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Kendele Moore October 12 th, 2011 * Name: Kendele Moore * Birthday: January 28 th, 1992 * Hometown: Lenoir, NC * Age: 19 * Pets: Zero.

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Presentation on theme: "Kendele Moore October 12 th, 2011 * Name: Kendele Moore * Birthday: January 28 th, 1992 * Hometown: Lenoir, NC * Age: 19 * Pets: Zero."— Presentation transcript:


2 Kendele Moore October 12 th, 2011

3 * Name: Kendele Moore * Birthday: January 28 th, 1992 * Hometown: Lenoir, NC * Age: 19 * Pets: Zero

4 Myself, My Sister Erica, My Mom Jennifer, and My Dad Keith

5 Graduated Valedictorian from West Caldwell High School in 2010 Currently at Campbell University as a NC Teaching Fellow Pursuing a B.A in History Plans to pursue a masters and possibly a doctorate in the future

6 * Pinterest-It is the only way to waste hours of your life * Reading-The books are always so much better than the movies * Shopping * Couponing and Signing up for Free Samples- why pay for, what you can get for free! * Cooking and Baking

7 * My favorite meat is Ostrich  Trust me it is good  Don’t Judge * I’m the youngest of two  And I love it * I have never had a pet dog  Only Cats, but I loved them both dearly * Disney World was the worst vacation I ever went on  My Parents knew I was scared of dress-up characters * I was bald till the age of three * I have broken both pinky toes * I am terrified of frogs * I hate metal silverware * I am a Black History Quiz bowl Champion * I drove through a tornado  Unknowingly of course

8 According to my friends, this clip is me in a nutshell!

9 On average 13 people die a year from vending machines falling on them!

10 “Everyday holds the possibility of a miracle” “She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future” –Proverbs 31:25 It's better to break a mans leg than to break his heart. --The Movie Sea Biscuit Some people go their entire lives missing the small miracles that happen throughout the day--- those small blessings God sends from heaven to make us smile, laugh, or to break our hearts, and gently nudge us closer to His side. -The Christmas Shoes(the book)

11 My apartment-mates Stephanie (R) Brooke (L)

12 From Left to Right: Myself, Julie, Jonathan, James, Stephanie, Brooke, Rebecca, and Macy

13 From Left to Right: Meredith, Myself, and Lindsay

14 * I Expect you to be positive about yourself, others, and this class * I expect you to be honest with me at all times * I expect you to come prepared to class * I expect you to do what you are asked * I expect you to ask questions and come to me for help when you do not understand something

15 * I promise to be positive and enthusiastic * I promise to be honest with you * I promise to teach you to the very best of my ability * I promise to come to class prepared to teach you, and to make it as fun and interesting as possible * I promise to always help you when you ask, and if I cannot help you, I will find someone who can.


17 * mismatched-socks- small.jpg&w=366&h=324&ei=FjaYTvWmLtK2tgfXnpXwAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1093&vpy=623&dur=1697&hovh=211&hovw=239&tx=144&ty=88&s ig=106367020634349851959&page=2&tbnh=111&tbnw=125&start=65&ndsp=81&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:65 * Photos from personal library * * * = if&w=264&h=264&ei=Fs6dTtWGPMmQiQLm- eXUCQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=329&sig=110704592440735154605&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=116&tbnw=116&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0&tx=4 4&ty=43 * SgXAP3DPAXXAP3DPAX%26photoIndex%3D4&docid=5XtdPN2GzYapRM&imgurl= mpbell_University5.jpg&w=200&h=200&ei=UM6dTpvjJerTiALBuoDVCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=954&vpy=301&dur=25&hovh=160&hovw=160&tx=112 &ty=139&sig=110704592440735154605&page=1&tbnh=159&tbnw=148&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0 * ttp:// big/&docid=EkfcHYcZ5FGsEM&imgurl= %252520.jpg%253F__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION%253D1299722590040&w=637&h=419&ei=UM6dTpvjJerTiALBuoDVCQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=427 &sig=110704592440735154605&page=18&tbnh=145&tbnw=220&start=182&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:182&tx=154&ty=26 * * * 72_o.jpg&w=512&h=512&ei=SM- dTuvBOYriiAKL5cj5CQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=395&sig=110704592440735154605&page=1&tbnh=115&tbnw=115&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:4,s :0&tx=108&ty=43

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