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Published byVanessa Stevens Modified over 9 years ago
Aeries Conference Ontario March 10, 2014 Aeries Conference
Agenda Aeries Conference Fall 2 End of Year Submission (EOY) Smarter Balance (SBAC) Major upcoming changes to CALPADS Summary Questions 2
Aeries Conference CALPADS Fall 2 Submission 3
Final Deadline - March 28, 2014 Common Issues Title II - NCLB Core Course Compliance EL Services Received Instructional Strategy Job Class – Itinerant Staff on Leave of Absence Aeries Conference 4
Fall 2 Submission Aeries Conference NCLB Core Course Sections RecordElement(s)Values and/or Notes CRSE CRS-NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code Indicates whether the course is considered NCLB core. HQT Competency CodeIndicates if a course section is being taught by a highly qualified teacher. Required for NCLB course courses (NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code = E or S). 5 Make sure to review your passed CRSE records for CRSE0127 warnings. These warnings highlight courses reported with a CRS-NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code that the state expects to be used for an NCLB core course, but have been reported as non-core. The CRS-NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code values are critical for accurate HQT reporting. The Course Group Master Combos tab of the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations document listed on the Resources slide can tell you whether a course is expected to be NCLB core. Make sure to review your passed CRSE records for CRSE0127 warnings. These warnings highlight courses reported with a CRS-NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code that the state expects to be used for an NCLB core course, but have been reported as non-core. The CRS-NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code values are critical for accurate HQT reporting. The Course Group Master Combos tab of the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations document listed on the Resources slide can tell you whether a course is expected to be NCLB core.
Fall 2 Submission Aeries Conference 6 CRSE0127 warnings What do these warnings mean? If CRS-State Course Code is indicated as likely to be core then NCLB Core Course may not equal N
Fall 2 Submission Aeries Conference 7 Refer to the CALPADS Valid Code Combo document found on the CALPADS documentation page Refer to tab “Course Group Master Combos” Y = Always NCLB Core N = Never NCLB Core U = May or may not be NCLB Core
Fall 2 Submission Options to correct CRSE0127 warnings Update the State Course Code to a Non Core Course or Change the NCLB Core to “S” or “E” and report the HQT status Remember Report 3.4 is only including courses that you have flagged (reported) as core courses it is not including non core courses. Aeries Conference 8
Fall 2 Submission EL Services Received Refer to CALPADS Report 2.4 English Learner Education Services Unduplicated count - derived from the field 9.20 - Education Services, per course section CALPADS Field 9.20 Education Service English Learners, enter in Aeries Elementary on the Teacher Form under “other fields” Secondary on the Master Schedule under “more info” Populate this field if the staff are providing EL services in the particular course section regardless of the Instruction Strategy code. Aeries Conference 9
Fall 2 Submission Instructional Strategy hierarchy Special Education Home and Hospital Any of the EL Strategies The Instructional strategy was put in place when the CDE removed specific Special Ed Courses. This a way to differentiate if the course is instructed specifically special ed, home teaching or EL. You can still have courses with instructional strategy of example 700 Special Ed and still be providing EL services Aeries Conference 10
Fall 2 Submission Job Class Assignment 1 total FTE Assignment reported per Job Class by school, SEID Itinerant - Refer to the valid code combinations and the tab “NonClassSuppAsgn – Job Class” if the staff is teaching non classroom based otherwise relate to the state course codes. Definition for NonClassSuppAsgn – A Job assignment that does NOT involve the instruction of STUDENTS Aeries Conference 11
Fall 2 Submission 12 Itinerant Staff Staff assigned to more than one school site and/or a teacher who provides one-on-one or small group support or resource instruction by either pulling students out of the classroom, or coming into the classroom to provide the instruction Can report at District or at all assigned sites Reporting student course enrollment is optional Report student course enrollments if EL services are being provided Aeries Conference
Fall 2 Submission Aeries Conference 13 Additional Staff/Course Information Only courses that provide the primary instruction for a student in an NCLB Core Content Area are subject to NCLB compliance. Courses providing supplemental instruction (pull-out, push-in instruction) in these content areas are NOT subject to NCLB Compliance. Example, if a teacher is providing pull-out instruction in a general math course, rather than mapping your course code to Course Group State Code 2400 (General Math), you should map it to code 3020 (Consultation/instructional support). Staff Leave of Absence Remember you must enter an Employment End Data (not effective end date)
Aeries Conference End of Year Submission 14
End of Year Submission Aeries Conference 15 EOY Reporting for 13-14 – Change in Submission window Submission Window – May 12, 2014 through July 18, 2014 NO Amendment window Short submission window Prioritize EOY Submissions as follows: 1.EOY 2 - Program Participation 2.EOY 3 - Student Discipline 3.EOY 4 - Student Waivers 4.EOY 1 - Course Completion
End of Year Submission 13-14 EOY Submission data changes Retired Career Technical Education (CTE) Courses refer to CTE Course Code Mapping guide found 5.1 Program Participation Count – now includes TK – Program 185 Aeries Conference 16
