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Elizabeth Lee, Brenda Reed, & Cory Laverty Faculty of Education, Queens University Information literacy, teacher-candidates and the school library: Research.

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2 Elizabeth Lee, Brenda Reed, & Cory Laverty Faculty of Education, Queens University Information literacy, teacher-candidates and the school library: Research on information literacy in a B.Ed. program

3 Why do this study? Teacher candidates have limited skills in: Finding journals articles Searching the web Finding teaching resources Teaching from textbooks Finding fiction by subject Little research on the information literacy skills of pre-service teachers. Study of Canadian teacher education programs Asselin & Doiron (2000) found minimal inclusion of information literacy in B. Ed programs.

4 Current Context Ontario Ministry of Education documents include inquiry objectives throughout the K-12 curriculum: Research – 913 expectations Question – 634 expectations Projects – 234 expectations Information – 1745 expectations (from Staging Research by R. Dodgson and J. LaForty) superconference2005/fri/docs/719/staging.ppt Ministry of Education curriculum guidelines are given to every teacher candidate during their B.Ed. Year.

5 There is a need to place these expectations within the context of the Information Studies K-12 curriculum and show how they fit into the research model defined by the Ontario School Library Association.

6 R e l a t e E x p l o r e I d en t i f y D e f i ne Lo cate Gather Select Collaborate Analyse Evaluate Test Sort Synthesize Revise Present R e f l e c t T r an s f e r The Research Process STAGE 1 : PREPARING FOR RESEARCH Define Explore Identify Relate STAGE 2 : ACCESSING RESOURCES Locate Select Gather Collaborate STAGE 3 : PROCESSING INFORMATION Analyse/Evaluate Test Sort Synthesize STAGE 4 : TRANSFERRING LEARNING Revise Present Reflect Transfer Adapted from Staging Research by R. Dodgson and J. LaForty

7 Think Literacy Initiative In the past, the library connection was overlooked as a contributor to reading development. Now the Ontario Ministry of Education supports this approach and teaching reading must be integrated across the curriculum and all subjects. Motivation to read is linked to high-interest materials & authentic research topics. Librarians are experts in bringing these resources into the classroom. Think Literacy documents 7-12:

8 Purpose of the Study Purpose of the study was to investigate the teacher-candidates: Conceptual knowledge of information literacy. Utilization of information literacy skills for their own learning. Incorporation of information literacy into their practicum. Collaboration with teacher-librarians. Perceptions of how equipped they are to teach information literacy to their future pupils.

9 Method An anonymous exit survey distributed in Prof. 190 and 191 classes, April 2005. N = 522 Number of P/J participants: 272 Number of IS/Tech participants: 250 Data analysis included: –calculating percentages –coding open-ended questions and categorizing them by common themes.

10 Key Findings 1. Concept of information literacy not understood. Q: What is your understanding of information literacy?

11 Quotations What is your understanding of information literacy? Library resources "Being able to search for articles and use resources effectively" "The ability to navigate through library catalogues and search engines to locate desired material" Other "Another form of teaching students" Language/literacy "It's being able to read and understand at a certain level"

12 Key Findings 2. Information literacy concepts are not dealt with in the program. Q: Was information literacy dealt with in your courses?

13 Key Findings 3. Teacher candidates are not prepared to teach information literacy skills. Q: How prepared are you to teach information literacy skills?

14 Key Findings 4. Use of the school library involves limited information literacy instruction. Q: What were your uses of the school library?

15 Key Findings 5. Teacher-librarian not called on for teaching collaboration. Q: How could a teacher-librarian help you implement the curriculum?

16 Quotations If you had an opportunity to work with a teacher librarian on any practica, what purpose was it for? Teaching "Introduce to research assignments, team taught how to properly cite works/books used for project." Help "To identify new items that the library has collected" "Find video sets" Other "Literacy test organization" "Helped with book fair" "Photocopy help"

17 Key Findings 6. Teacher-candidates prefer web resources overall. Q: Resources used to complete B.Ed. assignments? From Education LibraryFrom Home

18 Key Findings 7. Teacher-candidates would like to learn more about information literacy skills. Q: What other skills would you like to learn?

19 Key Findings 8. Teacher-candidates did not acquire the skills they think they need for continuing professional development. Q: Did you acquire new skills in the B.Ed. Program that would help you with your professional development as a teacher? Yes: 35%No: 66% 9. Teacher-candidates did not feel they had opportunities to develop their research skills. Q: Did you have the opportunity to develop your research skills while in the B.Ed. program? Yes: 47%No: 53%

20 Library Response to the Study 1. INSPIRED Teaching@Your Library INovative Student Participation In Research and EDucation Five-part series: Best Classroom Resources Assignments Already? Be a Subject Expert (social studies, language arts, math, science, history, geography, English, health, phys ed, arts) When YOU Teach Research Out-Google Your Students Sept. - Nov. 2005: 1469 students; 66 classes; 52 teaching hours

21 Library Response to the Study 2. Liaison with Teacher-Librarians Meetings with local teacher-librarians to discuss promotion of library and librarians role: -exchange information about literacy initiatives and resources -orientation for teacher-candidates -support for new teachers Professional development opportunities for TLs: -discuss information literacy challenges in schools -share strategies for teaching IL skills: existing tools and learning objects, web searching, plagiarism, designing authentic assignments, best googling practices, collecting graphic novels

22 Library Response to the Study 3. Alternate Practicum Promote link to school libraries and other organizations where resource-based learning can be studied: -Toronto Public Library -Native resource centre -Archives in Winnipeg -Museum of Civilization -Local high schools -Resources for special needs -Exploration of resources for our Education Library (international novel study, bullying resource kits)

23 How can we help? Small group questions: 1. If there were only one thing that a Faculty of Education could do to support your work, what would it be? 2. What do you do now to encourage teachers you work with to develop their information literacy skills and to partner with you in implementing the curriculum, advocacy ideas that worked well?

24 Other Ideas Assess incoming library skill level of students before and after instruction. Create a profile for students across a specific grade. Give this feedback to teacher, at school meetings, and include it in the library report to the Principal. Provide an orientation for new staff and teacher candidates. Ask teachers to include a research journal as part of project work and assign marks for its completion along with list of references Offer sessions to teachers such as those available under the Advocacy and Presentation sections at the website:

25 Supporting Website

26 Supporting Website

27 Supporting Website

28 Supporting Website

29 Supporting Website

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