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Published byValerie Sharp Modified over 9 years ago
Modern life and business has become easier thanks to the contribution of the Internet technology. however it was not created overnight.It took a long time until networks could be connected together. From here the Internet has had a tremendous impact all over the world.
The foremost target of Internet has always been the communication. And Internet has excelled beyond the expectations. Now we can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world.
What is Internet? Internet is such an important thing nowadays. Most of us use it every day whether to search for information, to find friends and even to buy groceries The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that interchange data by packet switching using the standardized Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP).
What is Communication? Communication is the process of conveying information from a sender to a receiver with the use of a medium in which the communicated information is understood by both sender and receiver. It is a process that allows people to exchange information by several methods.
What are the advantages in communicating through the Internet?. It has allowed people to correspond with each other in faster, more efficient, and often inexpensive ways. We use email and instant messengers to keep in touch with family members, friends, and perhaps even business associates. sometimes we feel more comfortable conversing with people when we can’t see or hear them.
Email is readily available to anyone who has Internet access also. There are several free email providers, such as Yahoo! and Hotmail.
Using Symbols: Emoticons The special characteristic of instant messengers is that you can use emoticons to express feelings and other actions. Emoticons are images that appear after the user has typed in a code.
Email Communication Email communication is now used by thousands of people every day. They use it to send documents for business or school, to catch up on the latest news with their friends and family, or to send pictures, jokes, and forwards. It is phenomenal, and it happens without the use of paper, pens, envelopes, and stamps Most instant messengers are free, communicating with them not only fast, it's also cheap!.
What are the disadvantages in communicating through the Internet? 1.Although there are many advantages to email, there are also several negative aspects too. While writing a letter can be as simple as picking up a pen and writing words on paper, composing an email can be much more complicated. Despite efforts by email providers to simplify email composition, still, writing an email can be a difficult task for the computer illiterate.
For example: John Smith: “My mother is one of those people who sees computers, specifically internet knowledge, as a foreign language—a language she’d be able to survive without knowing, and therefore, she’s very reluctant to learn. She recently broke down and got an email account so that she could keep in touch with my sister and me while we are away at school. It has taken numerous lessons from my sister, my father, and me to get her to the point where she understands just enough that she can write an email and reply to one”.
2. Besides the complication aspect, there are other cons to using email. While you can send electronic packages through email, such as attachments containing text or pictures, you can’t send actual three dimensional packages.
3. Another negative aspect of emails is receiving unwanted mail and attachments. Businesses can send out junk mail to you email accounts just like they send junk mail to your mailboxes at home. Besides junk mail, you may receive forwards containing useless information that can waste your time, or you may receive viruses through emails that can destroy the hard drive on your computer.
4. A very important con of email communication is the possibility of being misunderstood. Because you cannot see or hear the person with whom you are communicating and vice versa, there is a chance that something that is said may be misinterpreted. If, for example, a friend sends you an email and says something with sarcasm, you may not pick up on the sarcastic tone. This is because you can’t hear their voice as they say it, and it can cause arguments and hurt feelings.
5. When speaking on instant messengers, we are cut off from those visual and audio clues that we usually rely so heavily on, often without thinking about it, in face-to-face conversations. 6. As with email, it is possible to receive viruses through instant messengers. It is important to be cautious when people send you files over the instant messengers. Anytime someone sends you a file, think carefully before accepting it.
Conclusion Despite certain cons of using email and instant messengers, both communication mediums are popular and convenient. Today, more and more people use email and instant messengers to communicate with each other. They give people the chance to correspond with one another in fast, cost effective ways.
