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Mary L. Jones, Ed.D. Black Hills State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Mary L. Jones, Ed.D. Black Hills State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mary L. Jones, Ed.D. Black Hills State University

2 Greater creativity breeds greater happiness. Robert Epstein

3  Preschool experience with my daughter  Testing results  Kindergarten experience with my daughter  Reaction from family and friends

4 WOW!!!!

5  The Taylor model incorporates both the critical and creative elements of thinking.  This is a thinking skills model that describes the essential elements of thinking, beginning with the academic talent and then incorporating the other talent areas.

6  Productivity promotes creative thinking in the Calvin Taylor model.  It suggests critical and creative thinking of many ideas, varied ideas, unusual ideas, and adding to those ideas.

7  Give many, varied, single words to describe something.  Give many, varied, single words to describe feelings.  Think of many, varied things that are like another thing in a special way.

8  Let others know that you understand how they feel.  Make a network of ideas using many, varied and complete thoughts.  Tell your feelings and needs without using words.

9  Planning requires that students learn to tell what they are going to plan:  the materials that they will need  the steps that they will need to accomplish the task  the problems that might occur

10  Think of the many, varied things that could be done.  Think more carefully about each alternative.  Choose one alternative that they think is best.  Give many, varied reasons for the choice.

11  Forecasting requires students to make many, varied predictions about a situation, examining cause and effect relationships.  Every element of the Calvin Taylor model is used when a child invents.



14  Think of the many, varied and unusual things you can turn this squiggle into by adding additional lines, shapes and colors.  This is not an art project!  Be creative!




18  Lost civilizations  Berlin Wall  Real estate listing  Jumanji  Time capsule

19  Favorite teachers  Creative  Encouraging  Challenging  Projects  Experiences  Opportunities

20  Leaders  Questions  Perfectionists  In my office  Adventurous  Frustrated  Caring  Outliers

21 How do you nurture your own creativity?

22 Candy cornCoffee beansDried veggiesSoup mixBath salts/beads Acorns CorksCornBirdseedCandyGarlandBeads Wood chipsBoa feathersMatchbox cars Erasers for teachers Rice and beans Toy soldiers CerealSunflowersButtonsPopcornSalt & pepper Bows BellsAluminum foilGift soapsDry iceMarblesMemory Rocks Magnetic numbers and letters Sage, sweet grass, dried flowers FabricWire ribbonPipe cleaners – stick people Crayons




26 Greater creativity breeds greater happiness. Robert Epstein

27 Mary L. Jones, Ed.D. Black Hills State University

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