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Si Pixel Tracking Detectors Introduction Sensor Readout Chip Mechanical Issues Performance -Diamond.

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1 Si Pixel Tracking Detectors Introduction Sensor Readout Chip Mechanical Issues Performance -Diamond

2 36 MPix 150x150mm 2

3 Vertex High Radiation Stand- resolution multi hardness alone Tracking Trig 80’s- CCD detectors- SLD X Si - diode x x 90’s- Si - diode- Omega2/3,DELPHI X X x Si - diode- SSC/LHC X X X Diamond x x x 2000’sSi - diode/LHC/BTEV X X XX Diamond X X XX HISTORICAL

4 Single Track Track Cluster Pixel Tracker Pixel Size Occupancy Charge Sharing S/N ExB Drift Radiation Damage LHC - 10 14 /cm 2 /yr Charge Sharing Vertex Resolution (20-30)  m IP & Trigger

5 Radiation Damage Effects Increase in volume leakage current. Build-up of effective p-doping (bulk inversion). Charge trapping. Reverse Annealing- inactive defects become active, increasing effective p-doping. (T-dependent)

6 Basic Diode Structure.

7 BASIC PACKAGE Sensor Bump Bonded to Readout Chip In or Pb/Sn for Bumps Wafer Thinning Dicing Yield

8 Sensors & Isolation Guard Ring Design p-stop, p-spray Radiation Damage -Bulk Damage -Depletion Voltage Type Inversion Self Annealing/Thermal Diamond Detectors -Radiation Hard -Simple Architecture n+n-p+ Single Ring p-stop Design Electrode Diamond Electrode CVD DIAMOND

9 READOUT CHIP (CMOS) Radiation Hard Architecture (SOI) Military/ Space Science Analoque/Digital SEU, Latchup (10 -6 -10 -10 ) DMILL.80  m Bi-CMOS IBM.25  m <----- PSI Readout Chip Thin Si Layer Oxide Si Substrate


11 BUMP and FLIP-CHIP Interconnect Choice of Indium or Solder (PbSn) Indium -Evaporation, 2 bumps, Allignment -High Yield Electroplated Solder -Reflow techniques ~180 o C. Flux, Self Alligning -Complex UBM (UnderBump Metalization) -Excellent Electrical and Mechanical Contact Readout Chip Sensor Reflow and Wick-over

12 CONTROL and INTERFACE BLOCK DOUBLE COLUMN PERIPHERY TIME STAMP and READOUT BUS I2C DACS Readout Amplifier Transmission Line Drivers Power Supply / Clock Pads 10.5mm 52 x 53 array 150 x 150  m 400K transistors ~30%yield 8.0mm T TRIGGER BLK FECFED TBM Optical links Detectors Clk Fast Trigger DATA FAST TRIGGER OUT (L3) SLOW CONTROL UPLOADS 40MHz I2C Pseudo -TRIGGER PAD

13 Low Mass Support Structures - Be, C-Fiber Wafer Thinning -.25  m lithography on 8”800  m Dicing Accuracy and Placement Radiation Hard Glues/Epoxies Cooling (KWs per Detector) - (10-20) o C –Flurocarbons (high mass) –Evaporative Cooling(low mass) Thermal Expansion COOLINGMECHANICAL

14 Be Panel HDI High Density Interconnects Sensor VHDI ROC Silicon Plate Bump Bonds Wire Bonds

15 PERFORMANCE (Si & Diamond in CERN Test Beam) Z, B X Y 20 o Row Beam } Double Column Charge Sharing Pixels 150 x150  m 2 D:\Transfer from Bob\Pictures\Test Beam Hardware\Geometry Pixels.ppt 8mm ROC, PSI36: 11 double columns x 30 rows Vienna Repeater

16 150  m  = 14  m over pixel Pixels at 20 o to beam 150  m /  12 = 43  m  = 46  m over pixel Charge sharing vs position Pixels normal to beam 150  m PERFORMANCE (cont) Si 25000e/mip 2000e noise 99% efficiency Dia 9000e/mip 2000e noise 95% efficiency

17 CONCLUSIONS Si Pixel Detectors- a Great Challenge! Many Difficult Technologies to Master. Much Will be Solved in LHC/BTeV era. HEP Must Learn to Deal with High Development Costs. Trigger Possibilities Abundant. Diamond Detectors Feasible.


19 X-Ray Crystalography

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