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10 The teaching that Mary is the “MOTHER OF GOD” (“Theotokos”)
11 Isaiah 7:14 14 † Therefore the Lord himself will give you this sign: the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel.† Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Is 7:14). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
12 Matthew 1:23
13 By the 3rd century, Mary was being referred to in Greek interchangeably as “kristotokos” (“Mother of Christ”) and “theotokos” (“Mother of God”). “Mother of Christ” emphasizes Jesus’ human nature, while “Mother of God” emphasizes his divine nature.
14 By the 5th century, Nestorius, the Patriarch of Constantinople, argued that the term “Mother of God” was incorrect, for he believed that Mary was the mother of the man Jesus, but not his divine nature alleging that Jesus was a man on whom God conferred his own divine nature sometime after his birth.
15 Council of Ephesus (431 A.D.) affirmed the title of Mary as “Mother of God”
16 The teaching that Mary was conceived without original sin (“IMMACULATE CONCEPTION”)
17 Declared a dogma on 12/8/1854 by Pius IX
18 “To the honor of the holy and undivided Trinity, to the glory and adornment of the Virgin Mother of God, to the exaltation of the authority of Jesus Christ our Lord, of the Blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul, and by Our Own, declare, pronounce, and define that the doctrine which holds … … that the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the first instant of her Conception, by a singular privilege and grace of the omnipotent God, in consideration of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind, was preserved free from all stain of original sin … … has been revealed by God, and therefore is to be firmly and constantly believed by all the faithful.” (Ineffabilis Deus)
19 Luke 1:28 28 And coming to her, he said, “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you.” Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Lk 1:28). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
20 Objections
21 #1 Romans 3:23 says that “All have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God.” Why would Mary be an exception?
22 Romans 3:23 23 all have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Ro 3:23). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
23 #2 If Mary never sinned, she doesn’t need a Savior. So why does Mary say in Luke 1:47– “my spirit rejoices in God, My Savior.”
24 Luke 1:46-47 46 And Mary said: † “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord;† 47 my spirit rejoices in God my savior. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Lk 1:46). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
25 Mary is redeemed in a more exalted fashion i.e. by “preventive redemption”
26 CCC 492 492 The "splendor of an entirely unique holiness" by which Mary is "enriched from the first instant of her conception" comes wholly from Christ: she is "redeemed, in a more exalted fashion, by reason of the merits of her Son."
27 CCC 508 From among the descendants of Eve, God chose the Virgin Mary to be the mother of his Son. "Full of Grace," Mary is "the most excellent fruit of redemption" –(SC 103): from the first instant of her conception, she was totally preserved from the stain of original sin and she remained pure from all personal sin throughout her life.
28 #3 If Mary were sinless, why did she have to comply with the requirement of a sacrifice (“a pair of doves or two young pigeons”) as a sin offering?
29 Luke 1:22-24 22 But when he came out, he was unable to speak to them, and they realized that he had seen a vision in the sanctuary. He was gesturing to them but remained mute. 23 Then, when his days of ministry were completed, he went home. 24 After this time his wife Elizabeth conceived, and she went into seclusion for five months, saying, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Lk 1:22). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
30 #4 If Mary was immaculately conceived, and if death was a consequence of original sin, why did she die?
31 From the very start of her life, Mary suffered in union with Jesus’ suffering. She accepted death as Jesus accepted death and just as she shared in his work, she shared in his glorification. She shared in his Resurrection by having her glorified body taken into heaven, the way the glorified bodies of all the saved will be taken into heaven on the last day.
32 #5 Was not the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception “invented” by Pope Pius IX in 1854?
33 The dogma was not officially defined until 1854 but its substance had been known and believed from the beginning since it was present from the beginning in the original “deposit of faith” like all dogmas, including the Trinity and the Incarnation, all of which took centuries before they were defined infallibly.
