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D100 Voice Transcoding Product Introduction November 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "D100 Voice Transcoding Product Introduction November 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 D100 Voice Transcoding Product Introduction November 2010

2 The GoToWebinar Attendee View 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential2

3 How to Participate 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential3 Open and close your Panel View, Select, and Test your audio Submit text questions Raise your hand Q&A addressed at the end of today’s session Everyone will receive an email within 24 hours with a link to view a recorded version of today’s session

4 What is Transcoding? Existing Solutions Sangoma Solution – D100 Transcoding Card Architecture Ordering and Pricing Technical Dive Prize draw Closing Contents 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential4

5 To save bandwidth, VoIP Network engineers sometimes compress the voice signal This is done using CODECs –COders – DECoders Codecs are algorithms (a lot of math) to compress and decompress voice signal –Similar to ripping a CD to MP3 – MP3 is a codec Sometimes called Vocoding What is Transcoding? 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential5

6 Long list! –G.711, G.729, GSM, AMR, G.726, iLBC, G.722.1, etc. Most common in use in wired world are: –G.711 (64kbps) –G.729 (8 kbps) Most common in use in wireless applications: –GSM / AMR Growing in popularity – G.722.1 (HD voice) Voice Codecs 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential6

7 End-points advertise their capabilities in the protocols (such as SIP) Call Set-up in VoIP 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential7 I’m calling you. I can do G.711 I can do G.711 and G.729 Let’s go ahead with G.711 SIP Voice Call

8 SIP Voice Call No common denominator - Call cannot be established Need for a middleman to translate – Transcoding! Sometimes, there is a mismatch 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential8 I’m calling you. I can do G.711 I can do G.729 SIP No Call

9 Transcoding Server 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential9 G.711 Voice Call I’m calling the phone on the other side I can do G.711 I can do G.729 SIP I have a call for you What do you support? G.729 Voice Call 1 1 2 2 3 3 SIP OK. I will broker the call on both ends 4 4

10 You can do Math with a computer right? Vocoding is complicated Math (or algorithms) Math takes a lot of processing power Does not leave much room for your telecom application to run Call only accommodate low port counts Software Solutions for Transcoding 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential10

11 Solutions available for up to 120 channels Not available for lower densities Short list of codec supported –G.711 –G.723 –G.729 Hardware Solutions for Transcoding 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential11

12 Sangoma Solution – D100 Cards (1 of 2) PCI and PCIe form factors From 30 to 400 transcoding sessions on a single board! Works with Asterisk ® and FreeSWITCH ® Simple API for application integration Works on Linux and Windows Can be integrated or on separate dedicated server 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential12

13 Sangoma Solution – D100 Cards (2 of 2) Ethernet Drivers –“Seen” as Ethernet board by OS –Voice Traffic in and out of PCI/PCIe bus Small Footprint –Includes low profile bracket for 2U chassis –PCI:121 mm x 63.5 mm –PCIe: 94 mm x 63.5 mm 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential13

14 D100 - Supported Codecs Wireline Applications –G.711 –G.722 –G.722.1 (HD Voice) –G.723.1 –G.726 –G.729AB –iLBC Wireless Applications –GSM FR –GSM EFR –AMR –AMR-WB (G.722.2) 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential14 D100 Supports Any to Any Codec Combinations

15 Ordering and Pricing Information 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential15 SKUBus typeDescriptionList Price D100-030PCI30 sessions voice transcoding card $750 D100-030EPCI Express30 sessions voice transcoding card $750 D100-060PCI60 sessions voice transcoding card $875 D100-060EPCI Express60 sessions voice transcoding card $875 D100-120PCI120 sessions voice transcoding card $1130 D100-120EPCI Express120 sessions voice transcoding card $1130 D100-240PCI240 sessions voice transcoding card $1640 D100-240EPCI Express240 sessions voice transcoding card $1640 D100-480PCI400 sessions voice transcoding card $2320 D100-480EPCI Express400 sessions voice transcoding card $2320 Capacity upgrades not available in the field currently (working on this) Total port capacity rated for G.711 to G.729. Totals vary on call mix. No extra licensing fees for Codecs* * Except AMR. Please contact Sangoma sales for details

