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Spring dates: January 2 – March 23, 2001 The themes are: Beginning the Journey “What do South Dakota facts tell us about.

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3 Spring dates: January 2 – March 23, 2001 The themes are: Beginning the Journey “What do South Dakota facts tell us about the Diversity of our state.” Continuing the Journey “Stories of South Dakota’s people and events…what do they reveal about why we are who we are?” Sharing the Journey “If these places could talk, what would we learn about changes in South Dakota Communities.”

4 I keep you cozy when the mercury drops. Fire me up on those jingle bell rides. Wooly socks do what I do, too. Answer: Footwarmer

5 You’ll want me around the campsite. I can help you “lighten up”. I make those sparks really fly. Answer: Strike-a-Light

6 The founder of this city was D. B. Lovejoy. The first governor of South Dakota lived here in 1883. This is the home of the Terry Redlin Museum. Answer: Watertown

7 March 3, 1904. It is said that President Roosevelt will refuse to sign the Rosebud bill unless the price of the land paid to the Indians is raised to $5.00 per acre. This would practically kill the effect of the bill, as few homesteaders would pay that price for the land when nearly as good land only a few miles farther north is already open for free homestead entry.

8 Each class will research their town. They will put pictures and information about their community on the Discover South Dakota site so other students can learn about their town. Rockerville, South Dakota

9 The Rockerville class reported finding a stray dog. They kept him as a classroom mascot. The students wanted the other classrooms to come up with a name for the dog.

10 Does this picture look familiar? This is just one of the many photos taken by last year’s students for the Madison Community Portfolio. See the entire slide show in the archives.

11 Each classroom that visited Madison’s online community profile received a sweatshirt as their virtual gift.

12 Introduce your classroom on the WebCT bulletin board. Complete a survey about the town of Madison. Submit this information online for the Community One database, Submit surprising facts you found about the communities. Submit rules or laws when using the internet and DiscoverSD. Vote online for the top three laws. Compare and contrast the people of the past to the people of today and submit your findings on the WebCT Bulletin Board. Post a virtual community profile of Madison. Post a virtual gift from Madison Plan a virtual tour of Community One. Write to the community you would like to live in. Explain why you like their community.

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