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ENGLISH 9 LESSON II VOCABULARY M. SMITH. ARROGANCE (AR-UH-GUHNS) Overbearing pride; a lack of regard for others He had an arrogance that made people dislike.

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2 ARROGANCE (AR-UH-GUHNS) Overbearing pride; a lack of regard for others He had an arrogance that made people dislike him.

3 ASTERISK (AS-TUH-RISK) A star shaped mark (*) used in printing (often to indicate a footnote) An asterisk on the meeting timetable means that the place of the meeting is uncertain.

4 APATHY (AP-UH-THEE) Lack of interest, concern or spirit; indifferent; lack of feeling. The poor grades of the students showed the apathy of the students.

5 APPARITION (AP-UH-RISH-UHN) A ghost; a phantom; an appearance seen suddenly He screamed when he saw the apparition in the window.

6 APPLICABLE (AP-LI-KUH-BUHL) Suitable to be applied; appropriate. Rissa did not answer the question on the application because it was not applicable to her.

7 ASSESS (UH-SES) To determine the rate of charge or amount to be paid; to set a value on for taxation; to evaluate. The toll both cost $1.75 for assess to the highway.

8 ASSASSIN (UH-SAS-IN) The murderer of an important person or public official. John Wilkes Booth was the assassin responsible for the death of Lincoln.

9 ATTRIBUTE (A-TRUH-BYOOT N OR UH-TRIB-YOOT V ) To think of as belonging to or coming from a particular person or thing; to give as the reason or cause. We can attribute the rise in mosquitos to the lack of a cold winter.

10 AUTONOMOUS (AW-TON-UH-MUHS) Self governing; independent The young girl was small be courageously autonomous.

11 BELLIGERENT ( BUH-LIJ-ER-UHNT ) Warlike; ready to fight The belligerent crowd was blocked from the altercation that was already out of control.

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