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ICS 145B -- L. Bic1 Project: Page Replacement Algorithms Textbook: pages 496-500 ICS 145B L. Bic.

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Presentation on theme: "ICS 145B -- L. Bic1 Project: Page Replacement Algorithms Textbook: pages 496-500 ICS 145B L. Bic."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICS 145B -- L. Bic1 Project: Page Replacement Algorithms Textbook: pages 496-500 ICS 145B L. Bic

2 ICS 145B -- L. Bic2 Assignment implement different page replacement algorithms (global and local) generate reference strings test and compare algorithms using reference strings

3 ICS 145B -- L. Bic3 Overall Organization generate reference string RS initialize memory and aux structures repeat for each element r of RS { if (r is not in main memory) { record page fault replace an existing page with r } record other statistical data } page replacement algorithm parameters: P, p, e, m, t, len plot and interpret data file F

4 ICS 145B -- L. Bic4 Global page replacement assume single-process system virtual memory: P pages [0..P-1] reference string RS: sequence of integers, p –each p is in range 0..P-1 main memory: F frames [0..F-1]; –implement as array M[F] –each M[f] contains page number p page replacement: if p (from RS) not in M, select f, replace resident page: M[f]=p

5 ICS 145B -- L. Bic5 Global page replacement optimal (MIN): replace page that will not be referenced for the longest time in the future Time t | 0| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RS | | c a d b e b a b c d Frame 0| a| a a a a a a a a a d Frame 1| b| b b b b b b b b b b Frame 2| c| c c c c c c c c c c Frame 3| d| d d d d e e e e e e IN | | e d OUT | | d a at page fault: search RS for most distant pg

6 ICS 145B -- L. Bic6 Global page replacement random replacement: –generate random number r in range 0..F-1 –replace page in M[r]

7 ICS 145B -- L. Bic7 Global page replacement FIFO: replace oldest page Time t | 0| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RS | | c a d b e b a b c d Frame 0|>a|>a >a >a >a e e e e >e d Frame 1| b| b b b b >b >b a a a >a Frame 2| c| c c c c c c >c b b b Frame 3| d| d d d d d d d >d c c IN | | e a b c d OUT | | a b c d e maintain array index of oldest page increment (mod F) when page replaced

8 ICS 145B -- L. Bic8 Global page replacement LRU: replace least recently used page Time t | 0| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RS | | c a d b e b a b c d Frame 0| a| a a a a a a a a a d Frame 1| b| b b b b b b b b b b Frame 2| c| c c c c e e e e e d Frame 3| d| d d d d d d d d c c IN | | e c d OUT | | c d e Q.end | d| c a d b e b a b c d | c| d c a d b e b a b c | b| b d c a d d e e a b Q.head | a| a b b c a a d d e a

9 ICS 145B -- L. Bic9 Global page replacement LRU: –for the purposes of measurements, implement the queue directly in M; no need to maintain additional array (Q) –at each reference to p: find i where M[i] == p if p is not resident, set i=0 and record a page fault M[k] = M[k+1] for i  k < F-1 (shift elements) M[F-1] = p

10 ICS 145B -- L. Bic10 Global page replacement second-chance algorithm … 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … b e b a b c d … >a/1 e/1 e/1 e/1 e/1 >e/1 d/1 … b/1 >b/0 >b/1 b/0 b/1 b/1 >b/0 … c/1 c/0 c/0 a/1 a/1 a/1 a/0 … d/1 d/0 d/0 >d/0 >d/0 c/1 c/0 … e a c d maintain –current pointer –array U[F] of use-bits

11 ICS 145B -- L. Bic11 Global page replacement third-chance algorithm –u-bit set at every reference (read or write) –w-bit set at write reference –to select a page, cycle through frames, resetting bits, until uw==00: uw  uw 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 * (remember modification) 0 0 select

12 ICS 145B -- L. Bic12 Global page replacement … 0 | 1 2 3 4 5 … | c a w d b w e … >a/10 |>a/10 >a/11 >a/11 >a/11 a/00* … b/10 | b/10 b/10 b/10 b/11 b/00* … c/10 | c/10 c/10 c/10 c/10 e/10 … d/10 | d/10 d/10 d/10 d/10 >d/00 … | e maintain –current pointer –array U[F] of use-bits –array W[F] of write-bits no need to maintain marker bits (asterisk)

13 ICS 145B -- L. Bic13 Local page replacement pages are not selected from fixed M[F] instead, each process has a working set ws (= resident set of pages) working set grows and shrinks dynamically with program behavior: –if p (from RS) is not in ws, include it –ws shrinks based on algorithm (limited by  )

14 ICS 145B -- L. Bic14 Local page replacement working set model (  =3) uses trailing window of size  +1 (=WS) Time t | 0| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RS | a| c c d b c e c e a d Page a | x| x x x - - - - - x x Page b | -| - - - x x x x - - - Page c | -| x x x x x x x x x x Page d | x| x x x x x x - - - x Page e | x| x - - - - x x x x x IN | | c b e a d OUT | | e a d b