17 Effective Business Communication
18 Netiquette = E-mail & Internet Etiquette E-mail message - No nonverbal expression to supplement what we are “saying”. Normal communication takes into account tone of voice, gestures, and proximity Since this is absent – be very careful with email
19 Email Addresses What impression does yours leave???
20 Email Contacts Organize contacts by first and last name Makes you much more efficient and professional
21 Email Length? Brief and to the point Preferably one page Readers should not have to scroll
22 Content Never use ALL CAPS Watch for typos Use normal capitalization and punctuation Use correct grammar & spelling Avoid long sentences
23 Replying Return emails in the same day that you would return a phone call
24 Salutation Write a salutation or greetings for each new subject email
25 Subject Lines Always use a subject line Make the subject line meaningful Example: “April 22 production team meeting agenda” instead of “meeting”
26 Signature Always use a signature or name at the end Includes alternate means of contacting you
27 Wording? Use active words instead of passive
28 Privacy? Emails = public documents Only include those statements in email that you can openly defend
29 Attachments Attachments: Title needs to make sense Large attachments??
30 Flaming? Never “flame” someone. Flaming = virtual term for venting emotion online or sending inflammatory emails.
31 Sensitive Issues? Never send an email about sensitive subjects. Examples: – Disciplinary action – Conflicts about grades or personal information – Concerns about fellow classmates/co-workers – complaints
32 Reply All?? Be very careful
33 Forwards?? Do not over use the forward button
34 Telephone Communication
35 Impressions? How you conduct yourself on the telephone = face-to-face interactions
36 Answering the phone? HELLO
37 Guessing Game? Identify yourself, office or organization in as few words as possible
38 Tone Cheerful and considerate attitude toward each telephone caller. Smile when you answer or talk on the phone ***It will show on the other end.
39 Identification? Give your name when the telephone is answered, before asking for the person you are requesting
40 Mumbo Jumbo!! Enunciate your words very carefully
41 Considerate Keep business conversations to the point
42 Holding??? Do not keep someone on hold more than 30 seconds.
43 Leaving a message! Always leave your phone number if you ask someone to call you back Even if you think they have it
44 Listening Well!! Listening is essential whether in person or on the phone
45 Message Systems Make sure your voice mail or answering machine work properly
46 Call Me Back!!! Always return your calls on the same day
47 Timing? Think about the time when making a phone call. Not acceptable to call someone before 7-8 a.m. and after 8:30-9 p.m.. Avoid meal times
48 Opps! Never hang-up when you realize you have a wrong number Apologize and then hang up
49 Ring Time? When calling someone, let the telephone ring a reasonable length of time
50 Call Times? Calling a business at or very near closing time = inconsiderate
51 Message Taking When taking a message – Indicate the time & date of the call – Caller – Information – Phone number – Person taking the message – Ask for correct spelling if necessary
52 Never – ever! Never – eat, drink or chew gum on the phone
53 Please leave a message! Leave a message when appropriate – especially with caller-ID, people will see you called so they should not have to wonder what you needed.
54 Cell Phone Etiquette
55 Can you hear me now? Maintain at least a 10 foot zone from anyone while talking.
56 Never talk here Elevators Libraries Museums Restaurants Cemeteries Theaters Dentist or doctor waiting rooms Places of worship Auditoriums Other enclosed public spaces (hospital emergency rooms or buses)
57 Emotions Don’t have emotional conversations in public – ever.
58 Language – yes I can hear you too! Watch your language & tone of voice Others are watching and getting impressions of you
59 Ring Tones!! Don’t use loud and annoying ring tones
60 Multi-tasking?? Never “multi-task” by making calls while shopping, banking, waiting in line or conducting other personal business.
61 Personal vs. Business Never take a personal call during a business meeting.
62 Text messaging Do not send text messages to someone else unless you have their permission to do so as they may incur a charge.
63 Totally Inappropriate Never utilize a cell phone in something like a State FFA Convention session This would also include text messaging
64 If you have too If you must answer a cell phone in a public setting, answer and tell the person to hold a minute while you remove yourself from the room.
Delivering an Effective Message Social Media
Introduction No matter what kind of networking or communicating you do, it’s all about finding the right people to target with your message, conveying your message clearly, and garnering interest and support.
Introduction Agenda – What is networking? – What is media? – Linking it all together – Let’s talk about traditional networking & media and how to communicate your message(s) – Let’s talk about social networking & media and how to communicate your message(s)
Introduction When I say “networking” what do you think of?
Introduction When I say “media” what do you think of?
Introduction “Traditional” NETWORKING Face-to-face meetings or gatherings Phone calls Mailed letters, faxes, e-mails “Social” NETWORKING Using internet based platforms (including websites, mobile phone apps, etc.) to network
Introduction “Traditional” MEDIA Television broadcasting Radio Newspapers, magazines, etc. “Social” MEDIA Facebook Twitter Dozens of other web and mobile platforms
Social Networking & Media Stereotype: It’s just a younger persons communication tool.
