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Takin Care of Business Emma Duncan Brampton Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Takin Care of Business Emma Duncan Brampton Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Takin Care of Business Emma Duncan Brampton Library

2 Overview Introduction Introduction 5 Ps of Marketing 5 Ps of Marketing Plan Plan Product Product Price Price Place Place Promotion Promotion Q&A Q&A

3 Introduction Brampton Librarys Strategic Plan Connecting Community Brampton Librarys Strategic Plan Connecting Community The Public Library will contribute to Brampton's prosperity by working with all sectors of our diverse and growing community to anticipate and respond to informational, educational, cultural and recreational needs. The Public Library will contribute to Brampton's prosperity by working with all sectors of our diverse and growing community to anticipate and respond to informational, educational, cultural and recreational needs. Brampton Business community Brampton Business community

4 Source:

5 5 Ps of Marketing Plan Plan Acquire support of library management Acquire support of library management Know your business community Know your business community Number of businesses Number of businesses Average size of businesses Average size of businesses Major industries Major industries Key business organizations Key business organizations Assess your existing collections Assess your existing collections Assess your existing services Assess your existing services Are your staff ready? Are your staff ready?

6 5 Ps of Marketing Product (and services) Product (and services) Knowledgeable staff Knowledgeable staff Business programs Business programs Print collections Print collections Library Catalogue Library Catalogue Electronic collections Electronic collections Databases Databases E-books E-books Web site links Web site links Virtual reference service Virtual reference service Online Business Book club Online Business Book club Job search assistance Job search assistance Room rentals Room rentals Library cards Library cards

7 5 Ps of Marketing Price Price FREE! FREE! Extended hours (evenings & weekends) Extended hours (evenings & weekends) 24/7 Access online 24/7 Access online

8 5 Ps of Marketing Place Place Library Library Internet Internet Out in the community Out in the community


10 5 Ps of Marketing Build it and they will come… NO!!!!

11 5 Ps of Marketing Promotion Promotion Library newsletter Library newsletter Business brochure Business brochure E-Newsletter E-Newsletter Small Business Month (October) Small Business Month (October) Host networking events Host networking events Write articles for local business publications Write articles for local business publications Serve on committee at Chamber of Commerce Serve on committee at Chamber of Commerce Network! Network! Network!



14 Thank You! Questions?

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