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Project Diary - Wildcare Emily Hayes. 21.09.12 Todays lesson I started my project plan. The point of this was to help myself get organised so that I can.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Diary - Wildcare Emily Hayes. 21.09.12 Todays lesson I started my project plan. The point of this was to help myself get organised so that I can."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Diary - Wildcare Emily Hayes

2 21.09.12 Todays lesson I started my project plan. The point of this was to help myself get organised so that I can get all of my work in on the deadlines set, and so I can finish early with time to check over my work. It also helps me figure out what I have to do next, and how long I have to do it. It had to include each section that I will need to complete with the planned start dates and end dates that I have given myself. It then has room for contingency time in case I don’t finish it, and the actual start and end dates to see if I am sticking to my plan. I chose my colour theme which is white for now, I won’t really need a theme until I start doing membership cards. Throughout this project I will have to keep filling this in.

3 28.09.12 I also chose my test buddy which is Livvy Todays lesson I finished my project plan, which means I stuck to my planned start and end date and had no need for any contingency time. I filled in that section of the table. I also designed my sources table, which Is used to record all the data where I get everything from. I also made the three folders we were told to make, ‘Evidence’, ‘Project Management’ and ‘Publications’

4 03.10.12 Todays lesson I checked over my plan to make sure everything was okay and it was all correct. Then I started to make my database, ahead of my plan. The database has to store details of endangered species so that members will be able to download the database and use it to decide which animal to adopt. I started by opening up a new database, and going to design view. I then inserted all the field names and data types for each field. Most of them were text but a few, eg. Adoption cost, were currency. Because the data inserted for that is a price. Three fields had to have a validation rule, they were Group, Status and Threat. I will use Threat as an example of how I inserted the validation rule. For threat the only answers you can input are coded into C, L H and P. Which stand for, Climate change, Loss of habitat, Hunting and Predator. So that they can only input these codes I typed in this validation Rule, and wrote a text to alert the person that if they input wrong, they are the only letters that are allowed to be entered. For Adoption cost, the data type was Currency, and I had to change the currency to 2 decimal places at the bottom, because that is the most they can enter.

5 Now I know my database works, I can start to import the data. To import the data, you start by clicking text file. I had to make sure that I clicked append a copy before I pressed ok, otherwise my database wouldn’t be imported correctly. A lot of boxes kept coming up so I just pressed Finish.

6 I opened my table, and this was the finished result

7 07.09.12 In todays lesson I had to make a data Entry form for the 3 new animals that I have to put into my database. I started by first going to ‘Create > Form’ After I clicked on Form, this table came up. I have to make this table into my own data entry form for the 3 species I am going to insert myself. First, I have to add a new command button that says ‘add new record. To do this I have to go to Design view I then clicked on this button because it brings you to the command button wizard.

8 After clicking on the button, the command button wizard popped up. It automatically has a default setting of saying ‘Record Navigation’ and a different action. I had to change the category to ‘ Record Operations’ and the action to ‘Add new record’ because the button I have has to be able to add a new record. After clicking next, I had to name the button ‘add new record’ to make it clear to people what the button is for, Then I had to do the same process a few more times, to make 3 more buttons. They looked like this at the end.

9 I then played around with a few coloured themes and put in the wild care logo to make it look more professional and more attractive. I put this key at the side of the data entry form so that users knew what codes to insert, and what they meant when inputting information into the database, as I changed the settings on my database where you can only insert certain codes.

10 After creating the data entry form I had to research 3 new endangered species to put into my database. They had to be either red, green or orange. For this I needed to use my sources table. For the sources table information I had to get relevant information on the animal that I had chosen, I also had to fill out every bit of the table as each part is important. I also had to look up Wikipedia's copyrights because that is where I got my information from and I needed to make sure that the pictures and information was okay for me to use. I took the data I found about the loggerhead turtle, and I took what I needed to put into my data entry form. I then did this two more times, with two different animals, the information for them can be found in my sources table. I kept the theme for the data entry form quite simple, as there wasn’t much I could do with the colours, so I just made sure it all matched.

