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2007 Annual General Meeting Friday, February 2 5:15 p.m.

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Presentation on theme: "2007 Annual General Meeting Friday, February 2 5:15 p.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 2007 Annual General Meeting Friday, February 2 5:15 p.m.

2 Agenda 1.0 Call to Order 1.1 Welcome 2.0 Approval of the Agenda 3.0 Adoption of Minutes 3.1 Business arising from the Minutes 4.0 Motion: Amendment to OSLA By-law Statements 5.0 Motion: Establishing a Nominating Committee for Knowledge Ontario School Sector Representation 6.0 Guest Speaker: Dr. Donald Klinger, Queens University 7.0 Financial Report 8.0 New Business 9.0 Annual Report, President, Michael Rosettis 10.0 OSLA Council Changes 11.0 OSLA President 2007 Remarks, Peggy Thomas 12.0 Adjournment Chair, Michael Rosettis, OSLA President, 2007

3 Approval of Agenda

4 Adoption of Minutes from 2006 OSLA AGM

5 Two Motions for the AGM 1.Amendment to OSLA By-law Statements 2.Establishing a Nominating Committee for Knowledge Ontario School Sector Representation

6 Motion: Amendment to OSLA By-law Statements 2. The objects of the Division are: a. to further the development of school libraries and school library programs in Ontario, b. to strengthen and unify the voice of teacher-librarians as curriculum leaders, c. to work with the full library community on shared issues and programs, d. to represent the profession of teacher-librarianship as a subject association recognized by the Ontario Ministry of Education, e. to provide professional development opportunities for qualified school library staff, and f. to promote research related to effective school libraries.

7 Motion: Amendment to OSLA By-law Statements 3. The affairs of the Division shall be managed by the duty elected Council in a manner consistent with By-Law #1. 1.The composition of the Council shall be: The Past-President The President The Vice-President (President-Elect) One representative from each duly constituted region of the Division Editor of Teaching Librarian (non-voting) OSLA Website Editor (non-voting) Executive Director (non-voting) 2. Provided that each of the foregoing, except for the Executive Director, are personal members in good standing of the Division at the time of their election and throughout their term of office.

8 Motion: that members of the Ontario School Library Association approve the establishment of a nominating committee to select representation for the school library sector on the Board of Directors of Knowledge Ontario, as presented at the 2007 AGM; appointment to this committee requires that representatives be a member of either OSLA or TALCO, with members of this nominating committee to be determined by OSLA Council. Motion: Establishing a Nominating Committee for Knowledge Ontario School Sector Representation

9 Guest Speaker: Dr. Donald Klinger, Queens University Researcher and author of School Libraries & Student Achievement in Ontario

10 Financial Report 2006 Petra Smith, Secretary- Treasurer, OSLA

11 Proposed Budget 2007

12 Annual Report 2007 OSLA President, Michael Rosettis

13 Keeping it all in Perspective … Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. (Margaret Mead)

14 Research Study

15 New Subject Association

16 2007 OSLA Award Recipients Hetty Smeathers OSLA Teacher-Librarian of the Year Marilyn Kogon OSLA Award for Special Achievement Roberta Henley OLA Distinguished Service Award

17 2007 Super Conference OSLA Session Planners Bobbie Henley Pat Elliott Lisa Teodosio

18 The Teaching Librarian Jan./Feb. 2007: Change and Renewal @ your library May/Jun. 2007: Media @ your library Sept. 2007: People @ your library Jan. 2008: Inclusion @ your library May 2008: The World @ your library

19 OSLA Website Renewal

20 Quotes: The Importance of School Libraries

21 Education Institute

22 Knowledge Ontario

23 Resource Ontario: Equity of access across province Product selection KO Board of Directors Procuring sustained funding School Library Sector Representation

24 Advocacy Efforts Networking –TALCO –Leaders Today –Knowledge Ontario –Teacher Federations Research –Queens University –People for Education

25 Conferences –Ontario Principals Council (OPC) –OECTA New Teachers –Teacher Federation AGMs OTF Curriculum Forum & Ministry Subject Association Meetings Ministry of Education Curriculum and Assessment Policy Branch Advocacy Efforts

26 Ministry Curriculum Documents and Initiatives The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Language, 2006 Many Roots, Many Voices: Supporting English Language Learners in Every Classroom The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Science, Draft (2007) The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English, Draft (2007)

27 Federation Support Federation Policy Statements –OSSTF –ETFO –OECTA Federation Action –International School Library Day, OSSTF –January 2007 Education Watch, OSSTF –Open Letter to NDP Delegates, ETFO OSLA Correspondence

28 OSSTF: International School Library Day

29 OSSTF: Education Watch

30 ETFO: Open Letter to NDP Delegates

31 Ministry of Education Meeting


33 OSLA Discussion/Focus Groups Advocacy: School Library Programs/ Role of Teacher-librarian AQ Courses, Library Faculties of Education Pre-service Federation Advocacy Fundraising in Libraries Global Citizenship Libraries & Literacy School Library Budgets/Funding

34 Dedicated listserv Regular e-mail Wiki Interaction Teleconferences In-person meeting dialogue planning further action OSLA Discussion/Focus Groups

35 Interested? Please join the discussion! Sign up before you leave

36 President: Peggy Thomas President-Elect: Lisa Weaver Past President: Michael Rosettis Secretary-Treasurer: Chantal Barrow Central East region: Anne Coleman Mid-Central region: Deb Kitchener Central West region: Sharon Armstrong Eastern region: Jim Neill Metro Toronto region: Paul Kay Northern region: Sharon Rowlandson Southwestern region: Colette Denomme The Teaching Librarian Editor: Diana Maliszewski Website Editor: Anita Brooks-Kirkland OSLA Council for 2007

37 Ontario Library Association

38 Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation. (Robert F. Kennedy)

39 Looking Ahead … Research: School Libraries in Ontario Targeted Action: –Principals: OPC, CPCO –Federations: OTF, EFTO, OECTA, OSSTF Ministry Dialogue –Literacy & Numeracy Secretariat –Curriculum & Assessment Policy Branch –Minister of Education Other Ideas???

40 OSLA President, 2007

41 2007 Annual General Meeting

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