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Gideon slide Ancmt video We dial up, hook up, and log on, but we don’t really connect. We seek other ways to fill the hollow feeling inside. We.

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Presentation on theme: "Gideon slide Ancmt video We dial up, hook up, and log on, but we don’t really connect. We seek other ways to fill the hollow feeling inside. We."— Presentation transcript:


2 Gideon slide



5 Ancmt video


7 We dial up, hook up, and log on, but we don’t really connect. We seek other ways to fill the hollow feeling inside. We turn to TV, alcohol, sports, hobbies, drugs. We push our 50 hour work week to 60-65 hours; anything to numb the pain of loneliness. But it doesn’t work, does it? The results prove to be temporary and shallow. Like a dark shadow, loneliness follows us.

8 America is a wired community, connected electronically and economically but not personally and spiritually. --Dr. Edward M Hallowell (Harvard)

9 There is nothing more unchristian than a solitary Christian. --John Wesley

10 Misses others

11 But the Jews were jealous; so they rounded up some bad characters from the marketplace, formed a mob and started a riot in the city. --Acts 17:5a

12 Misses others Encourages others Is concerned about the spirituality of others


14 The shepherd who tends his flock year after year, feeding them a steady diet of God’s truth, finds over time he has nurtured a healthy band of maturing believers, people who are willing to step out in faith and trust God to dream great dreams.

15 In the fulfilled flock, friendships flourish, a caring community is encouraged, laughter abounds, emotional wounds are treated, and peace prevails. -- Chuck Swindoll

16 Misses others Encourages others Is concerned about the spirituality of others Prays for others



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