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Working Together: Brock Universitys New Matheson Learning Commons Kevin Manuel & Justine Cotton.

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Presentation on theme: "Working Together: Brock Universitys New Matheson Learning Commons Kevin Manuel & Justine Cotton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Together: Brock Universitys New Matheson Learning Commons Kevin Manuel & Justine Cotton

2 Todays presentation 2008 CLA Library Research and Development award Online Survey Focus Groups 1 st phase – Jan 2009 Presented OLA Superconference 2009 Focus Groups 2 nd phase – March 2009 Preliminary findings Next steps

3 Before Renovations – June 2007

4 After Renovations – Sept 2008

5 Places to study…

6 Lots of computers…

7 Group work…

8 Partnerships…

9 Services…

10 Take a break…

11 The survey… Ethics approval Online survey for one month Library homepage For students 16 questions Recruit sample population 138 responses

12 Focus Groups (Phase 1) Ethics approval $20 book store gift certificate incentive Refreshments Circle discussion Moderator Note taker Whiteboard

13 Focus Group (Phase 1) 49 signed up 21 attended 4 sessions at different days and times 45 minute discussions Icebreakers Informal discussion

14 Focus Group (Phase 1) themes What are the perceptions of students when comparing the previous library space to the new Learning Commons design? How are students using the combined resources provided in the Learning Commons? How are students actually using the space in the Learning Commons for collaborative work? Does the new environment promote learning, encourage engagement and contribute to student success?

15 Focus Group (Phase 1) findings Old library –Not welcoming –Not enough group study –Needed more computers –Services crowded –the old Library was from the dinosaur age!

16 What students liked about the LC Open concept Better lighting Very Organized Various seating arrangements Comfort of sofa areas Group study rooms Starbucks More access to reserves More computers More computer plugs More space for laptops Laptop Wall (note – meaning the wall along the window with all the plugs) Informal learning environment

17 Patterns of Use Studying –Individual –Group –Combinations –I like to study alone first and then use study rooms, couches or tables near the café afterwards Social –Nice to unwind here after studying –It helps being with friends to work on an assignment –Im here from 7am- 7pm –Computers its more social use like Facebook

18 Collaborative Work Can work with your group quietly and then talk Everyone can meet in the study rooms, everyone knows where it is Convenience

19 Promoting Learning Provides options for learning: individual study, quiet, group study, it provides options for different types of study Enjoy the academic setting – its not just social It does contribute to students success overall Its nice to know this building is for learning

20 Highlights Id rather come here to study because it is bright and modern, and everything I need is nearby It encompasses everything a university should have – I wish the rest of the library was like this I live here Dont know what I did without it There is more opportunity to do work The pros outweigh the cons, Im really happy that Brock decided to do this

21 Possible Improvements More sofas and chairs More tables for studying Open earlier/later Improve line for circulation/reserves Easier photocopying More group rooms Easier access to group rooms Longer booking time for group rooms More computers More plug outlets

22 What do these products have in common? Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Latte Lancome 2000 et Une Rose perfume

23 They prove the power of customer feedback!

24 Marketing is most effective when… it is aligned with what your customer needs (vs. what you think they need) you know the best ways to reach your customers

25 Focus Groups – Phase 2 22 participants same design as Phase 1, different questions promoted widely on campus

26 Themes How do students communicate with one another? What are they doing on campus and how are they finding out about events? How can we best communicate LC resources/services?

27 Themes What else could the LC offer to enhance the student experience? How can we better use existing LC communication features?

28 Highlights students use a variety of communication tools (email, facebook, texting) but they value face-to-face communication for many, facebook=social, email=scholarly students were overwhelmed by messages on campus students loved to share ideas and their own experiences

29 Outcomes more creative use of existing communication tools increased and diversified our efforts created promotions that include an element of surprise more collaboration with campus partners higher level of comfort with feedback (good and bad) and…we have continued the dialogue

30 enhancing existing tools

31 increasing/diversifying communication

32 adding an element of surprise

33 collaboration

34 comfort with feedback

35 ongoing dialogue fall 2009 – student advisory group launched relationships with student union (BUSU) flip charts in the Library to ask questions March 2010 – LibQUAL+

36 tips for your library students have ideas – use simple methods to engage them! start a student advisory group to collect feedback and share ideas collaborate with other groups on campus or in the community to promote your library

37 tips for your library be creative with promotions consider running focus groups

38 thank you! Kevin Manuel Justine Cotton

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