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Erosion Case studies 4-17-14 Do Now Erosion: Case Studies Key Question: What is erosion, and what are some examples? Initial Thoughts: 4 minutes.

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2 Erosion Case studies

3 4-17-14 Do Now Erosion: Case Studies Key Question: What is erosion, and what are some examples? Initial Thoughts: 4 minutes

4 Shape it Up! Go the following website called Shape it Up: You can find this link on my SWIFT site Take 5 minutes to try to solve all the puzzles

5 Erosion Which of the game’s four earth-shaping forces (wind, water, glacial and volcanic activity) is NOT a force of erosion? Volcanic activity is Not erosion – it’s a building up process Erosion describes the process by which small particles of rock (or sediment) are washed, blown, or scraped away, wearing down the surface of the earth

6 Evidence 1: Erosion Paste in the “EROSION” student organizer Go to my links page and click on EROSION / Each of the 7 slides corresponds to a question on your organizer.

7 Hawaiian Coastal Cliffs Focus Q: What is causing the Coastal erosion? Watch the 2 clips and answer the questions. http://www.pbs.`org/wnet/nature/lessons/br eaking-it-down/video-segments/1702/http://www.pbs.`org/wnet/nature/lessons/br eaking-it-down/video-segments/1702/

8 Oso Landslide


10 Go to programs, and open Google Earth Follow the Google Earth instructions at your table. Record your observations in your journal.

11 Analysis Questions 1.What are some causes of erosion? 2.What’s the difference between weathering and erosion? 3.What are some types of erosion management (ways to stop erosion from impacting humans) that you can think of or have seen?

12 Summary What did you think about erosion before this lesson? What did you learn about erosion from this lesson? (Minimum of 3 sentences!!!) What are some further thoughts or questions you have about erosion?

13 Reflection Write a letter to Washington State Governor Inslee explaining about what you discovered about erosion and the Oso Landslide, and suggest what might occur in the future to prevent such slides and to prevent the loss of lives.

14 Big Idea Erosion is the movement of weathered material, and can have a big impact on the landscape and humans.

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