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Debater Orientation 제 1 회 알바트로스 + 영어토론대회 설명회. What do you learn today? Structure & Logistics Basics of debate Adjudication Rules.

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Presentation on theme: "Debater Orientation 제 1 회 알바트로스 + 영어토론대회 설명회. What do you learn today? Structure & Logistics Basics of debate Adjudication Rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Debater Orientation 제 1 회 알바트로스 + 영어토론대회 설명회

2 What do you learn today? Structure & Logistics Basics of debate Adjudication Rules

3 Preliminary Rounds Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 The BIG Picture Based on win/loss and speaker points Main Break Rounds Semi-Finals Grand Finals

4 20 MIN Preparation time will be given. 3 Motions under one unified theme Impromptu Rounds

5 What to do with 3 motions? Rank your preferences Negotiate!!! as soon as you meet your opponents in your room Don’t cheat!!! Show your choices together at once.

6 Non-silent Round YES! Silent Round NO! You may receive feedback for silent preliminary rounds after the break announcement. For silent elimination rounds, you may receive it right after results are announced. Do we receive feedback?

7 PUNCTUALITY! PUNCTUALITY! PUNCTUALITY! Things to prepare! Notepad, pens & pencils, stopwatch, almanac & dictionary Dress Code: No flip flops or pajamas! Tournament

8 Registration Roll Call Matchups & Motion Release Write down who your opponent is, which bench your team is on, your room and judge Tournament

9 If you are government, Prepare inside the debate chambers. If you are opposition, SORRY…… have to prepare outside Tournament


11 Speaker’s Role


13 Prime Minister DEFINITION –What is a motion? –What is a definition? A set of words implying or directly stating a particular issue/issues that is presented to the audience for consideration An unambiguous and simple set of statements that identifies the central issue of the debate, clarifies all necessary terms, establishes all necessary parameters for discussion, and presents a definitive picture of the stance of the Government side Topic + Position Fair & Neutral Debating Grounds

14 THW – This House Would THS – This House Supports THBT – This House Believes That THW assassinate dictators. THS free trade. THBT plus size models do more harm than good to society. Examples of Motions

15 THBT we should militarily intervene to protect human rights. Who? NATO What? General Assembly resolution w/ support of P-5 members When? Genocide, ethnic cleansing or any kind of massive HR abuses Where? Wherever (Sudan, Zimbabwe, etc) How? Ground level or surgical strikes Why? To prevent exacerbation of SQ and b/c of overwhelming moral imperative as global citizens Example of Definition

16 Rebuts to the PM Definition, team stance, team split, arguments What is team stance? Leader of Opposition

17 Rebuts to the previous speaker(s) Delivers remaining arguments DEVELOPMENT! Deputies

18 Statement of why Your team won & Their team lost Reply Speakers REPLY Our team wins today because we had stronger rebuttals, better manner, were more good-looking And…

19 Any questions?

20 Understandin g the Rules

21 What is a definition? explaining the words within the motion in order to clarify the debate topic ex) THBT stars do more harm than good. Definition

22 DO NOT: Place set Time set Wholly unreasonable Squirrel-Against the spirit of the motion Truism Definition

23 Definitional Challenge Who: the LO What: the opposition comes up with its own definition and denies the definition that the government provides When: the government has set an unfair definition which falls under the five “don’t do” categories How: the opposition must provide why the definition that government presented fails and set alternative definition for the house Definition

24 Adjudicators HATE definitional challenges The debate becomes a complete mess! Both sides have a higher burden and a tougher job in engaging with each other The opposition must be VERY careful in using this card and the Government must be as objective, fair and considerate as possible! Definition

25 What is a POI? Point(s) of Information A short, clear question, clarification, or comment offered by the opposing team to the speaker on the podium Should not go over 15 seconds Adjudicator will call “Out of Order” if you stand up too often or go over 15 seconds while giving POI Points of Information (POIs)

26 Timing – A POI should be: Given only during constructive speeches Given before/after the “protected” time 0~1 minute /CLAP/ protected time 1~4 minute /CLAP/ RAISE POIs 5~6 minute /CLAP x2/ protected time 6~6:30 minute – Wrap Up! 6:30 ~ /Clapclapclap…….STOP!!!/ Points of Information (POIs)

27 Offering POIs (“Bench” team) Rising up from your seat Giving notification: hand gestures and/or vocal As many as possible, but do not stand up too often!! About 2~4 per speaker Points of Information (POIs)

28 Accepting/Rejecting POIs (Speaker on the Podium) Accepting: Answer and/or respond Rejecting by giving notification: hand gestures and/or vocal At least 2 The debater on the podium has FULL control of POIs Points of Information (POIs)

29 Fair-play Materials Accessing the Internet Communicating, in any form, with any persons beyond their registered teammates after the impromptu round motion has been released, prepared round team-pairings have been released, or during the debate round with any persons in the audience Cheating

30 Understanding the Adjudicators

31 1.What are the judging criteria? 2.Who are the adjudicators? 3.How do I evaluate the adjudicators? Table of Contents

32 Judging Criteria Logic, Relevancy, Response to POIs… Content (Matter) 40% Vocal clarity, Eye contact, Sincerity, Gestures… Style (Manner) 40% Organization, Offering POIs, Role fulfillment… Strategy (Method) 20%

33 Score Range StandardOverall Score Style (/40) Content (/40) Strategy (/20) Exceptional 83 33 17 Good 75 30 15 Improvement Needed 65 252614

34 The Adjudicators went through… The CAP’s Selection Debating/ Adjudicating Experience Adjudication Education/TEST Knowledge of debate rules

35 Single Chair Panel Shadow judge Types of judges?

36 Turn in the Adjudicator Feedback Form! Your chance to tell us your opinion about the judges! Evaluating the Judges Debaters turn in the feedback The CAP reviews the feedback The CAP takes necessary actions Judges’ scores are recorded in the tab


38 Q&A

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