35 Objections
36 #1 Scripture mentions the “brothers and sisters of Jesus”
37 Matthew 13:54-56 54 † He came to his native place and taught the people in their synagogue. They were astonished † and said, “Where did this man get such wisdom and mighty deeds?† † 55 Is he not the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother named Mary and his brothers James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas? 56 Are not his sisters all with us? Where did this man get all this?” Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Mt 13:54). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
38 Mark 6:2-3 2 † When the sabbath came he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished. They said, “Where did this man get all this? What kind of wisdom has been given him? What mighty deeds are wrought by his hands!† 3 Is he not the carpenter, † the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him.† Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Mk 6:2). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
39 … not blood brothers but relatives like cousins
40 James & Joseph are the sons of the “other Mary”
41 Matthew 28:1 1 † After the sabbath, as the first day of the week was dawning, † Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. † † Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Mt 28:1). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
42 Mark 15:40 40 † There were also women looking on from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of the younger James and of Joses, and Salome. † Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Mk 15:40). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
43 John 19:25 25 † Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. † Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Jn 19:25). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
44 Mark 16:1 1 † When the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go and anoint him.† Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Mk 16:1). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
45 CCC 500 500 Against this doctrine the objection is sometimes raised that the Bible mentions brothers and sisters of Jesus. The Church has always understood these passages as not referring to other children of the Virgin Mary. In fact James and Joseph, "brothers of Jesus," are the sons of another Mary, a disciple of Christ, whom St. Matthew significantly calls "the other Mary.“ They are close relations of Jesus, according to an Old Testament expression.
46 … Mary was entrusted to John
47 John 19:26-27 26 When Jesus saw his mother † and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.”† 27 Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Jn 19:26). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
48 #2 Scripture states that Joseph had no relation with Mary “until” she gave birth
49 Matthew 1:24-25 24 When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home. 25 He had no relations with her until she bore a son, † and he named him Jesus.† Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Mt 1:24). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
50 … means did not happen up to a certain point
51 2 Samuel 6:23 23 And so Saul’s daughter Michal was childless to the day of her death. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (2 Sa 6:23). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
52 Genesis 8:6-7 6 † At the end of forty days Noah opened the hatch he had made in the ark,† 7 and he sent out a raven, to see if the waters had lessened on the earth. It flew back and forth until the waters dried off from the earth. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Ge 8:6). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
53 #3 Jesus is Mary’s “first born” and therefore his brothers and sisters were “second born”, etc.
54 Under the Mosaic Law, it was the “first-born” son that was to be sanctified (Ex. 34:20). Did this mean the parents had to wait until a second son was born before they could call their first the “first-born?” Hardly. The first male child of a marriage was termed the “first-born” even if he turned out to be the only child.
55 Mary married Joseph and therefore cannot remain celibate or it would be an unnatural marriage arrangement
56 … consecrated virgin
57 Luke 1:34 34 But Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?” Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Lk 1:34). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
58 … bethrotal was a matter of necessity (protector)
59 The Teaching that Mary was assumed into heaven (ASSUMPTION OF MARY)
60 CCC 966 966 "Finally the Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things, so that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords and conqueror of sin and death.“ The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is a singular p participation in her Son's Resurrection and an anticipation of the resurrection of other Christians …
61 declared a dogma on 1/01/50 by Pius XII
62 “The Immaculate Mother of God, the ever- Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.” (Munificentissimus Deus)
63 Objection The doctrine of Mary’s assumption after her death is not contained in Scripture.
64 Revelation 12:1 1 † A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman † clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.† † Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Re 12:1). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
65 Assumption is not unusual (Enoch, who was taken to heaven without dying (Heb. 11:5); Elijah was whisked into heaven by a fiery chariot (2 Kings 2:11).
66 Matthew 27:51-53 51 And behold, the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom. † The earth quaked, rocks were split,† 52 tombs were opened, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised. 53 And coming forth from their tombs after his resurrection, they entered the holy city and appeared to many. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible : Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament (Mt 27:51). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
67 No relics of Mary
68 End
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75 Reference Books
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