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Coastal Erosion in Southern California Enhanced by the 1997-1998 El Niño By Zachary Moody.

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Presentation on theme: "Coastal Erosion in Southern California Enhanced by the 1997-1998 El Niño By Zachary Moody."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coastal Erosion in Southern California Enhanced by the 1997-1998 El Niño By Zachary Moody

2 Outline  Background on Erosion  Background on 1997-1998 El Niño  Measuring Coastal Erosion  LiDAR Technology  Case Examples from 1997-1998  Human Involvement


4 Typical California Coastline

5 1997-1998 El Niño

6 1997-1998 El Niño Global Effects  Began earlier than normal and peaked in January  Temperatures >4 o than normal in eastern Pacific and in some areas >9 o  Drought and wildfires in Indonesia  Increased number of hurricanes off of Mexico’s coast  2100 deaths and $33 billion in property damage worldwide

7 1997-1998 El Niño Effects in the United States  Killer tornadoes in the Southeast U.S.  Massive blizzards in the upper Midwest U.S.  Flooding in the Ohio river valley  California received 2x the normal rainfall which caused flooding and landslides El Niño related landslides along the California coast.

8 El Niño Impacts Larger and More Violent Storms  More Powerful Waves  Greater Coastal Erosion


10 Measuring Coastal Erosion Methods:  Surveys  Aerial Photography  Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)

11 LiDAR  Scanning Laser  Stream of Light Pulses Emitted Side-to-Side  Acquires Location and Elevation Data  GPS Receivers and Satellites used to indicate location as data is collected

12 LiDAR Advantages  Saves Time, Money, and Manpower  Greater Coverage Area  Water Depth Information  Integrated with GPS/GIS  Capable of mapping steeped sloped regions, shadowed areas, and inaccessible areas (such as mud flats and ocean jetties).

13 1997-1998 El Niño Effects in Southern California

14 Monty Hampton, USGS January, 1998 February 1998

15 Sea cliffs in Pacifica, CA  13 meters of cliff erosion in one year  1997-98 El Niño accounted for about 50 years of cliff erosion at this location  12 houses were condemned  7 were undercut and fell into the ocean

16 Southern Pacifica Northern Pacifica

17 Analyzing LiDAR Data Landslides Longshore Transport Overwash River Breakthrough

18 San Diego 1

19 2 October, 1997 April, 1998

20 San Diego 3

21 Ventura 1

22 2 October, 1997 April, 1998

23 Human Interaction  Erosion is a natural process that is inevitable. Humans can intervene but this only deters erosion to alternate areas.  Examples -Jetties-Seawalls-Groins -Beach Renourishment

24 Questions? Sources  Griggs, G.B. (2002). Coastal Cliff Erosion in San Diego County. Sea Grant California Coastal Ocean Research, R/CZ-157: 3.1.1998-6.30.1999  Sallenger Jr. A.H. et al. (2002). Sea-cliff erosion as a function of beach changes and extreme wave runup during the 1997-1998 El Niño. Marine Geology 187, no.3-4 p. 279-297  Storlezzi C.D. and Griggs G.B. (2000). Influence of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events on the evolution of Central California's shoreline. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 112, no.2 p. 236-249  (2/20/07)  (2/20/07)  (2/20/07)  (2/20/07)

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