Social Networking & Media
Pick 1-2 social media platforms to start and do them well; maybe you’ll never engage in more than that It’s more important to engage your audience than be “live” on every single social media site It’s far worse to have a profile/page/account with a social media channel and leave it outdated or dormant than to not have one at all
Social Networking & Media Setup a social media calendar to keep things interesting and give yourself motivation – Throwback Thursday – Fan Favorite Friday and so on… It is absolutely acceptable and good practice to develop social media messages in advance to have them in the queue (though always be ready to communicate something cutting- edge/breaking news at a moment’s notice)
Social Networking & Media Guidelines for how frequently to communicate and when to do it – no hard and fast rules, but generally accepted in social networks: – In general, 80% of US population are on Central and Eastern time zones, so keep that in mind (if you post in middle of the night or too early or late in the workday, they may never see it)
Social Networking & Media Too many social media platforms to cover here, let’s focus on the two that most people know about: Facebook and Twitter
Social Networking & Media
Facebook What is it? An online website that allows both individuals and groups to create their own pages to share all sorts of content they select (text, video, photos, polls, etc.) with people that subscribe to their pages As of June 2012, 995 million people using it How often should I facebook (yes, you can use it as a verb nowadays!)? Once per day; Saturdays actually great for this medium as lots of people are reading it (though perhaps not practical for organizations, but great for individuals) How am I doing? Has built-in analytics for group pages Benefits Lots of people using it (though harder than Twitter to acquire subscribers) Better targeted (you can create groups around specific topics for instance) Easier to analyze than Twitter Not much restriction on length of content, can link to websites, upload video/pictures, etc. Your subscribers can post content on your page, allowing for a lot of interaction
Social Networking & Media Example of information Facebook will tell you about the people who subscribe to see your posts
Social Networking & Media
– Who here has used Facebook for personal or professional reasons? Have you ever posted a call to action or important article to get your friends interested? Do you think you would try using Facebook as an advocacy tool when you go back home?
Social Networking & Media
Twitter What is it? Individuals and/or groups can create an account which allows you to submit “microblogs” of 140 characters or less called “tweets” out to anyone who subscribes to read your stuff How often should I tweet? 3-5 times per day would be considered beginner, 10 times or more a bit much and probably wasted time unless you have a devoted following How am I doing? Does not have built-in analytics, but lots of third party websites you can use to track your progress (e.g., Benefits Shorter content (though sometimes shorter is harder!!) Easier to acquire subscribers (“followers”) than Facebook as people aren’t as selective about who they subscribe to (though that’s a drawback too)
Social Networking & Media – Who here has used Twitter for personal or professional reasons? Have you ever posted a call to action or important article to get your friends interested? Do you think you would try using Twitter as an advocacy tool when you go back home?
Social Networking & Media
Potential downsides We’re drowning in messages; you are one in a trillion It can be fairly easy to acquire a lot of hits/likes/friends/etc., but engagement can be tough because the audiences are not necessarily targeted or “deeply” invested (“just because I press ‘like’ on my friend’s Facebook post doesn’t mean I’d actually donate to that cause”) You risk losing some control over messaging if you do it right (that is, you need to communicate quite frequently to be effective with social media that you are likely going to need to bring interns, volunteers, non-communications professionals into to help you; you might lose some control)
Takeaways 1. Choose your networking or media strategies wisely based on your resources, time and goals. Be bold, but don’t over-commit. 2. Communicate your message clearly. 3. Set specific, measurable goals.
Takeaways 4. Provide your audience(s) with all the tools and information they need to do what you want them to do. 5. Analyze your results. 6. Celebrate success; improve on weakness.
92 Business Communication
Introduction to the business communication
Learning Objectives To identify the need to the communication. To identify the communication`s components. To understand the verbal communication. To identify the barriers of the communication process.
Communication in Organizations Class Activity What is the communication? What is the Organization? What do we usually see inside companies?
The Components of Communication Communication is process of sending and receiving messages – sometimes through spoken or written words and some times through non-verbal means as a facial expressions, gestures or voice quality.