16 Some Codecs are more complicated than others Require more processing power (more complicated math!) Some examples –G.711 G.729:400 Sessions –G.711AMR:150 Sessions D100 Capacity – “It depends” 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential16 Total Capacity depends on Codec mix

17 Sample Application - Call Center 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential17 PSTN LAN G.711 T1/E1 Computer Server WAN G.729 Local Agents Remote Agents

18 Sample Application - Call Center 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential18 PSTN LAN G.711 T1/E1 Computer Server WAN G.729 Local Agents Remote Agents

19 Sample Application - Call Center “Under the hood” 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential19 PSTN LAN G.711 T1/E1 Call Center App Computer Server D100 Transcoding A108 T1/E1 WAN G.729 Local Agents Remote Agents Integrated with Server

20 Sample Application - Call Center “Under the hood” 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential20 Computer Server D100 Transcoding PSTN T1/E1 Call Center App WAN G.729 Remote Agents LAN G.711 Local Agents Separate Dedicated Server

21 Sample Application: PBX with HD (G.722.1) Phones 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential21 PSTN LAN G.722.1 T1/E1 PBX Computer Server D100 Transcoding A101DE G.722.1

22 Sample Application: PBX with HD (G.722.1) Phones 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential22 PSTN LAN G.722.1 T1/E1 PBX Computer Server D100 Transcoding A101DE G.722.1 Internal Call: Codec match, no need for Transcoding External Call: D100 to transcode G.722.1 to G.711

23 Sample Application: PBX with HD (G.722.1) Phones 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential23 PSTN LAN G.722.1 T1/E1 PBX Computer Server D100 Transcoding A101DE G.722.1 Internal Call: Codec match, no need for Transcoding External Call: D100 to transcode G.722.1 to G.711

24 Sample App: Network Peering 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential24 SS7 GW G.729 Network G.711 Network Dedicated Server with Several D100 to Support 1000s of Ports Transcoding Server

25 Technical Dive

26 Sangoma D Series of Transcoding Cards Ethernet Drivers –PCIe – Broadcom –PCI – Micrel Sangoma Transcoding API Library Codec applications on Linux –Codec module for Asterisk –Codec module for FreeSWITCH Media Transcoding Solution 9/12/2015 26

27 Media Transcoding Architecture 9/12/2015 27 Ethernet Driver libsng-tc Application [Asterisk/FreeSWITCH/Custom App] User Space Kernel Space Hardware eth0 RTP In/Out Each Leg of the transcoding traffic. Configuration Commands

28 Media Transcoding Distributed Architecture 9/12/2015 28 Ethernet Driver libsng-tc Sangoma Server User Space Kernel Space Hardware eth0 Configuration Commands SOAP TCP connection libsngtc-node FreeSWITCH RTP In/Out Asterisk

29 The libsng-tc library provides API access to Sangoma D- Series transcoding cards. All communication between libsng-tc and the hardware is Ethernet based. Media transcoding is carried over RTP to and from the card. All libsng-tc functions are thread safe. An example of user space application would be Asterisk or FreeSWITCH or any custom application. Supported for Linux & Windows Media Transcoding API: libsng-tc 9/12/2015 29

30 High Level library: libsngtc-node Identical API as libsng-tc. All API calls are passed via SOAP protocol to the SOAP Server where commands are executed using libsng-tc library. Multiple applications can use a single hardware resource simultaneously. Applications can access Sangoma transcoding resource from the internet. All libsngtc-node functions are thread safe. An example of user space application would be Asterisk or FreeSWITCH or any custom application. Media Transcoding Node: libsngtc-node 9/12/2015 30

