipeline.

90 SPMD and MPMD for Threads





95 Decomposition and Encapsulation of Work

96 Example: Consider a multitude of text files that requires filtering.
The text files have to be filtered in order to be used in our Natural Language Processing (NLP) system. We want to remove a specified group of tokens or characters from multiple text files, characters such as [, . ? ! ], and we want this done in real time.

97 The characters to be removed The resulting filtered files
The objects that can be immediately identified are: Text files The characters to be removed The resulting filtered files

98 Approach 1 Search the file for a character. When it is, found remove it, and then search for the next occurrence of the character. When all of those characters have been removed, search the file again for the next unwanted character. Repeat this for each file. The postcondition is met because we are working on the original file and removing the unwanted characters from it.

99 Approach 2 Remove all occurrences of a single character from each file. Repeat this process for each unwanted character. The postcondition is met in the same way as in Approach 1.

100 Approach 3 Read in a single line of text, remove an unwanted character. Go through the same line of text and remove the next unwanted character, and so on. When all characters have been removed from the line of text, write the filtered line of text to the new file. This is done for each file. The postcondition is met because we are restructuring a new file as we go. As a line is processed, it is written to the new file.

101 Approach 4 Same as Approach 3, but we remove only a single unwanted character from a line of text and then write it to a file or container. Once the whole file has been processed, it is reprocessed for the next character. When the last character has been removed, the file has been filtered. If the text is in a container, it can now be written to a file. This is repeated for each file. The container becomes important in restructuring the file.

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