The Stimulus In order for communication to take place, there first must be a stimulus ( An Event that creates within an individual the need to communicate ) We have Internal Stimulus & External Stimulus
The components of communication A. Context - Communication is affected by the context in which it takes place. This context may be physical, social, chronological or cultural. Every communication proceeds with context. The sender chooses the message to communicate within a context
The components of communication B. Sender / Encoder - Sender / Encoder is a person who sends the message. A sender makes use of symbols (words or graphic or visual aids) to convey the message and produce the required response. For instance - a training manager conducting training for new batch of employees. Sender may be an individual or a group or an organization. The views, background, approach, skills, competencies, and knowledge of the sender have a great impact on the message. The verbal and non verbal symbols chosen are essential in ascertaining interpretation of the message by the recipient in the same terms as intended by the sender.
The components of communication C. Message - Message is a key idea that the sender wants to communicate. It is a sign that elicits the response of recipient. Communication process begins with deciding about the message to be conveyed. It must be ensured that the main objective of the message is clear.
The components of communication D. Medium - Medium is a means used to exchange / transmit the message. The sender must choose an appropriate medium for transmitting the message else the message might not be conveyed to the desired recipients. The choice of appropriate medium of communication is essential for making the message effective and correctly interpreted by the recipient. This choice of communication medium varies depending upon the features of communication. For instance - Written medium is chosen when a message has to be conveyed to a small group of people, while an oral medium is chosen when spontaneous feedback is required from the recipient as misunderstandings are cleared then and there
The components of communication E. Recipient / Decoder - Recipient / Decoder is a person for whom the message is intended / aimed / targeted. The degree to which the decoder understands the message is dependent upon various factors such as knowledge of recipient, their responsiveness to the message, and the reliance of encoder on decoder.
The components of communication F. Feedback - Feedback is the main component of communication process as it permits the sender to analyze the efficacy of the message. It helps the sender in confirming the correct interpretation of message by the decoder. Feedback may be verbal (through words) or non-verbal (in form of smiles, sighs, etc.). It may take written form also in form of memos, reports, etc.
Verbal Communication What the verbal communication is important for managers and employees ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… Oral communication implies communication through mouth. It includes individuals conversing with each other, be it direct conversation or telephonic conversation. Speeches, presentations, discussions are all forms of oral communication. Oral communication is generally recommended when the communication matter is of temporary kind or where a direct interaction is required. Face to face communication (meetings, lectures, conferences, interviews, etc.) is significant so as to build a rapport and trust.
Advantages of oral communication There is high level of understanding and transparency in oral communication as it is interpersonal. There is no element of rigidity in oral communication. There is flexibility for allowing changes in the decisions previously taken. The feedback is spontaneous in case of oral communication. Thus, decisions can be made quickly without any delay. Oral communication is not only time saving, but it also saves upon money and efforts. Oral communication is best in case of problem resolution. The conflicts, disputes and many issues/differences can be put to an end by talking them over. Oral communication is an essential for teamwork and group energy. Oral communication promotes a receptive and encouraging morale among organizational employees. Oral communication can be best used to transfer private and confidential information/matter.
Disadvantages of oral communication Relying only on oral communication may not be sufficient as business communication is formal and very organized. Oral communication is less authentic than written communication as they are informal and not as organized as written communication. Oral communication is time-saving as far as daily interactions are concerned, but in case of meetings, long speeches consume lot of time and are unproductive at times. Oral communications are not easy to maintain and thus they are unsteady. There may be misunderstandings as the information is not complete and may lack essentials. It requires attentiveness and great receptivity on part of the receivers/audience. Oral communication (such as speeches) is not frequently used as legal records except in investigation work.
Written Communication Written communication has great significance in today’s business world. It is an innovative activity of the mind. Effective written communication is essential for preparing worthy promotional materials for business development. Speech came before writing. But writing is more unique and formal than speech. Effective writing involves careful choice of words, their organization in correct order in sentences formation as well as cohesive composition of sentences. Also, writing is more valid and reliable than speech. But while speech is spontaneous, writing causes delay and takes time as feedback is not immediate.