11 30.11.12 This lesson I made the adoption card that members who have adopted animals will receive. It had to have their name, the animals name and an expiry date. This is the first thing I have done that will determine my theme for this project. Because we are doing a project on animals I decided to make it all about animals. I tried to make the text as clear as possible to read, and this is my example card so I haven't filled in the names but usually there will be a name in place. On the back of the card is the dida Wildcare trust logo that I need to use throughout my project. I removed the background and made it brown because it went better with the theme that I chose. I made the logo fairly big and on its own because I wanted the logo to be noticed so that it is obvious what charity they are supporting. FRONT COVER BACK COVER

12 After trying out my cards in real life, I got some feedback and realised it was hard to fill them out, so I had to change the design of them and try them out again…  FRONT COVER: I changed the front cover so that it was easier for the person to put their details on, I kept the back cover as there was nothing wrong with it.

13 I had to make sure I was doing this on the right layout so that when I printed, they printed at the appropriate size for someone to use as a membership card.

14 14.12.12 =B5*C5 This lesson I had to make the excel spread sheet to help me figure out the membership fees for my membership pack I am going to make next. To do this I made a simple table with all the types of memberships that are available. Then I was giving the ‘number’ and the ‘cost’ which helped me figure out what the total would be. To figure out the total with out writing it all out, I used the formula; which gave me the result for the platinum total. I then continues to use this type of formula for gold silver, and the Wildcare teens and kids. To then figure out the total cost for all the memberships, I Went to the bar at the top of the spread sheet and clicked auto Sum, this means I can then highlight the boxed I want to add And it add it all for me, this way I know that my totals are efficient

15 Then I had to make another table: The first part of the table, (the income) shows the total amount they make from January – December (you cant see the end of the table). The second part of the table (the outgoings) shows you how much money is going out per month, and what the money will be used for. And the last part of the table shows the cash flow at the end of each month, to see if there is more money going out or coming in. The table is basically used for organising the charity and to see if the charity is going well each month. Currently my table is empty as I haven’t yet started the calculations.

16 19.10.12 Before starting my cash flow forecast, I created my own table similar to the layout given to me, with my own fonts and colours to make it easier for me to see the data in the tables, this is what it looked like at the start. The cash flow forecast is for me to see how the company is doing all year round, how much money we’re losing/gaining each month and so we can keep on track of finances. I used it to see how much memberships should cost for my charity so that we are making enough money per year.

17 To start, I had to insert the number and cost for the different types of memberships that the Wildcare packs had to offer, then to work out the total I pressed auto sum and it automatically worked out the first line, I then dragged down the totals column and it worked the remaining totals out for me. Next I had to start working out the ‘Outgoings’ on the table below. To do this I started by inserting the beginning of the formula which is ‘=‘, then I switched pages to the cost pages, and highlighted the number I needed. E.g. I started with the salaries. So I switched pages and clicked the salaries column, when pressing enter, the amount automatically goes into my own table, exactly where it needed to go. Once I had the formula for the salaries in January, it was easy to replicate from there. I just dragged the formula from January to December. I then had to do the same thing for the other fields, but when switching to the cost page I just had to click on a different column each time, E.g. Food, Rent, Utilities. Eventually my table ended up being full.

18 To work out my totals, I clicked on the totals column, pressed this button: This automatically generates a formula depending on what you want to do, I then clicked/dragged the numbers I wanted to be added together and pressed enter. The total would automatically appear. After the first formula was done, I could just drag it down the totals column and the rest of the totals would automatically appear. To work out the Closing Cash Balance I had to add the net cash flow and the opening cash balance together. Once I had worked out January, I then replicated the formula along from the corner to get the rest of the answers for February, March Etc. Doing this made it easier/quicker for me to finish my table in a more efficient way. Below are a few of my results: Surplus Surplus -An amount of something left over when requirements have been met or More than what is needed or used; excess. Deficit - Deficit -The amount by which something, esp. a sum of money, is too small. I used an IF statement which is a rule that applies to certain cells, for example: if there is more income than outcome, SURPLUS will appear in the column and there is more outcome than income, DEFICIT will appear.

