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Cambrian School District Strategic Plan Update & Looking to 2012-13 Student Achievement Resources June 14, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Cambrian School District Strategic Plan Update & Looking to 2012-13 Student Achievement Resources June 14, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cambrian School District Strategic Plan Update & Looking to 2012-13 Student Achievement Resources June 14, 2012

2 Student Achievement We will provide and support engaging, high quality instruction which promotes active learning and maximizes student achievement. Target: Provide high quality curriculum and instruction Student Engagement District CommitteesDifferentiation Principal Walk Throughs

3 Student Achievement Target: Increase focus on data analysis to help guide instruction. Data Management ToolCycle of InquiryTarget student trackingTrend data meetings

4 Student Achievement Target: Refine best ways to provide targeted instruction and intervention to need needs of all students in ELA and Math. Successmaker Collaboration Full time RSP teachers RtI Implementation FLASH at Price Extended learning time at elementary sites Targeted Interventions K-2 teachers trained Developmental Reading Assessment Training (DRA2)

5 Student Achievement Target:Provide quality assessment to drive instruction. ELA Benchmark Assessments Mathematics Assessment Collaborative (MAC) Math Tasks

6 Student Achievement Target:Improve instructional delivery model for all English Learners. CELDT Trend Data English Learner Subgroup Self Assessment (ELSSA) GLAD Farnham trained and implementing Ongoing training during year and summer A.L.L. A Look At Learning (A.L.L.) Trainer of Trainers Piloted at Price ELD Curriculum Middle School piloted at Price Elementary piloted at Farnham ELAC English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) at each site Principal ELAC Handbook and PD

7 Student Achievement Target:Improve instruction for gifted learners. Junior Great Books Expanded use and training GATE Consortium Joint Parent Ed Night Joint PD

8 Student Achievement Target:Provide high quality professional development for teachers and principals. Teachers + 21 st Century Learning Academy + iPad Academy + Questioning + RtI/ExCel + GLAD + PBIS + Common Core State Standards + Guided Release of Responsibility Principals + EL and ELD + Walk Through + Data Analysis + ELAC + Questioning + RtI/ExCel + GLAD + PBIS + Common Core State Standards

9 Student Achievement Target:Explore and prepare for implementation of Transitional Kindergarten class as part of focus on Early Childhood Education. County TK Steering Committee Communication Preparation for next year

10 Resources Increase ADA Financial Opportunities Review Evaluation Special Education Encroachment Target: Effectively utilize financial resources

11 Resources Leased properties review Target: Effectively utilize current assets Target: Effectively utilize, modernize and maintain our existing facilities Deferred Maintenance Plan Energy Management System

12 Resources Consultant Strategic Plan Brochure School Updates Newsletters Communications Principal for a Day Xilinx Partnership Pepsi Refresh UC Film Festival Relay for Life Community Events & Grants Target: Explore ways to increase the communities’ connection with its K-8 public education system

13 Resources Updated Plans District- wide 3 in 1 Drill Target: Review, Update, and Execute Emergency Preparedness Plan

14 2012-13 Target Considerations Student Achievement Target: Provide high quality curriculum and instruction – Continue District Level Committees – Continue and expand Principal Walk Throughs – Possible Kagan Training for student engagement strategies

15 2012-13 Target Considerations Student Achievement Target: Increase focus on data analysis to help guide instruction – Continue and expand use of Multiple Measures (MMARS) and expand to benchmark analysis – Increase use of data walls – Increase monitoring of targeted support for students below proficiency – Calendar data trend meetings with principals – Train School Site Councils

16 2012-13 Target Considerations Student Achievement Target: Refine best ways to provide targeted instruction and intervention to meet the needs of all students in ELA and Math. – Increase and expand use of Successmaker – Maintain FLASH 1, 2, and 3 at Price – Continue full time elementary RSP support – Continued expansion of after/before school intervention programs – Implement DRA2 in K-2

17 2012-13 Target Considerations Student Achievement Target: Provide quality assessments to drive instruction. – Implement new elementary ELA benchmark and pacing guides – Revisit/Revise K-5 writing assessments and rubrics – Explore Common Core based report cards

18 2012-13 Target Considerations Student Achievement Target: Improve instructional delivery model for all English Learners. – Continue to analyze trend CELDT data – Complete GLAD training and implement GLAD – Continue A Look At Learning (A.L.L.) training Implement key strategies at Price Train EL committee in key strategies – Implement high quality ELD curriculum – Implement increased ELD time at elementary sites – Hold four ELAC meetings at each site – Continue ELD training for principals – Provide ELD training at sites

19 2012-13 Target Considerations Student Achievement Target: Improve instruction for gifted learners. – Continue to expand use of Junior Great books Train parent volunteers in JBG facilitation – Launch GATE Academy Cohort focused on differentiation for gifted students – Continue GATE consortium with Union, Moreland, and Campbell School Districts

20 2012-13 Target Considerations Student Achievement Target: Provide high quality professional development to teachers and principals Student Engagement overarching theme – Teachers and Principals 21 st Century skills English Language Development and GLAD Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) not More of the Same (MOTS) PBIS Common Core State Standards – Principals Focused Walk Throughs Continued data analysis

21 2012-13 Target Considerations Student Achievement Target: Implement Transitional Kindergarten as part of focus on Early Childhood Education – Continue with county TK Steering Committee – Communicate with families and community – Prepare classrooms – Train teachers – Support classrooms during year

22 2012-13 Target Considerations Resources Target:Effectively utilize financial resources – Continue work to maximize ADA – Institute a Position Control System – Evaluate feasibility for local voter approved revenue opportunities – Continue to Utilize Budget Flexibility Target: Effectively utilize current assets & Facilities – Evaluate & implement recommendations from financial opportunities review – Implement Energy Management System Program

23 2012-13 Target Considerations Resources Target: Explore ways to increase the communities’ connection with its K-8 public education system – District Communications Plan Electronic & Internet Communication School Site & Staff Communication Community Outreach Media Relations & Community Outreach – Business and Community Partnerships – Community Events

24 2012-13 Target Considerations Resources Target: Review, Update, and Execute Emergency Preparedness Plan – Conduct Needs Assessment for preparedness – Continued work with Disaster Planning – Expand District-wide Disaster Drill

25 Other Considerations…… Exploring Infinite Possibilities for Learning

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