31 Media Transcoding: Library Files Binary Libraries libsng-tc - low level library libsngtc-node - soap library for distributed operation libsng-tc: header files sng_tc.h - main header file sng_tc_if.h - interface header file shared by the node sng_tc_utils.h - miscellaneous helper functions and defines sng_tc_version.h - version header file libsngtc-node: header files sngtc_node.h - main node header file sngtc_node_utils.h - miscellaneous helper functions and defines 9/12/2015 31

32 Media Transcoding API int sngtc_detect_init_modules(sngtc_init_cfg_t *cfg, int *detected); int sngtc_activate_modules(sngtc_init_cfg_t *cfg, int *activated); int sngtc_deactivate_modules(void); int sngtc_create_transcoding_session (struct sngtc_codec_request *codec_req, struct sngtc_codec_reply *codec_reply, int start_module); int sngtc_free_transcoding_session (struct sngtc_codec_reply *codec_reply);

33 Download Media Transcoding Package: eg: sng-tc-linux-x86-1.2.1.tgz Untar Package in /usr/src directory -> tar xfz sng-tc-linux-x86-.tgz -> cd sng-tc-linux-x86- Install Ethernet Drivers -> cd sng-tc-linux-x86- -> cd server/eth_driver ->./ PCIe cards use Broadcom tg3 driver: -> modprobe tg3 PCI cards use Micrel ks8842_pci driver: -> modprobe ks8842_pci Once Ethernet drivers are loaded confirm that new interfaces have been created -> cat /proc/net/dev # check for eth1, eth2 … Give each ethX device a private IP address: eg: On RedHat: system-config-network Media Transcoding: Installation 9/12/2015 33

34 Build Sangoma Media Transcoding libraries, configurator and server -> cd sng-tc-linux-x86- -> make -> make install or If you have Astersk installed on the system, also build Sangoma Asterisk Codec -> make asterisk -> make install FreeSWICH codec is part of FreeSWITCH GIT repository Asterisk Sangoma Transcoding Configuration: -> sngtc_cfg --server --asterisk or -> sngtc_cfg --server --asterisk --astdir=/etc/asterisk Asterisk Sangoma Transcoding Config file /etc/asterisk/sangoma_codec.conf FreeSWITCH Sangoma Transcoding Configuration: -> sngtc_cfg --server --freeswitch or -> sngtc_cfg --server --freeswitch --fsdir=/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs FreeSWITCH Sangoma Transcoding Config file: /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/sangoma_codec.conf.xml Media Transcoding: Installation... 9/12/2015 34

35 Before starting Asterisk or FreeSWITCH one must start the Sangoma Transcoding Servier. Server autodetects and initializes the Sangoma Transcoding Cards. -> sngtc_server_ctrl start Log file located in /var/log/sngtc_sever.log Check for message: [SNGTC_INFO ] Sangoma Transcoding Server Ready Start Asterisk -> safe_asterisk Load sangoma transcoding module from CLI (If not automatically loaded) -> module load -> sangoma show translators -> sangoma show transcoding sessions -> sangoma show rtp statistics Media Transcoding: Asterisk Operation 9/12/2015 35

36 Before starting Asterisk or FreeSWITCH one must start the Sangoma Transcoding Servier. Server autodetects and initializes the Sangoma Transcoding Cards. -> sngtc_server_ctrl start Log file located in /var/log/sngtc_sever.log Check for message: [SNGTC_INFO ] Sangoma Transcoding Server Ready Start FreeSWITCH -> /usr/local/freeswitch/bin/freeswitch Load sangoma transcoding module from CLI (If not automatically loaded) -> load mod_sangoma_codec -> show codecs -> sangoma_codec settings -> sangoma_codec sessions -> sangoma_codec stats Media Transcoding: FreeSWITCH Operation 9/12/2015 36



39 For more information: 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential39

40 Thank you for joining and participating in our Webinar today Congratulations, the lucky winner of the Apple iPod Nano giveaway is... Ipod draw...and the Winner is... 9/12/2015 © 2010 Sangoma Confidential40

41 Thank you! +1.905.474.1990

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