Advantages of Written Communication Written communication helps in laying down apparent principles, policies and rules for running of an organization. It is a permanent means of communication. Thus, it is useful where record maintenance is required. It assists in proper delegation of responsibilities. While in case of oral communication, it is impossible to fix and delegate responsibilities on the grounds of speech as it can be taken back by the speaker or he may refuse to acknowledge. Written communication is more precise and explicit. Effective written communication develops and enhances an organization’s image. It provides ready records and references. Legal defenses can depend upon written communication as it provides valid records.
Disadvantages of business communication Written communication does not save upon the costs. It costs huge in terms of stationery and the manpower employed in writing/typing and delivering letters. Also, if the receivers of the written message are separated by distance and if they need to clear their doubts, the response is not unplanned. Written communication is time-consuming as the feedback is not immediate. The encoding and sending of message takes time. Effective written communication requires great skills and competencies in language and vocabulary use. Poor writing skills and quality have a negative impact on organization’s reputation. Too much paper work and e-mails burden is involved.
Direction of communication The formal communication network ( Downward Communication) from superiors to subordinates Or( Upward Communication) from subordinates to superiors Or ( horizontal communication ) people among the same level While the communication between people of different departments is ( cross-channel communication)
Downward communication communication between someone of higher authority to someone of a lower authority UPWARD COMMUNICATION Is the flow of information from lower –level employees to upper –level employees Why upward communication is important? It gives the higher management information to take decisions It gives feedback about the operations
HORIZINTAL COMMUNICATION The flow of information among peers within the same work unit For Instance, A weekly staff meetings Why it is important? Coordinates work assignments. Share information on plans. Negotiates differences and develop personal supports
CROSS CHANNEL COMMUNICATION Is the exchange of information among employees in different work units who are neither subordinate nor superiors to each others,
Barriers to Communication Verbal Barriers It includes 1.Inadequate knowledge and vocabulary. This is all about understanding what you are trying to say, research the topic that you want to use, write or talk about, then are you ready? Understanding the audience, analysis his knowledge about the issue. 2 Differences in Interpretation. Different meaning to the same word, or the same meaning for a different word Example !
Barriers to Communication 3. Language Differences The language of each culture which they deal with For example Chevrolet ( Nova ) means in Spanish No Va, it doesn’t go ! 4. Inappropriate use of Expressions Expressions are group of words whose intended meanings are different from their literal interpretations.
Barriers to Communication Non Verbal Barriers Related to how you Act ! 1.Differences in Perceptions People are different, their understanding, evaluating for speech may differ too, Listening to the speech may be perceived differently by a different people 2. Inappropriate Emotions
Ethics of communication Defamation Any false statement that is communicated to others and injures a person`s good name or reputation may constitute defamation. Invasion of Privacy Any unreasonable disturbance into the private life of another person or denial of a person`s right to be left alone may constitute an Invasion of Privacy
Fraud and misrepresentation Is a false statement that is made innocently with no intent to deceive the other party
End o f The Lecture Any Questions ? Or Comments ? Thank You
Verb Tense
Key Learning: Using appropriate grammar in writing and speaking is essential for effective communication. Unit Essential Question: How does proper grammar help us to communicate effectively? Concept: Verbs Lesson Essential Questions: 1.Why do we have subject and verbs agree in both tense and number in a sentence? 7.3.5 (701.1.2) 2.What are the principal parts of a verb? 7.3.5 (701.1.2) 3.What makes a verb irregular? 7.3.5 (701.1.2), 4.How do we determine the proper use of commonly confused words? 7.3.2 (701.1.9) 5.How do we decide if infinitives and/or infinitive phrases are being used correctly within a sentence? 7.3.10 (701.1.13)
ACTIVATOR Create a wordsplash with terms associated with “VERB TENSE”
1. What is Tense? a.The tense of a verb indicates the time of the action or of the state of being that is expressed by the verb. Examples : *Denise served bagels for breakfast yesterday. *Randy will play the drums tonight.
1. What is Tense? b.There are three basic tenses (past, present, future). c.Each basic tense has a perfect form, indicating a completed action. d.When you list the different forms (tenses) of a verb, it is called conjugating.