15 ICS 145B -- L. Bic15 Local page replacement working set model –maintain array WIN[  +1] –WIN represents sliding window (queue): contains last  +1 references from RS –at each reference, p: slide WIN to the right such that: –p becomes the right-most element of WIN –the left-most element, q, drops out of WIN if p was not already in WIN, record a page fault and increase ws by 1 if q no longer in WIN, ws shrinks by 1

16 ICS 145B -- L. Bic16 Local page replacement optimal (VMIN) with  =3 uses forward-looking sliding window (WS) Time t | 0| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RS | d| c c d b c e c e a d Page a | -| - - - - - - - - x - Page b | -| - - - x - - - - - - Page c | -| x x x x x x x - - - Page d | x| x x x - - - - - - x Page e | -| - - - - - x x x - - IN | | c b e a d OUT | | d b c e a

17 ICS 145B -- L. Bic17 Local page replacement VMIN –use WIN[  +1] as with WS model –WIN is forward-looking sliding window: contains future  +1 references from RS –at each reference, p: slide WIN to the right such that: –the the left-most element drops out of WIN –p becomes the new left-most element of WIN –the reference, q, that is  steps in future becomes the right- most element of WIN if q was not already in WIN, record a page fault (will occur  steps in future)

18 ICS 145B -- L. Bic18 Local page replacement page fault frequency –if time between page faults < , grow resident set: add new page to resident set –if time between page faults  , shrink resident set: add new page but remove all pages not referenced since last page fault

19 ICS 145B -- L. Bic19 Local page replacement page fault frequency Time t | 0| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RS | | c c d b c e c e a d Page a | x| x x x - - - - - x x Page b | -| - - - x x x x x - - Page c | -| x x x x x x x x x x Page d | x| x x x x x x x x - x Page e | x| x x x - - x x x x x IN | | c b e a d OUT | | ae bd

20 ICS 145B -- L. Bic20 Local page replacement PFF –maintain virtual memory representation, VM: VM[p].res -- page p is resident/not resident VM[p].u -- use bit for page p –at each reference to p: VM[p].u=1 –at page fault: set VM[p].res=1 record page fault if time between page faults   : remove all resident pages with VM[p].u=0 reset u-bit of all pages (VM[*].u=0)

21 ICS 145B -- L. Bic21 Generating reference strings no locality: pick random number in [0..P-1] typical behavior: –periods of stable WS –punctuated by transitions: WS grows rapidly, then settles into new stable size

22 ICS 145B -- L. Bic22 Generating reference strings model typical behavior: –locus of reference  |---------|-------|------------------------------------| 0 p p+e P-1 stable period: –assume constant rate in one direction (1 step every m references) transition: –generate new locus with probability t locus defined by p, e, m, t

23 ICS 145B -- L. Bic23 Generating reference strings algorithm to generate RS: –select P, p, e, m, t –repeat until RS generated: pick m random numbers in [p..p+e]; include in RS generate random number 0 <= r <= 1; if (r < t) generate new p else increment p (mod P)

24 ICS 145B -- L. Bic24 Choosing simulation constants P: size of VM (# pages) e: size of working set (# pages) –P and e need to be chosen together: e<P, but: if e is too close to P, working sets overlap after transitions if e is too small, the program will rarely revisit previous locations (important for LRU to benefit) suggestion: e varies from 2 to P/10, P=500 or 1000 p random number within [0..P-1] m: # of times a page is referenced –typically, m  100 (see page 267, fig 8-13b) t: length of stable period –random number in [0..1]; typically, t<0.1 (i.e., thousands of instructions are executed between transitions)

25 ICS 145B -- L. Bic25 Choosing simulation constants length of RS: must be large to make behavior statistically significant suggestion: >100,000 write vs read access (for 3 rd chance algorithm) assume 10% (or less) of write accesses F: number of frames –must be chosen together with P and e –generally e<F<P with e approaching (or exceeding) F, thrashing is observed with F approaching P, # page faults approaches 0 suggestion: set F=P/10; vary e from 2 to F  : window size typically:   e

26 ICS 145B -- L. Bic26 Performance evaluations 1. global a. how much is gained using FIFO over Random; or LRU over FIFO b. how close is LRU to optimal (MIN) c. how effective are 2nd-chance and 3rd-chance in approximating LRU (for 3rd chance, assume that some percentage of requests are write ops) –compare in terms of average numbers of page faults relative overhead

27 ICS 145B -- L. Bic27 Performance evaluations 2. local close is WS to optimal (VMIN) b. how does page fault rate vary with  (for WS, VMIN, or PFF) c. how close is PFF to WS –compare in terms of average numbers of page faults average size of working set (e.g., # of page faults will be the same for VMIN and WS but the average working set size will be smaller for VMIN) relative overhead (if applicable)

28 ICS 145B -- L. Bic28 Performance evaluations 3. local versus global –choose local algorithm –for a given , determine: average size of working set (# frames) number of page faults –use # frames for a global replacement determine number of page faults compare number of faults for local and global relative overhead (if applicable)

29 ICS 145B -- L. Bic29 Summary of tasks develop page replacement algorithms develop program to generate reference strings compare performance: –individuals: (1a || 1b || 2a) && 3 –groups of 3: 1c && 2b && 3 deliverables –commented/documented code –report presenting choices made, results obtained (plots, tables, interpretations), conclusions drawn

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