End of Year Submission EOY records attached to open or closed enrollments within the Academic Year included All updates must be posted prior to Certification Report Period = Academic Year July 1 to June 30 Update Year round Year-round Reporting by Academic Year Aeries Conference 17
End of Year Submission Aeries Conference ALL EOY SENR SINF SPRG - All EOY 2 SCSC CRSC SCTC EOY 3 SPRG EOY 4 SDIS EOY 1 SWAV End of Year File Types Course Completion Program Discipline Waivers 18 Priority #1 Priority #2 Priority #3 Priority #4
Aeries Conference File TypeRequirement SENR Any open or closed enrollment between 7/1/2013 and 6/30/2014 SINF Complete SINF SPRG For Reporting Counts: Participated in any of the following Ed Program codes 108, 113, 162, 180, 185, 101, 122, 174 Subgroups for filtering: 135, 127, 144, 181, 182 CRSC Same as CRSE SCSC - Same as SCSE plus… Student Credits Attempted Student Credits Earned Student Course Final Grade SCTE CTE Participants only Whether or not the student completed a CTE course in the Academic Year SDIS Student Discipline SWAV Student Waivers SDEM Teachers hired after 10/3/2013 must be added SASS Not required, do not upload or enter End of Year Submission 19
End of Year Submission Ways to prepare yourself for EOY Upload Program and Discipline data NOW Meet and work with local staff Review Problems encountered last year to avoid this year Communicate to sites about what is needed Set timelines Provide reports so staff can address and correct any issues now. Aeries Conference 20
End of Year Submission Aeries Conference 21 May 12, 2014 July 18, 2014 Final Deadline Window Opens EOY Reporting Calendar NOTE: NO Amendment Window
Aeries Conference Smarter Balance (SBAC) & CALPADS role 22
Smarter Balance and CALPADS Aeries Conference 23 Field test window – March 18, 2014 thru June 6, 2014 SBAC SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium The SBAC is a national consortium of 25 states that have been working collaboratively to develop a student assessment system aligned to a common core of academic content standards. TIDETest Information Distribution Engine The system used to manage student information and user accounts for online testing. CalTac California Technical Assistance Center Support organization for the SBAC field test. 800-955-2954 CAASPP California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress California's new statewide student assessment system established January 1, 2014
Smarter Balance and CALPADS CAASPP replaces STAR - Spring 2014 CDE will upload demographic and program level data from CALPADS ODS to TIDE nightly during the testing window Requires LEA to update CALPADS ODS frequently If a student does not have an enrollment record in CALPADS for the LEA, that student will not be able to test If a student grade level in CALPADS does not reflect the students correct grade, the student will not be able to test. Aeries Conference 24
Aeries Conference Smarter Balance and CALPADS 25 TIDES LEA Entry of supports and Accommodations CALPADS data transferred nightly See updates within 48 hours CAASPP
Smarter Balance and CALPADS CALPADS Data Elements EthnicitySocioeconomically disadvantaged Reporting LEASpecial education program – Program 144 School of attendanceSection 504 - Program 101 Student legal last namePrimary language Student legal first nameMigrant status Student legal middle nameStudent initial U.S. school enrollment date K-12 Statewide student identifier (SSID) English learner Grade levelEnglish language acquisition status start date GenderPrimary disability Race Aeries Conference 26 The following CALPADS fields will be extracted from the ODS and uploaded into TIDE
Data Management Best Practices tips for SBAC During your LEA testing window Update any new enrollments in CALPADS daily to include demographic and program data Work with site staff to stay abreast of any data changes on current students that need to be updated in TIDES Remember keeping your data up to date in CALPADS on a regular basis is good data management however during your LEA testing window, updates are needed daily ONLY IF current student data changes or new students enroll in your LEA. Aeries Conference 27 Smarter Balance and CALPADS
Aeries Conference Major Changes to CALPADS 2014-2015 28
Major Changes to CALPADS CALPADS data have become critical to funding, accountability, and assessment functions. Objective is to make data submissions easier and the data more useable and understandable in the future. In order to implement major changes to the system CALPADS will be offline to all users at the end of the business day, Friday, July 18 th and back online on Monday, July 28, 2014 Effective Monday, July 28 new file formats will be in place and the old file formats will not be accepted. Aeries Conference 29
Key changes to Files and Business Practice SINF Remove Grade Level, Primary Language, ELAS, Inter-district Transfer, District of Geographic Residence No longer routine file to upload. Only new student and change of address SENR Now updates; Grade Level, Inter-district Transfer, Geographic Residence Must close all records yearly – 2 new exit codes SPRG Programs are now membership code specific New homeless & Foster Program Codes SELA (NEW File Type) Primary Language ELA Status ELAS Start Date ELA Proficient or advanced no longer collected Aeries Conference Major Changes to CALPADS 30
Major Changes to CALPADS ChangeChange in Business Practice SENR Grade Level will be updated through the SENR Two new Exit codes will be implemented for mid-year updates (E150), and year-end grade exits (E155) (see next slide) Students’ grade histories in CALPADS will be converted to align with their enrollment histories LEAs must exit all students at the end of the year (starting this academic year 13-14) Students that are expected to return, should be exited with the new exit code E155, and a date of the last day of school LEAs must enroll/ reenroll all students each year with the date of the first day of school Any changes to grade data prior to 2014–15 can only be made online Changes to Collect Data for County/LEA LCFF Calculations: District of Geographic Residence and Interdistrict Transfer fields are moved from SINF to SENR Two new interdistrict transfer codes are added for county offices of education to indicate the type of transfer County offices of education must populate for all students (except those in Juvenile Hall schools), the Interdistrict Transfer field to identify which disadvantaged students will be attributed to their district of geographic residence for LCFF purposes Aeries Conference 31
