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Thinking about the nature of science…. On the first day of school… “It was boring. We talked about the number one and I fell asleep. It was nothing like.

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking about the nature of science…. On the first day of school… “It was boring. We talked about the number one and I fell asleep. It was nothing like."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking about the nature of science…

2 On the first day of school… “It was boring. We talked about the number one and I fell asleep. It was nothing like in my dreams.” (Lauren, 6)

3 On the second day of school… “I sat there, like a dog, begging to go home.” (Lauren, 6)

4 What should science teachers do to make class interesting to you?

5 Rachel Carson, The Sense of Wonder "If children are to keep alive the inborn sense of wonder, they need the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with them the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in."

6 Activity: Draw a Scientist Take a few minutes with a pencil and paper and draw a scientist at work.

7 Draw a Scientist? What’s the point?

8 Scoring: (1 point for any of the following: lower score is a higher rating) labcoat eyeglasses facial hair symbols of research - test tubes, flask symbols of knowledge - books, filing cabinet sign of technology - solutions, machines captions - Eureka, I’ve got it!!! male signs/labeling - Fire, Danger, Poison pencils and pens in pocket protector unkempt appearance

9 What’s the point of Draw a Scientist? Stereotypes and You. In what ways are you a scientist?

10 Agree or Disagree? When cows fall asleep standing up, it is easy (and fun!) to sneak up next to them and tip them over. Birds eating rice thrown at weddings swell up and die (even burst). Animals exposed to radioactive waste mutate and turn into other types of animals.

11 Agree or Disagree? Earthworms come up onto the sidewalks after heavy rain to avoid being drowned in their underground tunnels. People licking toads have hallucinations. Bach wrote better music than Beethoven. (change to example more relevant to students) Heaven is not in our solar system, but it is somewhere in the universe.

12 Science… Much of science is organized common sense about the physical world. Science is a body of knowledge. Science is the process of discovering and explaining the order of nature.

13 Science… Make up a question that we can answer with science. Make up a question that we can can answer, but not with science? What’s the point of the above 2 items?

14 AAAS on science Things and events in the universe occur in consistent patterns that are comprehensible through careful, systematic study. Through the use of the intellect, and with aid of instruments that extend the senses, people can discover patterns in all of nature.

15 Life Sciences Physical Sciences Biology Botany Ecology Genetics Zoology etc Astronomy Chemistry Geology Meteorology Physics etc

16 Galileo and Bacon listed the steps of a “Scientific Method” common to experiments, but there are other methods of science. 1)Question or Problem 2) Hypothesize 3)Predict Consequences 4) Experiment 5) Interpret Experimental Results


18 The Scientific Method in some ways is a myth… There is simply no fixed set of steps that scientists always follow, no one path that leads them unerringly to scientific knowledge.

19 Science involves… Using and extending the senses Observing and collecting Probing and testing Deductive hypothesis testing Inductive search for patterns Building increasingly accurate explanations based on evidence

20 Mendeleev did science in his sleep! He had a dream that helped him devise the periodic table!

21 The work of Charles Drew is a great example of applied science (that saves lives!) He researched in the field of blood transfusions and developed improved techniques for blood storage. Thanks to him we have had blood banks since WWII.

22 Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic as an accident (mold grew on a bacterial culture, inhibiting bacterial growth.)

23 Jane Goodall shows us that science may be observational and qualitative.

24 Science is also a big part of engineering

25 Straw Towers above Egg Drop to right

26 Fact, Hypothesis, Law, Theory Fact = a stated observation Hypothesis = a proposition that may be investigated Law or Principle = a description of observable phenomena Theory = an explanation based on extensive evidence. Theories help science keep going! –Laws don’t become theories; they are two different things.

27 Science, Art, Religion

28 Three ways that humans experience and express: art, science, and religion. ArtReligionScience Helps us reflect.Asks “Why?”Asks “How?” Allows us to express the best of our humanity Deals with ultimate purpose, wisdom & belief Search for patterns, builds explanations on evidence

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