19 CHECKING MY SPREADSHEET: I used a calculator to go over my totals to check that they were accurate. I had to do this for all of my fields; ONCE I HAD CHECKED OVER MY RESULTS, I WAS FINISHED MY MEMBERSHIP FEES ONCE I HAD CHECKED OVER MY RESULTS, I WAS FINISHED MY MEMBERSHIP FEES

20 DIFFERENT TYPES OF MEMBERSHIPS. 16.01.13 I have to research different types of memberships from different organisations to compare the prices, to help me consider my own prices for my membership forms. I went on the RSPCA website and they have currently 2 different types of organisations: ADULT MEMBER: - ‘Individual Membership For £24 for one year, or £750 for life, you can become a member of the RSPCA and receive all the benefits listed, including: animal life magazine the right to vote at our AGM a membership badge’ / ‘Joint Membership For £36 for one year, or £1000 for life, you and your partner can become joint members of the RSPCA and receive all the benefits listed, including: animal life magazine the right to vote at our AGM a membership badge’ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FRIEND MEMBER: - ‘Individual Friend Membership Becoming a Friend of the RSPCA member keeps you closer to the day-to-day work of the RSPCA and its inspectors. From as little as just £3 a month by Direct Debit you can become a Friend of the RSPCA and receive benefits, including: animal life magazine the right to vote at our AGM a membership badge Friends newsletter.’ - - - - - - - - - - - Joint Friend Membership Becoming Friends of the RSPCA members will keep you and your partner closer to the day-to-day work of the RSPCA and its inspectors from as little as £4 a month. Joint Friend Membership is open to any two people who are both aged 18 or over and who live together as partners at the same address. Joint members will normally receive only one copy of animal life and the Annual Review sent to their joint address. Family Membership Becoming Friends of the RSPCA members will keep you and your family closer to the day-to-day work of the RSPCA and its inspectors. From as little as £4 a month by Direct Debit your family can become a Friends of the RSPCA. Family membership consists of an individual or joint adult membership, and up to three children living at the same address.

21 ‘Join today for only £25 a year (or £12.50 if you're over 60) and get lots of benefits for you and your dog! With membership of the UK's largest dog welfare charity you'll get such a lot for your money: Unlimited access to Vetfone TM – a 24 hour emergency advice service from veterinary professionals. 3rd party insurance for your dog – up to £1,000,000 per claim if your dog causes damage or injury to another person, their property or pets (an excess of £200 applies for the UK and £500 in the Republic of Ireland). For 16 year olds and over. Peace of mind with our free Canine Care Card. The guarantee that Dogs Trust will take care of your dog should anything happen to you. Wag! Magazine three times a year – packed full of doggy news, stories and tips.’ I went on the Dog’s trust website, and they only offer one type of membership packs: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘BECOME A MEMBER Please help our vital work by joining WWF from as little as £3 a month. We share an incredible world. And we have a responsibility to protect it for our children, their children, and the generations that follow. Its a world full of challenges. Did you know: There are only about 35 Amur leopards remaining in the wild, around the same number as a classroom of children? Three quarters of all major global fish stocks are fished at or beyond sustainable limits? 50% of UK homes cause 26% of the UK's CO2 emissions? But WWF is there to provide solutions, and over the last 50 years has had some major successes: We helped bring the Amur tiger back from the brink of extinction, from just 30 to around 400 Introducing new circle hooks in Indonesia instead of traditional J hooks has resulted in 80% fewer turtles being accidentally caught We've helped change legislation so all new build homes in the UK will meet zero carbon standards by 2016’ I went on the WWF website and they offered a membership where you could choose the amount you donate: You can choose between £3, £5 and £10 a month, or choose your own amount to give when you join for a membership

22 I put all of my research into my ‘Membership Fee research’ table, which had to include the name of organisation, the type of organisation, the URL, type of membership and the fee they charge, this made my research easier to organise. I did this so that I could compare the prices of other organisations to my own organisation, so that I could change some of the costs in my table and see if it gets me from a DEFICIT to a SURPLUS, so that my charity makes some sort of an income.