Major Changes to CALPADS Aeries Conference 32 2 New Exit Codes The student is not exiting the school but one or more of the following pieces of information about the student is being updated: Grade level, ( greater than 14 days before the end of the school year) Student School Transfer Code; or District of Geographic Residence The student completed a grade level (excluding high school completion) during the last 14 days of the current academic year (at the end of a school year). Use this code if the grade exit is the result of a summer break or year-end intersession. The grade level exit at the end of the year indicates only that the student exited the grade level at the end of the year. The student's enrollment for the next academic year may be either a grade-level promotion, grade retention, or grade demotion. E150 Mid Year Enrollment Update E155 Year End Enrollment Exit Effective 7-1-2014 Effective 5-1-2014
Major Changes to CALPADS ChangeChange in Business Practice SINF These fields will be moved from the SINF to another file or retired: Moving to SENR: Grade Level Code Interdistrict Transfer Code (Student School Transfer) District of Geographic Residence Moving to new Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) file: Primary Language Code English Language Acquisition Status Code English Language Acquisition Status Start Date Retired Elements: Primary Residence Category Code Student Proficient or Advanced for ELA Code All current filler fields Except for address information, the SINF now includes information about a student that generally should not change LEAs should submit a SINF following the acquisition of a new SSID, and should no longer routinely submit the SINF for existing students LEAs should continue to update students’ addresses for direct certification purposes when addresses change Aeries Conference 33
Major Changes to CALPADS ChangeChange in Business Practice SPRG Changes the Use of Membership Code Certain programs will always be treated as “eligible” and other programs will always be treated as “participating” (see next slide) LEAs no longer have to consider whether to submit a program as eligible or participating Changes Related to Foster Status: Adding new foster program code - 190 Adding new field, Foster Client ID LEAs that identify foster youth – based on a local match conducted with their county welfare departments – who are not identified by the statewide match should submit a program record to CALPADS identifying the student’s foster status Changes Related to Homeless Status: Adding new homeless program code - 191 Adding new element, Dwelling Type, to collect the dwelling type for homeless students only Adding two new elements, Unaccompanied Youth Indicator, Runaway Indicator LEAs must collect two new statuses (unaccompanied youth and runaway) for homeless students; required for federal reporting Aeries Conference 34
Major Changes to CALPADS Aeries Conference 35 127 Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) 1 - Eligible 135Title I Part C Migrant1 - Eligible 144Special Education1 - Eligible 181Free Meal Program1 - Eligible 182Reduced-Price Meal Program1 - Eligible 190Foster Program1 - Eligible 191Homeless Program1 - Eligible 101504 Accommodation Plan3 - Participating 108Opportunity Program3 - Participating 113California Partnership Academy3 - Participating 122NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted3 - Participating 162Pregnant or Parenting Programs3 - Participating 174NCLB Title I Part A Neglected3 - Participating 180CAHSEE Intensive Instruction3 - Participating 185Transitional Kindergarten3 - Participating Program Membership Codes Eligible Participating
Major Changes to CALPADS ChangeChange in Business Practice SELA (New) New Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) file will include: Primary Language Code English Language Acquisition Status Code English Language Acquisition Status Start Date Primary language will no longer be used as a weight in SSID scoring Records should only be submitted when there is a change in status “To Be Determined” will only be allowed as the first status for a new SSID The SSID extract will include students’ current ELAS facilitating upload of this data in local systems When LEAs submit a duplicate ELAS status with a later start date, CALPADS will inform the user that the data will be ignored Aeries Conference 36
Major Changes to CALPADS Additional information CERT003 will be replaced by New CVR112 (fatal) – Student Enrollment Record in Previous AY Not Exited Additional new IVRs and CVRs will be in place – watch for the new Error Document to be released Be aware there will be changes to both the look and feel (navigation) on some of the screens in CALPADS Aeries Conference 37
Major Changes to CALPADS How to Prepare for upcoming changes Attend Training Keep data up to date in CALPADS Follow Flash Updates Stay up to date with Vendor Work with appropriate staff regarding internal processes that might need to change Become familiar with new Input Validation Rules (IVRs) Aeries Conference 38
High Level Summary Fall 2 final deadline – March 28 th EOY Window shortened, May 12 – July 18 NO AMENDMENT WINDOW Work on EOY 2 and 3 after Fall 2 completion – don’t wait until school is out SBAC – keep data up to date during testing window Major changes to CALPADS CALPADS off line July 18 thru July 27 to implement changes All enrollments must be exited at the end of THIS ACADEMIC YEAR Aeries Conference 39
Aeries Conference 40
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