2. The Six Tenses Draw this in your notes, please.
2. The Six Tenses a.Past- existing or happening in the past (-ed or form of the verb). Examples: *I saw the rainbow yesterday. *She took the bus last night.
Assessment Prompt Showdown! With a partner, back to back, count down from three, turn around, and say a verb of this tense. If you are either wrong, or the slowest, you get no points. If you are the first one with the right answer, you earn a point.
2. The Six Tenses b.Present- existing or happening now (present form of the verb, or with an “s”). Examples: *I see the rainbow now. *She takes the bus to save on gas.
Assessment Prompt Showdown! With a partner, back to back, count down from three, turn around, and say a verb of this tense. If you are either wrong, or the slowest, you get no points. If you are the first one with the right answer, you earn a point.
2. The Six Tenses c.Future- existing or happening in the future (will/shall). Examples: *I will see the rainbow soon. *She will take the bus tomorrow.
Assessment Prompt Showdown! With a partner, back to back, count down from three, turn around, and say a verb of this tense. If you are either wrong, or the slowest, you get no points. If you are the first one with the right answer, you earn a point.
2. The Six Tenses d.Past Perfect- existing or happening before a specific time in the past (had). Examples: *I had seen a rainbow before today. *She had taken the bus last Thursday.
Assessment Prompt Showdown! With a partner, back to back, count down from three, turn around, and say a verb of this tense. If you are either wrong, or the slowest, you get no points. If you are the first one with the right answer, you earn a point.
2. The Six Tenses d.Present Perfect- existing or happening sometime before now; may be continuing now (have/has). Examples: *We have seen rainbows in the past. *She has taken the bus before.
Assessment Prompt Showdown! With a partner, back to back, count down from three, turn around, and say a verb of this tense. If you are either wrong, or the slowest, you get no points. If you are the first one with the right answer, you earn a point.
2. The Six Tenses f.Future Perfect- existing or happening before a specific time in the future (will have). Examples: *We will have seen a rainbow after the next thunderstorm. *She will have taken the bus for seven days in a row on Tuesday.
Assessment Prompt Showdown! With a partner, back to back, count down from three, turn around, and say a verb of this tense. If you are either wrong, or the slowest, you get no points. If you are the first one with the right answer, you earn a point.
2. The Six Tenses This should be in your spiral!
3. Consistency of Tense a.Do not change needlessly from one tense to another. Examples: *When we go to the movies, we bought some popcorn.
3. Consistency of Tense a.Do not change needlessly from one tense to another. Wrong Example: *When we go to the movies, we bought some popcorn. *When we go to the movies, we buy some popcorn.OR *When we went to the movies, we bought some popcorn.
SUMMARIZER – Select any base form of a verb. Create a chart of each of the six tenses and trace the changes of the verb through each of those shifts.
Verb tenses tell us when things happen. Events can happen in the Past Present Future
The Past This is when an event has already happened. walked I walked across to buy some sweets from the shop. shouted I shouted to my brother in the playground. ran I ran down the lane with the dog.
The Present This is when an event is actually happening. am walking I am walking across to buy some sweets from the shop. am shouting I am shouting to my brother in the playground. am running I am running down the lane with the dog.
The Future This is when an event has not taken place yet. will walk I will walk across to buy some sweets from the shop. will shout I will shout to my brother in the playground. will run I will run down the lane with the dog.
Look at each of these sentences and decide what tense it has been written in. We went for a walk. George will rush into school today. City beat United 6-0 last week.
Lucy will be driving me to school today. I am smelling my supper cooking in the kitchen. Shelley will be coming for lunch on Sunday.
Can you make the following sentences into the past, the present and the future tense? I like going to Manchester with my Mum. I like going to Manchester with my Mum. PRESENT I liked going to Manchester with my Mum. PAST I will like going to Manchester with my Mum. FUTURE
I will laugh at the clown in the circus. I am laughing at the clown in the circus. PRESENT I laughed at the clown in the circus. PAST I will laugh at the clown in the circus. FUTURE I swam in the pool on Wednesday. I am swimming in the pool on Wednesday. PRESENT I swam in the pool on Wednesday. PAST I will swim in the pool on Wednesday. FUTURE
Remember! Whenever you are writing you should try to stay in the same tense all the way through.
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