23 Next what I needed to do was use my membership fees research to compare the prices of my own organisation. I used in my spread sheet to see what amounts I would need to charge to get me from DEFICIT to a SURPLUS. I started with small amounts, and worked my way up until I finally got into a surplus, this I feel was the most cost efficient way for my target audience. My aim was to get as close as possible to 0. I raised and decreased my prices to get a total of £896.00

24 I started making my leaflet this lesson, I started with the basic design of my leaflet, which has to stick to my theme, so I did different animal patterns for each section of the leaflet. Next I had to include my logos, and basic information about the adoption scheme and the memberships I offer. My target audience is teenagers so I had to make my leaflet appealing to my target audience. I took the information about the organisation from the website, which includes information about the membership options, adoption schemes and contact details. I had to include information about the gift pack, which I made up myself and I also had to include a ‘tear off application’ which can easily be cut off, filled out and sent back to us. I finished it in the next lesson, it looked like this.  My test buddy filled one out and only told me to make improvements on the amount of space I give for the person to write.

25 I started making my pack folder this lesson, as usual it had to stick to requirements of the task. I had to say welcome and thank you for joining the teen membership. In the package they receive a leaflet and a membership card and sample database reports, so I had to include a flap that could fit them in. There were to ways you could do this: 1) just cut out the contents holder and stick it on top again with a small opening 2) Design a new contents holder on a new page and stick it on again with an opening so that there were no white spaces At first I chose option 1 but then I realised after that it may not look as appealing to the teen audience so I soon changed to option 2 after my test buddy feedback. My folder had to stick to my theme again and do I includes all the usual animal pattern backgrounds as usual. I had to include an address on the back of the report and clear titles and logos. My test buddy checked it and I made minor improvements on the types of text I used and the layout of the photos of animals I included.

26 This lesson I started to create my Presentation for the Wildcare Trust which I made on PowerPoint to promote the Wildcare trust, it is to be used by Wildcare staff to promote in a number of schools. It had to stick to a maximum of FIVE slides and had to include a very certain criteria. The first thing I had to do was include a master slide. I started by going to View > Slide Master Slide master helps you develop your PowerPoint. It keeps things the same on every slide. I edited the text for the titles and text boxes which set to default for each slide and I also created my themes background to be applied for all slides. I put a small logo in the bottom corner as well. Once I exited slide Master this could not be edited again unless I went back to slide master.

27 The background and logo stay the same throughout and cannot be changed, as well as the style of text, this could be changed but it was okay the way it Was. In slide master I also edited all the text boxes to have a white background so that it was clearer. The slide had to have the most important information, but to a minimum. Which is why below in my speakers notes I have included all of the main information that the speaker has to say in the ‘speaker notes’ I tried to make the slide as fun looking as possible so that it would be attractive /appealing.

28 After this, the remaining 4 slides had to be pretty much the same, but containing different, relevant information and or pictures. Slide 2 was about endangered animals, so I didn’t even need to include any information on the slide, just relevant pictures.

29 END RESULT – I ended up including an extra slide at the end to say thank you for watching to make it a friendlier presentation to the younger audience.

30 06.03.13 SAMPLE REPORT This lesson I had to take my database and put in a Query Design which will be included in my membership pack, to make it easier for people to locate an animal in our database. I started first by going to create > Query Design After selecting my database to open, this box appeared – It has a list of all my different group names. I had to double click each name so that it would appear on a table below. I had to use this table to limit the information that was shown when searching for an animal, once doing this I can use the info to create a report for my membership pack.

31 Underneath the table, where it says ‘ Criteria ’ I had to input an example of a group and I also put in an example of a location to narrow the searches even more. When pressing my database came up with the remaining searches. My table looked like this: as you can clearly see it only showed the records with ‘Group: Mammal’ and ‘Location: Asia’ After doing this, the next step was to make a report for my membership pack using the data I Have just formed.

32 To do this I went to Create > Report And something like this comes up: The next thing I had to do was edit the layout to include a proper title and logo and use the theme from my data entry form

33 MY END RESULTS: I had to repeat this again using different fields to create 3 different types of Reports. Each stuck to the same theme, which follows form my Data Entry Form.

34 I realised that I was missing the coding needed for them to understand what data they are imputing so on each Data Entry Form I included the table with all of the codes. And changed the layout very slightly so that it could fit in better.

35 After receiving feedback, I realised that I needed to change the layout of my reports and also delete unnecessary fields.


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