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Different Types of Text Rt/R1.1 Wt/E1.1 Rt/E2.2 Wt/E2.1 Rt/E3.2 Wt/E3.1 Created by Sally Shipton Feb 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Different Types of Text Rt/R1.1 Wt/E1.1 Rt/E2.2 Wt/E2.1 Rt/E3.2 Wt/E3.1 Created by Sally Shipton Feb 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Different Types of Text Rt/R1.1 Wt/E1.1 Rt/E2.2 Wt/E2.1 Rt/E3.2 Wt/E3.1 Created by Sally Shipton Feb 2006

2 Different Types of Text Why do we have different types of text? We write and read for different purposes information instructions directions persuasion entertainment description

3 Different Types of Text We write to suit to whom we are writing and what we are writing formal informal Discuss what is meant by these words……

4 Different Types of Text Whoever reads your text is the audience. You will write in a different style according to whom you are writing

5 Different Types of Text You will also present your writing according to your audience Discuss what we mean by this………

6 Different Types of Text Will you ……..????? Handwrite? Word process? Plain paper? Post it note? Flowery notepaper? A card? Scruffy back of an envelope?

7 Different Types of Text Will you use…….????? pen? pencil? word processor? felt pens? crayons? Remember!! Some things look more impressive than others

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